Can't Compile With Any Layers Hidden On Timeline?
Jul 23, 2009
Running CS4 I have a .fla that was compiling fine yesterday. Today I made some slight additions and it wouldn't compile, giving errors saying that various things were undefined I was starting to go nuts until finally I made all layers in the timeline visible and compiled again. Now it compiles fineJust in case it was something Flash itself I created a new file, hid some layers and compiled and it was fine. So it's not the application, just this particular file.
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Feb 28, 2010
I have only been using FLASH CS3 for a little under a month. I have messed about with it to create some basic stuff. However recently I started on a bit of a larger project. I 'm by no means an expert in FLASH CS3 or AS3.My problem -I created a .FLA file that has seven movie clips on the main timeline, each in its own layer. These are listed below in the order they appear within the main time line.
layer ------------ movie clip
ON -------------- on_mc
RIM ------------- rim_mc
NAV-------------- coverbase_mc
PLAYER---------- player_mc
MAIN------------- main_mc
NAMEBOX------- shellname_mc
BASE------------ Base_mc
The art work for these was all imported from adobe photoshop. They all only have one frame on the main timeline. Each movie clip though has its own internal time line and some have further nested movie clips within them.The issue occurs within the NAV layer/coverbase_mc. I placed a movie clip(to act as a button) within coverbase_mc. This movie clip is called navbut_mc.Now, I already have a couple of similar movie clips, that act as buttons, in on_mc and rim_mc these work as I intended them to. However navbut_mc does not work at all in its current position. I get no errors at all on testing the movie but the action that I want it to do does not work even buttonmode = true; will not work on it.
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bullet_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bullet);
function bullet(event:MouseEvent) :void
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Scene 1, Layer 'actions', Frame 1, Line 11
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method play through a reference with static type Function.
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Jan 8, 2010
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Dec 8, 2009
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Apr 15, 2012
What are some of the hidden features of MXML? What existing features are not well known but very useful?MXML being used in Flex Framework became quite popular language because Flash Player is something every PC has and Flash Builder and Flash Catalist are quite popular Adobe programs.specify one feature per answer, and read all answers before posting a dupliate.It's not always a great idea to use these hidden features; often times they are surprising and confusing to others reading your code.
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Jul 18, 2010
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This is my code:
<s:HGroup verticalAlign="middle">
<s:Label text="Choose Log File"/>
<mx:ComboBox id ="logFileChooseCombo" dataProvider="{fileNameList}" width="150" color="0x000000"
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Dec 8, 2010
my css drop down menu is hidden behind a flash element I have on my site. I have tried changing the z index but still nothing. Please help.... here is the page.[URL]..
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