Flash 9 :: PNGs Not Rendering As Transparent?

Sep 3, 2008

Has anyone ever encountered this weird, unique error I am gettingWhen I export my program to a SWF all the imported PNGs with alpha transparency (ie; soft edges) render totally wrong - no transparency, very blocky and pixelated. See the attached image for an example;this is out of the blue. Has exported fine recently.

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Flash - Getting Transparent Background PNGs From SWF Animation?

Jul 26, 2011

I have an artist I'm paying to do animation art for me. I need PNGs for each frame in the animation but she is most comfortable doing her animations in Flash. It sounds like getting the frames for me will be difficult for her. She was able to do the still art we needed and give us that as a frame, but for some reason the animation is different? Keep in mind we need PNGs with full transparency support in the background. We can't be clipping these frames out by hand.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Solid Backgrounds Showing Up Behing Transparent PNGs In Flash?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm having an issue with solid backgrounds showing up behing transparent PNGs in Flash. I know this isn't a lot to go on, but I have no idea what is going on here, My client sent me the attached image.. This is what they are seeing (the green box behind the top of the vehicle). I am not seeing this. Apparently this box, and other similar boxes show up during image transitions.

I am using Tweens to fade between different models and colors of the vehicle. I was originally using Caurina/Tweener, and experienced similar issues myself, but since switched to using the built in tween class, and am not seeing any problems anymore, but apparently my client is.You should be able to see the attached image. You can also view the demo link, to see if you see any issues yourself with the PNGs fading in and out....(you'll have to sit through the intro, then click EXPAND on the final frame)

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Mar 9, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Important Transparent Pngs Into My SWF?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Transparent Pngs In Movie Clips Used As Masks

Dec 3, 2009

i have a transparent (in places) png in a movieclip, can i use that png in the movie clip as a mask? i have seen lots of ways of creating compositions but i need the mask movieclip on the top to be able to mask a movieclip underneath that has lots going on animation wise? is this possible. i dont need answers i just need the right direction or a yes or no, i fail to believe i cant copy the bitmap data of a movieclip (and the transparent png images in it) and then use that as a mask

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IDE :: Drag-and-drop Recognize Transparent Areas Of External PNGs?

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Does Flash Support Pngs

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Importing PNGs In Flash 8?

Aug 29, 2009

I've been trying to import 258 PNGs into Flash.  It gets up to around 200, +/- 1-2, and anything after that has "Bitmap not loaded" were the thumnail image should be in the library.
My computer is running 64 bit Vista with 4gb of ram.

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Actionscript :: Printing Transparency Pngs With Printjob (Flash)

Dec 2, 2010

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Image - Flash: PNG In The Library Versus Loading PNGS?

Sep 16, 2011

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Flash :: Python - Exporting Actionscript Animation To PNGs And Transform Data?

Jan 19, 2012

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What we need is to export all of the sprites used in the animation, along with the transform data for each object in each frame. Unfortunately, the animation is being done in Actionscript, which complicates things somewhat, and because we're using sprite components that we use in multiple places, we want each component of the animation exported separately. As long as we can get it into some kind of more easily parse-able format, we should be fine, but we're not familiar enough with Flash, in a technical sense, to know where to start looking. Solutions in Python would be preferred, since that's the language we're all working in.

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Professional :: Transparent Background Is Not Working With Vmode Transparent?

Oct 17, 2010

I imported a video into flash and have a transparent photoshop layer to create an iPod skin. The video works fine, but I cannot get the "stage" to be transparent so that you do not see the flash background color behind the iPod skin.
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Actionscript 3 :: Draw Transparent Graphics Onto Transparent BitmapData?

Feb 5, 2012

I'm trying to draw PNGs onto BitmapData that is transparent.

I create my BitmapData like this (using ARGB for the color):

new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0x00000000);

And clean it by using the same ARGB value:

bitmapData.fillRect(bitmapData.rect, 0x00000000);

When I use copyPixels() to draw graphics onto the cleaned BitmapData, I get this result:

If I don't use ARGB for the BitmapData color, it works fine:

But I have to specify a solid fillColor, meaning I can't render what's behind the Bitmap.

How can I make my BitmapData transparent, but not have the above occur?

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Different Patches Appearing Over PNGs?

Nov 26, 2009

I'm putting together a flash animation which has 1 png file replicated quite a few times. to be more precise, a snow flake. When they build up on top of each other im getting strange blotches that should not be there.I have a feeling that because of how many times the image is replicated it is struggling (Flash, not my computer), as when there were only half of the flakes it did not do it.

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Php - PNGs Alpha Transparancy?

Apr 6, 2010

After whittling down of the options we've encountered a problem with PNG's and ActionScript 3 (AS3).

When loading a PNG 8 or PNG 32 with alpha transparancy we're getting the following error reported in Flash:-

"Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type" Now, we're dealing with some legacy images, and it appears as though this problem isn't universal - some images believed to be 32bit alpha PNG are loading. BUT, some conclusions:-

converting one image that was 32 bit alpha (NOT WORKING IN AS3) to PNG 8 index transparency DID work.
And converting that same image to PNG 8 alpha DID NOT work.


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Professional :: How To Convert .pngs To Jpeg

Jul 7, 2011

i have about 70 imgs i brought into the library in Flash CS5. Now the SWF is to big bc there all .png files, i tried to go into properties and change there .png to .jpeg but its a very looooong process, is there any way to highlight them all and either change them but updating the .pngs to .jpeg files ?

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Html :: Set Of PNGs To Run Cu3er Slides?

May 27, 2010

I'm using a set of PNGs to run my cu3er slides. They keep the transparency, until the transition and then they're boxed with a white background. Is there a way to either keep it transparent or set the background color? is the test site


<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.xml = "<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory');?>/slider/cu3er.php";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Transparent Pixels From Transparent Png?

Feb 27, 2010

I am creating a map in flash cs4 with all the countries on it. I used photoshop for creating the map and separated countries. Now I imported all pngs in Flash and I want to give Mouse CLICK event and Mouse Hover on all pngs, but as the transparent pixels are overlapping the other states, it is getting difficult. So, I converted all pngs in movieclips and now then I broke up pngs. Now I want to delete all pixels having alpha 0 using eraser tool, as per the borders. And I have to do it manually for individual countries. So is there a way to remove transparent pixels from the bitmap data?

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Rendering Flash In The Server?

Oct 26, 2009

I am trying to find a way to render a Flash object, more specifically a Open Flash Chart, in the server, and save a screenshot of it to a temp file to embed it in on a PDF report.

I've found some solutions that use Javascript to generate a temp file in the browser, and then send it to the server (like here). However I need to generate reports automatically and send them as e-mail attachments, so I cannot render it using a browser.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External SWF Runtime Linkage PNGs

Aug 11, 2008

Flash can compress .png files like Photoshop can compress .jpg files better than any other tool hands down. I have 77 .png files that are 1.8 .megs on my c: drive after I imported them and setting the file compression under the "File > Publish Settings" to 75% for jpg and published the .swf with all the .png on the stage the file size is 350K that's about 20% of the original file size of the .pngs downloaded file by file with 77 separate request.

I can create linkage in the shared .swf and test the movie with code in the shared .swf to add the movieclip holders for each:
.png to the stage but when I load the shared .swf into the main
.swf Flash acts like it can't create the classes based on the
Linkage I setup or that the MovieClip linkage doesn't exist.

I tried a test to have the shared .swf with all the .pngs and linked movieclips to add the assets to it's own stage and it works fine but that means a lot of my code and logic is included in the shared .swf that the designers need to add .pngs to. We need to have the main .swf get a handle of the linked .png assets and place them in the main .swf to load the assets to different parts of the main .swf. It's cute that the shared .swf can add the linked assets to it's own stage but not too useful.

Also the way we deploy we cannot roll out a new release/build to update the .pngs but we can upload a new .swf to the asset server so the .pngs need to be in a separate .swf. I can get the shared MovieClip to add the linked assets to it's own stage when testing and when loading my problem is the main .swf that loads the shared .swf cannot create instances of the classes that are exported for runtime sharing using linkage.

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Professional :: Loading Gifs Pngs And Bmps?

Dec 22, 2010

I have been experementing the the loadmovie command in AS1

it works for JPGS

but i cant make it work for PNGs, GIFs, or BMPs
how do i load external images of these types into flash

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Transparency Not Working On PNGs?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm currently constructing a scrollbar as part of a website using as3 and png images. I've got loaders for each image inside of an array, and when loading on each image finishes, it's added as a child to a sprite on the stage. I've got a background image with no transparency, which loads fine. On top of that, I've got the actual slider, which loads the RGB data, and appears to be using the alpha as a 1-bit mask. So anywhere that I have partial transparency, it just shows up as black, where it should be showing the background underneath. I can't find any attribute that will change the way loaded images process alpha transparency.

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Rendering Div Contents In A Flash Movie?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a webpage containing 2 DIV containers hidden using CSS. The site has a Flash Movie embedded. I want to render the content of these hidden DIV containers from within the Flash movie.I'm using CS4?  
<div id="sectionone">content</div>
<div id="sectiontwo">content</div>
hide sectionone div and sectiontwo div
Display sectionone within flash movie when requested

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Php :: Rendering Fonts From Flash To Image?

Oct 25, 2010

I am trying to render an image with text and images that are on a .swf file. What i am doing is saving all the objects and their properties in an XML and then using imagemagick to render all that. the problem i am facing is that imagemagick treats fonts very different than Flash, so i don't get a perfect copy of what i see in the flash to what i see on the rendered image.

how to match font sizes between flash an imagemagick?

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ActionScript 3 :: Stop Rendering In Flash

Apr 15, 2011

Here's my problem: I have a few display objects that are modified by a loop, and I would like flash to render exactly one frame at the end of each loop. Duration of a loop may vary unpredictably, thus a constant frame-rate won't do it.

I found a hack-ish way to render one frame at the end of each loop, using updateAfterEvent with a 0ms timer. Now I want to prevent Flash from rendering frames in the middle of the loop: this is a waste of time and ressources, and produces strange blinking effects. Setting the frame rate to 0 would be an easy solution, but stage.frameRate has a minimum value of 0.01.

Question 1: Is there a way to properly stop the standard rendering loop? A workaround will not be regarded as a valid answer, because what I'm currently doing is a pretty good workaround (1 frame every 100 seconds is bearable). Question 2: Is there a better way than updateAfterEvent to force rendering?

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Flash 9 :: HTML Rendering Of Images In TF?

Nov 20, 2008

I want to use small icons to play videos from within an HTML (CSS-styled) text field in AS3. I placed the image after the text, as you normally would. But it keeps getting bumped down to the next line. I'm worried that this is just another part of Flash's busted HTML rendering.


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RSS Reader - HTML Tag Rendering In Flash

Jan 3, 2010

I'm making a simple RSS reader in flash. I test the swf in Flash, it works perfectly. I publish the swf with html through Flash, and it works perfectly. However, when I incorporate the swf into a web site that I am currently developing, using swfobj 2.0 (dynamic) procedures (followed both by google code and lee's video tutorial on using swfobj 2.0), the html rendering does not work. I've tried copying the html code that comes from the Flash-published html, and paste that into the website I'm developing, but that straight out just doesnt work. I'm going to attach the AS3 code here. I pull the RSS xml info into flash, do a bit of string analysis to replace inactive links with active and cut out another snippet of the string, apply a style using an external css, and finally render as html.

Code: Select allvar loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("[URL]"));
var xml:XML;
function onDataComplete(e:Event):void {
xml = new XML(e.target.data);
var il:XMLList = xml.channel.item;
[Code] .....
Latest version of FF is used in both pics. Also, an image to illustrate what happens:

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