Flash 3.5.3 - Breaking Change On Playing Pre-recorded Files?

Feb 1, 2010

installing Adobe FMS 3.5.3 seems to completely wipe out all our interactive applications, and I wondered if anybody else had the same experience.

Back in the happy days of 3.5.2, to add a pre-recorded file to a stream, we created the stream:

this.clientPlayStream = Stream.get (slrStreamName);


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function onStreamStatus(obj) {
if (obj.code != "NetStream.Play.Stop") return;
switch (obj.code) {

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Folder structure:

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Script Breaking When Embedded In HTML / Works Great In Flash

Jun 1, 2009

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Jun 29, 2010

This slideshow used to work fine, until you install 10.1. I run it in the Flash CS4 and CS5 IDEs and it works fine. Does the Flash CS5 IDE use the 10.1 player? If not, how can I make it?

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Jun 10, 2002

Is it possible for action script to import audio files into the flash movie while the movie is playing. (Instead of manually importing a file from within the flash application) Or some way to load an audio file located at a remote url, that is not preloaded, and play it.I've searched through the action script reference guide, but have found nothing to do the job.

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Actionscript 3 :: Possible To Read (and Maybe Change) The Sources Of The Core Flash Class Files?

May 18, 2011

I would like to read the source of the flash.net.FileReference class. Is this possible?Where can I find the source files, do the come with the Adobe Flash or Flash Builder?

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Is there any point/ can you embed images into a flash file where the user can change what images are displayed?

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Feb 21, 2012

What is the right way to view .Swf files that plays .Flv videos in Android? The code that I am using right now to enable Flash support in web view is


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