Professional :: Numerical Parameters Don't Work

May 7, 2010

I've recently downloaded the Flash CS5 and we wanted to upgrade license, but we experience VERY bad problem.Steps:

1. Create blank FLA AS 3.0 movie.
2. Add to first frame (stage), for example, TextArea component and name it "xxx".
3. Set in "Properties" window in "Component Parameters" tab:text - "hello world"maxChars - 10
4. Add script to first frame with next code:[code]

SO NUMERICAL PARAMETERS DON'T WORK! I not a new to Flash. Have worked more than 5 years with this. Also we've tested such behaviour with latest (downloaded today and yesterday) packages from OFFICIAL url...we've tested this behavoiur on different machines, with different operating systems.

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look like...


... When it appears on screen.

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var currentLoaded:int = 0;
function loadThumbs(){
for (var i in project_array){
var thumbLoader:Loader = new Loader();

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var dataObjectArray:Array [ { "uid": 5 }, { "uid": 6 .... Similar to above ... } ];
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Apr 13, 2012

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Java :: Numerical Integration Of A Function Known Only Through Data Points?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Math - Get Values(numerical) From An Xml Files And Multiply Them

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I was wandering if I can get values(numerical) from an xml files and multiply them. Need a tutorial Something like this.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sort List Component By Numerical Values?

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how do I sort the list component by numerical values? At the moment, the sort sorts as follows 1 10 100 2 20 200 3 30 300...i want it to be 1 2 3 10 20 30 100 200 300...I am using the following code to accomplish this.[code].Is there a way I can reuse my listeners because basically the actions of the lists are the same...when you mouse over the elements I want the booths to highlight.when you click it zooms to a booth and highlights it something else...I am accomplishing this by duplicating the listeners [code]

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