Flash :: 3D Home Planner Application Versus Unity3D?

Jan 25, 2012

We have for some time been discussing internally whether Flash or Unity is the best solution for our need.
Our plan is to make a 3D home planner application that runs online. Should be similar to this[URL]. however still with the 3D view, where you are able to walk around in the house you created.
At first glance Unity seem to handle 3D best (although I have seen some amazing 3D in flash aswell) but the problem is that not many people have unity and we want to reach the largest audience.
So I guess I am asking if a project like this is even possible in flash. Current status is that we have only little knowledge of Unity and very little knowledge in flash.

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<table width="608" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F4F4F4">
<tr><td height="412">
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Aug 26, 2011

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Is there a big performance difference between connecting to the service in Flash Builder via connecting directly to the PHP file vs. connecting to a Web Service via SOAP?I would kind of like to connect to this service the same way that our clients will, to make sure things stay as uncomplicated as possible for future development, but performance is my main priority.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Form, Home Page Pops Up In New Window?

Apr 22, 2009

The form is done and works. I set it up to send an email when the "submit" button is pressed. The problem is that after the form is submitted the home page pops up in a new window. I need it to send the email without a new window popping up. Here is the code.

var address:String = "/gdform.php";
var url:URLRequest;
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


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