Image - Flash: PNG In The Library Versus Loading PNGS?

Sep 16, 2011

I have a series of PNG files I need to use in a Flash project.Usually I bulk load my PNGs via an xml or json page.I'm just wondering, what is the difference between loading PNG files this way and adding a PNG to the stage via the Library (say, if you imported a PNG file to the library and then added it to the stage via Actionscript OR if you just dragged it on the stage)

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Professional :: Loading Gifs Pngs And Bmps?

Dec 22, 2010

I have been experementing the the loadmovie command in AS1

it works for JPGS

but i cant make it work for PNGs, GIFs, or BMPs
how do i load external images of these types into flash

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Image From The Library?

Apr 2, 2003

I am pretty new to Flash and am using FlashMX. My question is 'How to you dynamically extract an image from the library onto a movie clip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclips From Library Versus Complete Dynamic Creation?

Jun 6, 2011

Does anyone know if there is a serious performance increase if I were to instantiate say, 4000 objects from the library instead of creating them purely in a class?Also I know very little about garbage collection and testing performance

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Image From Library In Existing Clip?

Nov 27, 2009

I have an existing MovieClip called mc1 on the Stage. That MovieClip has 2 keyframes, the first one has an image in it, and the second one is an empty keyframe.

After compiling, I want to load an image (image1) from the library into the the firstkeyframe, and replace the existing image.

I know I need to right click on the image in the library, export it, give it a class name, and I need to assign an url to it which would be 'image1' in this case.I was thinking of this, but I cannot get the url right, and I dont know how to refer to the firstkeyframe after I've loaded it..

var Imagecontainer:Loader = new Loader();
var image:URLRequest = new URLRequest('image1');

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading RSS Versus ATOM As XML?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm trying to load YouTube playlist feed data and I'm having some trouble with the ATOM version, which is the YT default. I'm having no problems with the RSS version, but the RSS takes a few minutes longer to update when making changes to a playlist. I can load both and toXMLString(); both feeds but I'm getting an error when I try and parse the ATOM feed.So if the ATOM feed looks like this:

HTML Code:
<feed ... >

Shouldn't I be able to get the following trace to work after the completed load where playlistXML is my new XML for the feed:


I'm getting a "TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties." when I try and output that title data.And the RSS is like this:

HTML Code:
<rss ... >


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Actionscript 3 :: Embed Versus Dynamically Loading Sounds?

Jun 4, 2011

It's got 5 tabs, and will give the user the options to play about 10 sounds per tab.I have initially been loading the sounds on runtime, so whenever the user clicked a button to play that sound, I would do something like:

var sound:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("assets/hello.mp3"));;

I'm not sure, but I don't think this is very good, since I would be loading that sound over and over again if the user pressed the button too many times.

I then thought about embedding the sound in each of the views (I have one view per tab), so would embed the sounds whenever the view was loaded. I think this is a better options, but still am a bit unsure about how the embed works exactly.

[Embed('assets/hello.mp3')] private var hello_mp3:Class;

I suppose it simply embeds the mp3 files when the swf is compiled (making it bigger), but they would not be loaded anymore once the app starts, or once that view is initialized again.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Loading External Swf Files Versus Using Symbols Within The FLA?

Dec 11, 2010

I'm using a OOP model I read about called 'model-view-controller' - so I've got three main classes at work and then a few more additional classes I felt were necessary. I'm building a kind of game.I'm at the stage now where most of the programming is done. The game essentially works. Now all I gotta do is add the visual stuff - the animation and graphics. I asked myself if to draw up all the graphics as separate external swf files which would be loaded into the game via my View class; or would a better method be just doing all the graphics and animation directly inside the fla file, storing all MovieClips and Buttons, etc. as symbols in the library (exported for ActionScript 3.0).

I'm curious to know if this is an issue of mere personal preference, or if there are pros and cons for each method of work - external swf files loading into Flash vs. storing the graphics as symbols in the fla. file library.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Pngs And External Text With Html?

Jul 19, 2009

I want to load external png's through this code:

(for this code, check the mcBandPreloader in de .fla file)

var imageLoader:Loader;
var RespJpeg:String = "images/arch1Proj.jpg"
function loadImage(url:String):void {


Here the problem is that I can't type html in my external txt file. (I did checked the html button in Dynamic Text Properties. What am I doing wrong here?

.fla can be downloaded at [URL]

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Media Server :: 2.0.5 - Video Image Quality Versus Bandwidth?

Jul 8, 2009

Does anyone know if Flash Media Server can be configured to reduce the image quality of a publish stream if available bandwidth goes down or there are delays in the connection?
When I (locally) play back videos recorded on poorer/intermittent connections, video frames are dropped, so the image freezes up.

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Does Flash Support Pngs

Oct 28, 2009

I keep trying to place some pngs in an XML file inside flash. The jpgs work fine but when it gets to the pngs nothing shows up. Do you need to have a special Action Script?

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Importing PNGs In Flash 8?

Aug 29, 2009

I've been trying to import 258 PNGs into Flash.  It gets up to around 200, +/- 1-2, and anything after that has "Bitmap not loaded" were the thumnail image should be in the library.
My computer is running 64 bit Vista with 4gb of ram.

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Flash 9 :: PNGs Not Rendering As Transparent?

Sep 3, 2008

Has anyone ever encountered this weird, unique error I am gettingWhen I export my program to a SWF all the imported PNGs with alpha transparency (ie; soft edges) render totally wrong - no transparency, very blocky and pixelated. See the attached image for an example;this is out of the blue. Has exported fine recently.

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Flash - Getting Transparent Background PNGs From SWF Animation?

Jul 26, 2011

I have an artist I'm paying to do animation art for me. I need PNGs for each frame in the animation but she is most comfortable doing her animations in Flash. It sounds like getting the frames for me will be difficult for her. She was able to do the still art we needed and give us that as a frame, but for some reason the animation is different? Keep in mind we need PNGs with full transparency support in the background. We can't be clipping these frames out by hand.

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Actionscript :: Printing Transparency Pngs With Printjob (Flash)

Dec 2, 2010

I am trying to print a movieclip with printjob in flash. This movieclip contains two layers: one with a PNG image with transparency and one below with a jpg image. The problem is that the transparency of the png is not respected so the jpg image does not appear. The code i'm using is real simple: var my_pj:PrintJob = new PrintJob();


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Flash Library Image Get Blur

Jan 4, 2011

My image is a 72 dpi png file with sharpen effect , when i use [Import to stage], the image imported in the library get blurred( eye-realizable), but the image on the stage keep original quality(not blurred).I have try change library item properties ( lossless png..etc),import again but no thing different.

How can i make the library item have same quality as the image on the stage?(when i drag library item to the stage it's still blur , except the image on the stage create by [import to stage], also tried with jpeg but nothing different)

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Actionscript 3 :: Loading A Bitmap From The Flash Library?

Feb 7, 2010

I built a game that grabs a tileSheet (bitmap image) and some xml files from an outside source (not from the library). Turns out that this is a bad idea if I want to post my game on most sites. Cause majority sites only give me ability to load a single file. NOW, I need to figure an alternative. I tried doing the cross-domain thing but that is a pain cause I am running into some security issues in which I do not know how to get by. I made a seperate post for that issue, with my code in it. But now I need to know if there is some better hope.It makes sense that maybe I could load a bitmap image from the library.

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Flash :: AddChild() Getting Image From Library To The Stage?

Feb 15, 2010

I have an .fla file with 1 image in the library and 1 .as file.I have linked the image up with the Class name of libraryImages and Base class is flash.display.BitmapData.This is my AS:

package {
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;


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Library :: Render Flash (SWF) Frame As Image (PDF / PNG / JPG)

Jun 7, 2010

I would like to write a python script that takes a bunch of swf files and renders them to individual image files.Each swf file has just one frame (text, pictures etc.) and no animations at all. I have already tried the render command from the swftools toolset (The windows version), but the resolution of the resulting image is too low.So what I need is:Acommand line tool (Windows/Linux) or a python library which renders one frame from a swf to a bitmap or better to something like a PDF (It would be cool if the text data could be retained). It would be great if the target resolution/size could be set manually.

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Flash :: Add Image From Library At Specific Coordinates?

Apr 20, 2011

I have 500x500px images in my Library that I want to load to a specific set of coordinates. I've found various hints on how to insert images programatically, but none state how to insert to a specific location.Currently, my code goes something like this:

var image:Bitmap;
case 4:
var chart:IF= new IF(); //Flash CS5 doesn't need the dimensions passed on
image= new Bitmap(IF);

However, this sets the default location to the upper left corner. How can I set the xy coordinates for the image to be displayed at?

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Flash :: Python - Exporting Actionscript Animation To PNGs And Transform Data?

Jan 19, 2012

We're working on a project right now where our animator is creating animations in Flash (the tool in which he's most comfortable) which we need to export for our application. He's using separate sprites (for a person, we'd use eyes, mouth, hair, feet, etc.) and transforming them appropriately. So, if his head is rocking back and forth, one frame might be normal, one might be rotated 20°, another normal, and another -20°, and so on.

What we need is to export all of the sprites used in the animation, along with the transform data for each object in each frame. Unfortunately, the animation is being done in Actionscript, which complicates things somewhat, and because we're using sprite components that we use in multiple places, we want each component of the animation exported separately. As long as we can get it into some kind of more easily parse-able format, we should be fine, but we're not familiar enough with Flash, in a technical sense, to know where to start looking. Solutions in Python would be preferred, since that's the language we're all working in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Solid Backgrounds Showing Up Behing Transparent PNGs In Flash?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm having an issue with solid backgrounds showing up behing transparent PNGs in Flash. I know this isn't a lot to go on, but I have no idea what is going on here, My client sent me the attached image.. This is what they are seeing (the green box behind the top of the vehicle). I am not seeing this. Apparently this box, and other similar boxes show up during image transitions.

I am using Tweens to fade between different models and colors of the vehicle. I was originally using Caurina/Tweener, and experienced similar issues myself, but since switched to using the built in tween class, and am not seeing any problems anymore, but apparently my client is.You should be able to see the attached image. You can also view the demo link, to see if you see any issues yourself with the PNGs fading in and out....(you'll have to sit through the intro, then click EXPAND on the final frame)

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Flash :: Get The Maximum Width & Height Size Image When Loading Several Images Before Loading Them Completely?

Mar 23, 2011

I am loading images of different size and then images are scaled and border is drawn for each image as shown in below link,[URL]... I want that border of images to be of the same width and height and for that I need to find out the max width and height size image before loading all the images. Is there any way that I can know the width and height of an image before loading it completely?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Garbage Collection For MP3 Loading Library?

Jul 8, 2011

I am creating an CS5 flash application that is based largely on a library for loading MP3 files located on a user's computer using file references.

The issue I am having is that each time a new song is loaded, most of the memory is garbage collected but a small amount remains. In most cases this would be fairly unimportant, but the purpose of the application involves the user selecting a large number of mp3 files.

I am a bit new to AS3 and OOP, but I have come to the conclusion that the memory leak is within the library classes. I have tested the library using the smallest amount of my own code I could, and the problem remains. I did make minor changes to one of the library files, but as far as I can tell it is not the cause.Here is a link to the library, the actual download link is the "" link part way down the page:[URL] Here is the code I have for the main .as file:

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;


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Flash CS4 Loader Class: Image Loads Initially But Error Returned When Loading New Image

Mar 22, 2011

[code]This script is for a loader image gallery in flash, as part of a class assignment. What happens is that in flash, when I open the swf file, the initial image (images/nair_evanescentautumn.png) will load fine. However, clicking on any thumbnail image (including the exact same images/nair_evanescentautumn.png), will result in an error saying the file cannot be found.I cannot figure out why it is doing this... I've tested it over. Clicking each thumbnail does go to the correct position in the two separate functions. All said full-size image links are in the folder images/, and replacing the initial loader image will load the other images in place of the default one. However, clicking on any thumbnail still results in URL not found, even though everything works correctly.[code]Before anyone asks why I'm putting this kind of content into a flash site, I'm not--this is only for a class assignment. I'm just trying to figure out why my images aren't loading right when I'm only doing the exact same thing in the functions as I am on the other pages.Of note, commissions.swf has the exact same feature, just with swf files loaded instead, and it works perfectly fine. home, traditional, digital, and photography all have the image gallery, and all have the same issue (I only referenced one page because if I can fix one page I should be able to fix all of them).As for the artworks, they are all my fiance's. The website design was built for her, and I used the website design for this project because I didn't want to have to build an entirely new interface design. Since the project also required a gallery, I felt that this interface would work just fine.

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Flash :: Create Dynamic Instance Of Image From Library

Oct 17, 2011

I simply want to build a slide show from 80 images in my library.So my problem is to create instance of each image(mc) from the library to the stage using a loop

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AS2 :: Flash - Load An Image From The Library To The Loader Component?

Mar 10, 2012

I need to load (dynamically) an image stored in the library of Adobe Flash to the loader component. So far, i have imported this image to the library and exported it to ActionScript under the linkage section. I have named its identifier as well.

I am using ActionScript 2.0.

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Professional :: Flash CS4 Crashes When Dragging Image From Library To Stage

Feb 8, 2010

Everytime I'm trying to drag an image from the library to the stage, the program crashes. I've been sending the crash logs to Adobe many times, but never got any solution from them.

In the log there a line that says:
<crash exception="EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" instruction="0x0c4feb66>
I'm working with 10.0.2, I thought the latest update will fix that, but it doesn't. Changing the UI from Essential to Classic doesn't help

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Actionscript 2.0 :: FLV Fps Versus Flash Fps

Jul 14, 2011

-FPS between FLV and Flash file.If I load an external FLV file (24fps) into Flash file(30fps), then the FLV file will be played by 24fps or 30fps?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash FPS Lag In MAC Versus PC?

Oct 27, 2011

I'm working on a new portfolio, full flash website for myself and so far I've been working on my Macbook Pro almost entirely. The website is somewhat heavy in graphics/animation however nothing too big, all pages are around 500kb or less. Running the website on my MAC in any browser it looks perfect, the animation runs smooth, everything goes great. However, when I try to run the same website on my PC which is pretty good, the whole website feels a little bit choppy and laggy and I'm not sure why. It feels like it chokes for 1/4th of a second every like 2-3 seconds, lower FPS basically.

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