Flash 9 :: Users Seeing All Frames Without Regards To Stop();

Aug 13, 2008

I made a game with Adobe CS3 and posted it on the internet, and some users (very few, but some) have reported that the game doesn't work, it just runs through every frame without regards to stop() or anything else..

It's at 50fps, which might matter, and it's located at [URL] if you may need to take a look at it.

I just need to know if this is something that I can fix on my end, or if these people may need to update their flash player or what else it might be?

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// Reverse button //
var reverse:Boolean;
rev_btn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, down );


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May 27, 2010

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var pct_load:int = Math.round(framesLoaded/totalFrames*100);
if (pct_load == 100) {


The preloader is in the first four frames -- it's just the background photo, a graphic logo, and the loading numeral text.

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Feb 16, 2005

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop() / Stop() Fail - Sending An Event From One Of The Frames Of A Movieclip

Dec 3, 2009

I've recently had a problem in my application's flow. I was sending an event from one of the frames of a movieclip and the issue was that it was being sent over and over and over when I wanted it to be sent only once. I assumed that placing a call to stop(); at the last frame of the clip would prevent it from looping. This was not the case however. After that I tried calling gotoAndStop(0); to reset the movieclip and stop it from looping. This did not work either. Then I went through my code to make sure nothing else was causing it to play.

I solved the problem by adding an extra frame to the end of the clip and calling gotoAndStop to that frame instead of 0. I've looked around the forums and google for information on this phenomenon but have only found cryptic answers. I was wondering if someone could explain the divine purpose that drives MovieClips to play regardless of whether they are told to stop or not when they get to frame 0 or 1.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Making A MovieClip Play It's Frames, Then Stop On A Main Timeline Frame?

May 12, 2010

I am currently in the middle of making a "sniping" flash game. In the first level there are a series of moving targets which are also movie clips. Inside the movie clip there is a 7 frame animation of the target exploding. Inside that is a tween of the target moving up and down. And inside that there is a plain old button.

What I want to happen is when you click on the moving target it explodes and brings you to a new frame of the main timeline. (ex. Main Timeline frame #27) But I'm pretty sure it thinks I was to play the seven frame animation of it exploding and then go to frame 27 inside the movie clip, rather then frame 27 on the main timeline.

Here's what my AS looks like on the target (ActionScript 2.0 is what I'm using.)

on (press) {
on (release){

So how do I make it explode and then take me to frame 27 on the main timeline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Actions On Specific Frames To Make It Stop When It Reaches The Middle Of The Animation

Jun 18, 2009

basically on the stage I have my Menu movieclip which is linked to an actionscript class called Menu. Within this I have another movieclip, not linked to actionscript, just a plain old movieclip.

This movie in question is a dialog box, and contains an animation for it popping up, and then going away again. I'm trying to put actions on specific frames to make it stop when it reaches the middle of the animation, then when "ok" is pressed the animation will resume and it disappears again. However the actions on the frames don't seem to be getting executed. I tried putting "this.stop();" on the middle frame, and have since put "trace("hello?");" on all kinds of frames but it doesnt seem that the actionscript is getting called at all.

This is something for work so I don't really want to start sending the .fla file around, but instead is there anything I should know about things which could cause the frame actions to not be executed?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons On The Main Page Doesn't Goto And Stop At Other Frames In The Main Scene

Jun 14, 2010

I added a website preloader in a separate scene to the main frame of my website and scripted it to go to and Play the main scene or frame of the website when finished loading. I then put a command in the first frame of the main scene for the movie to stop (); at that point. The problem is that now the buttons on the main page don't respond to any behaviour commands to go to and stop at other frames in the main scene. I'm not sure if this is a conflict between the stop(); command in the main scene and the button behaviour command to go to and stop at another frame or an error with the way I'm identifying the scene and frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Next 5 Frames And Stop The Play Head?

Jan 6, 2011

how would you play the next 5 frames if the space bar was clicked and then stop the playhead?

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Php :: Hiding Xml From Users While Passing It Into Flash?

Oct 29, 2009

We have a little in-house LMS with courses built in Flash. Scores are updated and retrieved with POSTs to PHP scripts which query a MySQL database. All the course content and quiz questions are in xml files. Those XML files are easily accessible from a user's Temporary Internet Files (sort of SCORM style, for those familiar with it) and while you'd have to be pretty desperate to cheat at something like a Fire Safety test, it's still a vulnerability we'd like to solve.

I intend to move the quiz data (and eventually, the course content) into a MySQL database, then probably build the XML in PHP and echo that to the Flash course (as we've been doing to update and retrieve assessment scores). I think I could limit how and when the xml is displayed by passing hashes and shared secrets and whatnot between the PHP page and Flash, but this only limits outside access, and anyone viewing the course legitimately will still see the XML passed around (I think..).

Surely I'm not reinventing fire here. Is there a method or a technology in existence that allows the safe, discrete passage of xml into Flash?

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Flash :: SQLite With Actionscript (AIR) For All Users

Sep 27, 2010

I would like to save settings for an AIR application to a local SQLite database. Wherever I read, it's recommended that you use File.applicationStorageDirectory to save the database file.

My problem is that in most cases, the AIR application will be first started by an administrator that configs and setup the application (and save the settings to database) and later used by different users. And what I would like to know is if there is possible to save the database to a location that every user can load it from? As I understand it, File.applicationStorageDirectory points to the user directory? There is probably possible too make the admins set correct permissions and stuff, but I don't want to make it difficult too install...

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