Calling A Style From An XML Through Flash
May 20, 2009
I want my Flash button to call a URL from an XML that then opens up a AJAX window (like lightbox or multibox) over the page.So the user clicks on Flash and a AJAX pop up appears.I've set up the popups, I'm using facebox (which is really nice).They way the do this is by creating an ID DIV like below:[code]now I have a Flash that can call to XML and get a URL...The problem is when I put "#world1div" in the url portion of the XML, it doesn't work.How do I call this ID from XML?
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var text_tf : TLFTextField;
var url : String = "";
text_tf.htmlText = "<a href='http://" + url + "' target='_blank'>"+url+"</a>";
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text_tf.textFlow.linkNormalFormat = { color:0x00ffFF, textDecoration:TextDecoration.NONE };
text_tf.textFlow.linkHoverFormat = { color:0x00ffFF, textDecoration:TextDecoration.NONE };
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[URL]..The first menu on the page is a good example of what I'm asking about.One major addition to this style/functionality... each link needs to be added via XML (for flash vars) and it needs a scroll bar for when the amount of links exceed the height of the content container or movie clip.So it needs the style elements as you see in the link and a scrollbar for dynamic content.
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Sep 24, 2010
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4. Click OK.
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Sep 26, 2011
I'm attempting to connect to an existing Comet-style long-poll service using an AIR app. The service expects a client to make a GET request with a Connection: Keep-Alive header. This request will remain open for long periods of time so that the server can push data through. In my app, the connection is terminated with an IOError after 30 seconds.
Is this an undocumented limitation of URLStream? A restriction on adl (I've only been running my app through adl)?
The server does not send any "keep-alive" messages to the client but, unfortunately this is not something i have control over.
To test this, I've set up a stripped-down version using a little php script (linked by leggetter below) and am hitting it from a simple AIR app. I'm finding that my connections are closed after 30 seconds whether I use URLStream or URLLoader. the PHP:
If i adjust the initial sleep time in the php script to anything over 30 seconds, the IOError event is triggered. If I lower the sleep time, but the request continues adding data past 30 seconds, the onComplete event is called, but is empty.
The only way this process completely successfully is if the entire thing is over before 30 seconds elapses.
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Jan 27, 2012
Is there a way to test whether a device supports Flash, similar to the way [url]... can feature-detect browsers and add a class to the body?
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Jan 31, 2012
Was hoping to get some advice here. Having trouble with what would seem to be a basic navigational system for an iPad presentation. I have, for this example, 5 pages in my library which I've added into an array.The effect I'm aiming for, when the user swipes to go to the next page, it should:
- Add the next page to stage using addChild (out of view)
- Tween the current page out of view, tween the next page into view
- Remove the old page using removeChild.
The reasoning for this is I will have a large amount of pages with heavy animation and I'm trying to avoid having them all present on stage at once to prevent a drop in FPS.
Here is my code so far. I've tried a few things such as trying to re-set currentPage with the array but have had no luck. Been pulling my hair out for a few hours now!
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Oct 18, 2006
I recently had a flash project that required me to get query string variables and found it cumbersome, however i found a query string class here on the forums originally created by MichaelxxOA over at [URL] I reqrote it and structured it to act like Request.QueryString() familiar to those that have worked with asp and aspx.
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Feb 27, 2008
and want to turn it into a photo slideshow menu, I have manage to change the icons to my images and edit the buttons up/down states etc, but can't figure out how to get it to display the corresponding picture when the icon is clicked on?I want a larger version of the picture used as the icon to appear above the menu when clicked on or maybe just on a roll over?
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