Flash AS3 - MovieClips Not Loading In Numerical Sequence

Feb 23, 2011

I am loading an array of movie clips and adding them to the stage with flash as3, but the problem is that the movie clips are added to the stage as soon as they finish loading, and not in order of there position in the array, so the order on screen appears messed up. How do I ensure that they are added to the stage in the same order that their references exist in the URL?

Here is my code:
var currentLoaded:int = 0;
function loadThumbs(){
for (var i in project_array){
var thumbLoader:Loader = new Loader();

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The gallery is working well, It can load the thumbnails smoothly without returning any error. However, the thumbnails doesn't load as expected, I think because the smallest file size gets to load first. So if thumbnail[3] is the smallest, it'll attach itself to thumbnail_container[0] which it should always be thumbnail[0] to thumbnail_container[0] and so on.


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Flash Sliders To Effect Numerical Values?

Feb 11, 2011

I used to use flash years ago, and have only recently come back to it in my course in university so im very rusty.

What i am looking to do is in flash create two sliders where the user can slide along to their shoe size, and their weight, so that as they do that, the numbers in two other boxes will periodically change to help indicate what size snowboard they need to get.

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var dataObjectArray:Array [ { "uid": 5 }, { "uid": 6 .... Similar to above ... } ];
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Loading Different SWF Files In Sequence

May 25, 2011

I'm doing a presentation where it loads different swf files in sequence. I already have a holder with width = 819, height = 614. Right now, I'm loading 1024x768 swf files in it.

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loadMovie("movie1.swf", holder);
holder._width = 819;
holder._height = 614;

The swf file is loading in the correct position, but when I test play it, the first one [movie1.swf] loads and plays in it's original size [1024x768], then the following one [movie2.swf] loads and plays the way I want it [819x614]... Then when the whole movie loops again, now, the first one [movie1.swf] plays the way I want it to.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Thumbnail Loading Sequence Using XML?

Oct 29, 2010

Now I'd like to add duplicates of the thumbs so as to appear like a reflection. Created another loader and loaded each file again. (Tried "ldr2.content=ldr1.content" and many other versions of that statement to try and set the second loader's content to be the same as the first's, but could not get anything to work. So I had to resort to loading the thumbs again.)
Did that. Still so far, so good. Even used the "rotationX=180" trick you guys showed me to flip the photos. Set the ldr2's "y" to "ldr1.y - event.target.content.height" I learned from yous as well. Got that working and now have two rows of photo thumbnails. Just looking forward to applying a mask (something else you guys showed me) to make the reflection fade real nice.
HOWEVER, at run time, it loads the photos into the two rows of loaders in a different sequence. They're displayed OK, and it would work except for the fact that the second row of photos, the ones rotated 180 degrees along their X-axes - the "reflections" - are not in the same order as the first row.
how to control the order in which the XML file is loaded so that both rows of photos (thumbs, actually) match up? Do some things just load faster and appear random even though the same XML file is being used?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Sequence Of Images One After Other

Jul 23, 2010

I've got a sequence of 200 images, which are named image_1, image_2 - image_200. All in the same folder. I need to load one, then the next etc, without any human intervention (the reason is below). The following code works locally but when I upload it, it only loads the last image (image 200). I can see why - as the "for loop" is going "full speed", whilst the loading is not being allowed to complete. I need to say "only upload the next image when the current one has finished loading".

My ActionScript Code:
holder._x = 20;
holder._y = 50;
//timeline.onEnterFrame = LoadMovie;
function GetFileName(name) {
[Code] .....

My reason for this is I'd like to load them sequentially so that once one has finished loaded, load the next (the idea is to build the cache whilst the viewer reads an introduction - the trouble was the image was too large, so I've broken it into 200 tiles).

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Jul 24, 2010

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Ive attached the Fla. But all the code below:

My trouble is its going straight through the loop and not actually loading the images.

ActionScript Code:
var i:int = 0;
// create and position empty clips for images
// one for load and when the complete - load into the other


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Several External SWF In Sequence

Feb 5, 2007

I have a 'base' MC on the root. On to which I am trying to load several external .swf sequentially. (sn1.swf, sn2.swf...) I see that there is a small lag or a quick flicker when one movie ends and another loads. Is there a way to solve this so the movies load seamlessly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple External SWF Files In Sequence?

Dec 3, 2008

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I'm fairly new to AS3 but this seems like a pretty basic thing to do.

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Professional :: Loading Sequence - GotoAndPlay Scene 2 - Frame 1

Apr 5, 2011

how to code a simple load sequence scene. This is how I had it set up in AS2 -I've got two scenes, "Scene 1" and "Scene 2". I've got a 10 frame shape tween in Scene 1. On the 9th frame, I assigned actionscript that will check to see if frame 40 of Scene 2 is loaded, and if it is, gotoAndPlay Scene 2, Frame 1. Then have action in frame 10 of Scene 1 that says to gotoAndPlay scene 1 frame 1 of the current scene. This way scene 1 loops until frame 40 of scene 2 is loaded, at that point, scene 2 frame 1 plays. 

How could I set this up in AS3? Here is what I tried - I've got two scenes, "Scene 1" and "Scene 2". I've got a MC that is a simple shape tween that loops in the "Scene 1". I'm trying to assign codein "Scene 1" that will check to see if frame 40 of Scene 2 is loaded. If it is, gotoAndplay Scene 2 frame 1. If frame 40 of Scene 2 is not loaded, continure to loop the MC unitil it is. Here is the code I've got for the MC in the "Scene 1"


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Sep 8, 2011

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image 1 goes to keframe1 of holderMc_animation
and image 2 to keyframe 2 of holderMc_animation and so on...

Actionscript Code: ......
Have uploaded FLA file

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Loading Image In MovieClips

Dec 27, 2010

Not loading images in the movieclip only last image is loaded......
public function processXML(evt:Event) {
myXML = new XML(evt.target.data);
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Controlling Sub-movieclips Of A Loaded SWF From A Loading Class?

Feb 4, 2012

I have a compiled swf File (lets call it "cat.swf") that is loaded via the Loader Class of my Main movie. The cat appears without problems. But inside cat.swf there are two movieclips defined (lets call em "head" and "body"), and I have ye to find a way to get control of these from my Main movie.

When I check for numChildren of the loader Object it only gives me back one (an unnamed instance), if I cast that as a Movieclip to check for deeper children it continues all the way down like a tower of turtles.

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Flash :: Field Doesn't Accept Numerical Keyboard When One Use Upercase Keyboard?

Apr 29, 2010

When using a notebook and I have remarked that I cannot enter numerical character with shift + a letter to enter number.Is this a bug in flash ? How to circumvent this ?

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Professional :: Numerical Parameters Don't Work

May 7, 2010

I've recently downloaded the Flash CS5 and we wanted to upgrade license, but we experience VERY bad problem.Steps:

1. Create blank FLA AS 3.0 movie.
2. Add to first frame (stage), for example, TextArea component and name it "xxx".
3. Set in "Properties" window in "Component Parameters" tab:text - "hello world"maxChars - 10
4. Add script to first frame with next code:[code]

SO NUMERICAL PARAMETERS DON'T WORK! I not a new to Flash. Have worked more than 5 years with this. Also we've tested such behaviour with latest (downloaded today and yesterday) packages from OFFICIAL url...we've tested this behavoiur on different machines, with different operating systems.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Letter From The Alphabet Using A Numerical Value?

Jun 9, 2010

Can I get a letter from the alphabet using a numerical value, without assigning an array with the entire alphabet?

I seem to vaguely remember such a function, or meaby I'm imagining things...?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call A Numerical Value From A Frame To Another?

Jan 23, 2011

how can i call a numerical value from a frame to another using an input text and use that number as a value for a variable.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Inputting Numerical Values Not Working?

Sep 2, 2009

I have been using flash AS2 for about 12 months but I'm totally at a loss with something that seems totally straightforwards...How can I input only numeric data so that AS recognises it as numbers not text?in the test below the input field in _root.myNumand I'm using a button (_root.in2) to test. I've tried:

var numVar:Number = parseInt(_root.myNum);


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Apr 13, 2011

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look like...


... When it appears on screen.

Does anyone no of any as3 methods to add numerical grammar?

or do I need to write some code that splts it up as a string, gets length, does a comma insert based on that?

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Jun 3, 2011

I am using Flash 8, and are building a game. It is an RPG-style game, and many people have been asking for a save game feature.I've been sifting through tons of tutorials and none work for me. I want to save a 'level' variable so that players can come back to it later on and pick up where they left off.[URL]

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Dec 14, 2009

Datagrid column name codes.. Code:var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider(); dp.addItem({column1:"xx", column2:"xx", column3:"xx" });

works fine but if i'm gives me error..Datagrid is not supported numerical value?

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Java :: Numerical Integration Of A Function Known Only Through Data Points?

Oct 13, 2011

Is there any library or open source function that approximate the area under a line that is described by some of its values taken at irregular intervals?

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