CS4 Flash Projector File And AuthentiCode (Signature)
Aug 26, 2009
I have a flash projector file (.exe) that I need to add Code Signing to it so it does not say 'Unknown Publisher' in Vista. I read that for CS3 there is no authenticode signing. Was this added in CS4? I just want to check before I go ahead and purchase a 3rd party app like Juggler. Any software to add authenticode signature to a CS4 flash projector file? Jugglor is pretty old (2007) and I would like to know if there are more recent apps to package and sign projector files.
It is not listed in File Signatures Table nor could I find it in Adobe specs. Or am I misunderstanding something here? The purpose is to verify an uploaded file.
My friend is making a new signature for use on her forum and she wanted to embed an animated .gif file into her signature. She has no idea how to do this but it sounded to me like something that could be done fairly easily with flash and Actionscript. Personally, I have not used Actionscript in any of my projects since I bought CS3. Mostly I've just been too lazy to learn the differences between Actionscript 2.0 and 3.0, I know it uses a bit different of a syntax.
- I create a new fla file in Flash CS5 Professional,- I go to publish settings and select AIR2 as the target- I click the Settings button on the rightThese settings are supposed to be saved with the fla file, since all of them are related to the project.Application name, icons, files to include, etc, are all preferences related to the fla file of which you are editing the settings.However, when you go to the "Signature" tab and select a digital certificate to sign the air application with, this setting will NOT be saved into the file.Instead, whenever you publish ANY air application, it will use by default the lastcertificate you have used, even if you used it to publish _another_ application.That is absurd, because this is a tab within the "publish settings" and all publish settings are specific to a fla file.
how to open pdf, swf file in flash 8 projector? i am using exec command which was used earlier in flash 8 but its only working for exe files after keeping the files in folder named fscommand....
I am creating a Flash projector to work on a CD for a client to distribute. There has to be a listing of their PDF's in the flash program, that when clicked, will open the actual PDF in a separate window. I found one comment in this site to use "GetURL", but found out it is ONLY for HTML. There was mention of setting up the FSCommand to open another application, such as a PDF file, but how? I have the files in the same directory and tried putting the file name in the "GetURL" (the PDF file), but just freezes when trying to open. Also, is there a way they can drag and drop the PDF files to the desktop, that has the listings of the PDF's and save to the hard drive?
im using Flash CS4 slide presentation to make a education CD. In the end of the slides i want to open a pdf file.How can i do it? Is it a east way to do it? I publish the project as a projector file. I tested to use GetURL but the file wont open. I have the pdf-filein the same folder as the projector exe-file.
I have a Flash projector file which I would like to edit with Resource Hacker. I would simply like to change a few of the menu bar items (see below): Does anyone know if this is legal and will not hinder my ability to freely redistribute the file?
I have some problem opening a words document via flash projector.Here the code i use
on (release) { getURL("doc/unit1/LP.doc", "_blank"); }
It WORKS prefectly on my computer. Opening up the doc file in words and in the foreground.But i recieve feedback that sometime it doesn't open up in the foreground, and sometime, it open up in Internet explorer instead.
Here is the exact error I receive: Error creating Flash projector file. Be sure that Flash is installed correctly and that the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive.I am able to produce an exe but not the app.
I have:
Flash Player 10 debugger version Mac OSX Flash CS3
I am trying to make a flash player 10.1 projector file (both .app and .exe) and I am having some issues when I go fullscreen.This was originally a web project, and everything works okay online (or even locally when I click on my .html file). However when I make an .app projector file, and play it, some (not all) of my buttons stop working on fullscreen mode).I seem to be having problems with any buttons that have an alpha Tween (I am using TweenLite/TweenMax) applied to them on the MOUSE_OVER event.Buttons with Blur tweens work in both fullscreen and normal screen mode.
Client is stating that a Flash Projector file (.exe for PC) isn't digitally signed. First time I have come across this and wonder if it's really required, why it would be and can it be done?
I have a swf that plays in the browser and I would like to give the user an option to open the swf into a stand alone player. The best way I see to do this is to export the swf as a projector file but I can't figure out how to pass any params (flashvars) to the exe file.
I am trying to create .txt file dynamically from a Flash projector exe on to the local system for a game, Wherein the score and the players name should be stored.I have tried using the Loadvariable POST method to no avail. CAn anyone please help me through with this problem.
I'm currently trying to get an AS3 based flash file to run full screen in a windows projector, but no matter what I try codewise I cannot get the function correctly working,I've tried
which works, but I'm also told to avoid it, as it's buggy : - I also tried
I'm making a Flash projector which will be distributed on CD. I want to allow people to copy files off of the CD. Is this possible? Should I be using FileReference?
Had a problem stretching the flash file to fill the screen in a projector movie. It is not made in proportion with the standard screen sizes. Is there a quicky way of doing this, without having to go into each element and resizing it. Its a huge file with a lot of cross referencing happening, and _root is used liberally everywhere.
I would like to create a simple form inside my flash site where the visitors can write their name and a comment about the site which would then stay visible in the page (possibly inside a scrollpane).
I've recently began learning flash after extensive training with photoshop. Anyway, I have created a forum signature, in photoshop. I want to add a small background video into it using flash. I was wondering how I can insert a video into an image in flash. If this is even possible.
I have this project where a user draws dynamically her signature with the mouse on an area and then, on another frame and after the signature is drawn, he can changes the color of the signature by clicking some buttons, each with a different color.I'm using this to capture the signature to another frame:
The Button that triggers the capture event:
//targetMC is an MC to where the signature will be copied
function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent):void{ capture(drawingBoard_mc, _targetMC);[code]........
My problem is the _targetMC and the signature child all change color, and i just want the child/signature..I'm using var myMC:DisplayObject = DisplayObject(_targetMC.getChildByName("signature") as DisplayObject); to access the signature child, but the container mc (_targetMC) also changes color... What i'm i doing wrong?
Is there a really simple way of creating a Flash time/date signature? I did a couple videos in sort of a surveilance camera style. So I was hoping to do an overlay with the date and have the time going up in seconds.
I can think of some tedious long ways of doing it, just wondering if there's an easy way to do it in AS3
I using the news ticker example to create a flash sig for my blog of highlighted posts. The question is there anyway of creating an automatic xml updater? So that all I would have to do is place some sort of "highlighter" tag in a post, then the xml file would be updated, thus a new link appear in the news ticker? I guess if I some how had rss for a tag, that then the xml was read into the flash file.
I have two seperate machines I work on. Is it possible to have a true fullscreen? It was possible in as2, but all examples I've seen on this forum haven't worked. I will not be using an accompanying html file, I will be publishing to exe.
I have this project that requires opening pdf's in acrobat reader that needs to be burned on a CD ROM as a self contained EXE. So I am designing this in flash with buttons that will open pdf's, then I'm exporting this as a swf and importing that into Director and then exporting it as an exe. Why you ask... it seems when I export the flash file as an exe, it needs flash player installed to open the exe. This project needs to be burned on a cd rom and as a stand alone player that will open pdf's in reader.
So my question; Is there an easier way to do this? and How? 2nd, what is the code to open a pdf file from a flash swf/projector in (A.) Acrobat reader or (B.) explorer.
If someone opens up a projector file on a cd, and I have a website open up on a click for example, can this work? Does it open in their default browser?
I'm building a standalone projector which will be run locally without an internet connection. is it possible to be able to write variables to a text file on the computer?
I have been asking a fair number of questions here recently and have been very pleased with the responses, so here is one more for you. Hopefully I can get another solution. :]
I have a flash project acting like a menu and being published as an .exe (projector). In this file, I have a button with the following code:button1.onRelease=function(){fscommand("exec", "openfiles.bat");}
I have an fscommand folder (in the same directory as my flash file) which contains the openfiles.bat, with one line: start myfile.txt
myfile.txt is also located in the fscommand folder. When I simply click on this batch file and run it, the text file opens as it should. However, when I click the button in my flash file, a command prompt window flashes too quickly to see with some sort of error message. It says something about not finding a certain directory and defaulting to the windows directory. I'm assuming it cannot find either my batch file or my text file. I am under the impression that as long as everything is in the fscommand folder it should work properly.