Flash Button To Run JavaScript

Feb 25, 2004

I want to run JavaScript by Click on Flash Push Button

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Javascript :: Trigger Flash Button Object?

Apr 16, 2010

Is it possible to trigger for example flash uploading button via javascript?For example I have made empty image wrappers and by clicking on them, they trigger flash button to open as select window.

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Flash :: Javascript - Add A Sharethis Button To File?

Jun 7, 2010

I have been searching for this solution for some time have not found any good solid solutions. Everything I have seen is either 2 years old and does not work.

What I would like to do is use a MC in my flash file to act like a button and when clicked open the sharethis pop up to share this particular video's url. The site API docs really don't touch on Flash working with sharethis.

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JavaScript :: How To Create Flash Button In Webpage

Nov 3, 2011

I want to create a kind of "flash button" in a web page. It just like the volume controller of windows operating system. When we click the button or the bar and hold it to roll down or roll up then we can change the volume. Actually, I want to use it to control the speed of switching picture in a web page. For example, intially, the images will switch from one to the other in a default speed--image/5seconds. There is a kind of slide bar just like I described above, I can roll the button to left or right to control the speed of switching.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Triggering Javascript From Flash Button?

Aug 13, 2005

how can i make a flash button perform this action

HTML Code:
<a href="javascript: void(0);" id="_ctl0_PageContent__ctl0_UserContactLinks1_MessageFriendLink" onclick="javascript: up_launchIC( '1459674', '876700', '', 0 ); return false;">

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Javascript :: Show A Div When Someone Clicks On The Flash Button Pertaining To Certain Div?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm trying to show a div when someone clicks on the flash button pertaining to certain div. This is the javascript function I'm trying to have called:

<script type="text/javascript">
function show1() {
document.getElementById(#table1).style.display = 'block';

"#table1" is the Div ID that I'm trying to display after the person clicks a button in flash. I haven't used flash in forever and am struggling finding the answer; it used to be you could just call it by going the getURL route, but that doesn't work any longer. Does anyone know how I would call that function to show the div?

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Javascript :: Triggering A Flash Button With An Image Overlay?

Dec 23, 2011

I am using Google's Audio player to play an MP3 on a webpage. My issue is that I am overlaying an image on top of the the play/pause button. Yet when the image is clicked nothing happens. Here is the code:

<div class="center" style="width: 400px; z-index:1; visibility:hidden;">
<embed wmode="transparent" width="400" height="27"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="audioUrl=/sourcefile.mp3"


That did not work. One thing I noticed is if I have visibility:hidden; the flash player will not respoind to any clicks regardless of what is over it. With that said I attempted to overlay the image using <input> without the visibility:hidden; and it still did not work.

I need to get this fixed if at all possible. I am willing to use another flash player that is similar as long as it works correctly and will use an mp3 like above.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Button Activate Javascript Layer?

Oct 14, 2005

I have a form saved as an html page, and at the moment my contact button launches this page in a pop up.What I would like is that so when you click my contact button, it loads the pages as a layer so it fits in more with the website and loads ontop of the flash file. For an example check out www.dobi.nu - its and html website but if you go to illustrations and click and image the page loads on top as a layer, just wanna know if it can be done with flash.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling JavaScript Function From Flash Button

Sep 30, 2003

I can't get this to work. I need to call a Javascript function from a button in flash. The code is as follows:
on (release) {
getURL("javascript:nameOfMyFunction('whatever.html ')");

This is working, so I got the call right. But what I really want to do is have that url (html) to be a variable within flash.
on (release) {
This doesn't work. How do you use a flash variable as a javascript function parameter?

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Javascript :: Trigger Button Click On Uploadify Flash Object?

Jun 17, 2011

I want to be able to trigger a click on the "Upload" button in Uploadify - the reason being I'd like to be able to choose to upload a file from a dropdown menu and hence need to call "Upload" somehow using javascript - unless anyone has another clever idea?

The following DOES NOT work:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use On A Flash Button To Call Javascript In The Head Of An Html Page?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm wanting to use a button in flash to call a javascript function that resides in my main html page.I think this can be done, but I'm not sure how to do it?

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Flash :: YouTube Chromeless/JavaScript API Player Full-Screen Button?

Dec 11, 2009

I have implemented chromeless player and so far the necessary controls such as play, pause, change video, mute, unmute all appear to work fine through JavaScript. I now need to send the chromeless player to "Full Screen" mode via JavaScript.

The JavaScript API player includes the full screen button but the chromeless player does NOT; infact; the chromeless player is not supposed to contain ANY button. I therefore need to set full screen mode via JavaScript but could not find any documented method for this.


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Javascript :: Use HTML/JavaScript And Flash To Build An Desktop AIR Application And Publish It From Flash?

Feb 16, 2011

Is it possible to make desktop Air application by using HTML/JavaScript and Flash?Actually I want to make an Air app (which is for desktop) by using flash and want to use HTML , javascript and CSS as well.Is it possible ?

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Javascript :: Insert Javascript Functions To An HTML Document From The Child Flash Swf File?

Jan 29, 2012

I need to execute some javascript string code from flash swf file using actionscript 3.
I read that it could be done by passing the javascript code to the parent html document , using externalinterface.call function. Then I assume it will be faster if I can declare functions in the javascript code in the HTML document in the first use of externalinterface.call funtion ; if flash code calls the javascript code repeatedly. So let me ask you how to do that. For details , any javascript to be loaded is unknown in design time and I can not prepare a javascript file to be loaded.

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Javascript :: Passing File Paths From Flash To JavaScript For Upload?

Sep 29, 2010

Is it possible to pass file names from a running Flash application, which only purpose is to enable multiple-file-selection, to a JavaScript application which handles upload of all files to the server?I have examined various Flash upload solutions (like SWFUpload, Uploadify, etc.) and none of them meets my needs. I want an easy to implement solution (like Uploadify) which also lets me specify various parts of the HTTP request.

The reason I need this is because my upload form uses session cookies (for user authentication) and an CSRF token both passed to the server when uploading files.Is it technically possible to pass filenames (+ paths) to a JavaScript application which then handles the upload?

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Javascript 3 :: Can A JavaScript Function Detect Which Flash DOM Object Called It

May 20, 2011

Here's the challenge: I have a Flash movie which will be embedded in a page using an unknown DOM ID that I want to be able to identify/store for callback in a JS function. My ideal user flow would be: User clicks button in Flash. Flash pauses any animations / video / sounds / etc. Flash calls an injected JS function to display a page-covering overlay experience. When user closes overlay experience, a callback method on the Flash object is called. Flash resumes playback.

The problem is, when AS3 uses the ExternalInterface.call("functionName", args...) method, there doesn't seem to be a DOM event triggered, and thus it is impossible to tell which object called a JS function, so having a "registerMe()" function doesn't seem to work. Basically, the injected JS function has no way to determine which DOM object to call, because the ID of the Flash object is unknown.


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Javascript :: Flash - Call A Javascript Function From An Embedded .swf File

Apr 16, 2009

I'd like to call a javascript function from an embedded .swf file. Specifically, I'd like to call a function in one of my externally linked javascript files from within: function loadTrack(){


which is in an .as file which I assume somehow becomes the swf file. How would I go about this and 're-compile' the .as file?

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Javascript :: Cross-domain Browsing Javascript, Silverlight Flash?

Oct 2, 2011

I'm trying to write a web application that searches google and then downloads the result sites and parses them.The search has to be done on the client side. Without implementing a server side proxy.Can this be done using javascript/sliverlight/flash?

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Actionscript 3 :: Javascript: Calling JavaScript Function From Flash (swfObject)?

Feb 29, 2012

let suppose i have a object named "data" which has a callBack function named "closeItem" which does something. So i have flash file which has a close button. on click of that i am calling this function which closes this item. So issue is? If i pass this "closeItemFunction" as global function this works fine. but if a pass this function as a "data.closeItem" this doesn;t work throwing some falsh error. so i just wanna ask that "does flash only call gobal scoped javascript function" ??

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Javascript :: Flash - Security / Protecting Code In JavaScript?

May 10, 2010

With all the recent hype about JavaScript and HTML5 replacing Flash, I wanted to know - How would it be possible to protect client-side js code? Of course, it is possible to obfuscate it, but that would only make it a little harder. Also, for games which submit high scores to the server, wouldn't it be incredibly easy to modify those scores before they are sent to the server? I know even Flash files can be decompiled, but they can be obfuscated and flash decompilation is not as easy as modifying data in JS - could be done easily using a plugin such as Firebug. I'd like to know everyone's views on this.

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Javascript :: Flash - Create Rain Effect In Javascript?

Jun 12, 2010

I need to achieve something like this for my website: Flash Rain Effect

Is that possible to do in Javascript? I want it to be just as smooth as it is in Flash.

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Javascript :: Use Javascript To Call Method Within A Flash (.swf) File?

Dec 19, 2010

I have a flash file that contains a package "game" which has a class "Scores" and a method setValue(). I want to write some lines of Javascript that allow me to call that method. Someone directed me to this tutorial, but I am still a bit confused.

Javascript: alert("start"); var so; so = document.embeds[0];
so.addParam("allowScriptAccess","always"); import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

displays an alert to tell me that it has indeed began to execute saves the embedded flash file into a variable and sets access imports that class calls the method.I am not sure about how this class thing works? This is just the bits and pieces I was able to come up with from that site, but I don't really understand how it all works (but certainly hope to eventually).This is the site: http:[url]...how-do-i-access-flash-function-using-javascript.When I execute the code with the importation nothing happens, but the alert does come up when I don't have that statement?

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Javascript :: Flash/JavaScript: Non 360 (partial) Panorama Viewer

Jan 4, 2011

I'm searching for free partial panorama viewer. It should be placed in somewhere in the page and it should be customizable (openSource?). So far i found pan0.net but it only supports 360 and i have priority for non 360...

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Javascript :: Sending An Email From The Browser With Javascript And Flash?

Aug 5, 2011

I'm wondering if its possible to do what I'm thinking, and if it is possible, does anyone know of a flash object that does what I need? I know a Flash object can provide a javascript API to interact with it, what I dont know is can Flash send an email directly without the need to talk to the webserver to do so? If thats possible would it not be possible to write a flash object that did nothing but provide an API to send emails? Has such a thing been created that is out there for others to use?

I'm looking to create a email form on a web page but the site is static (no server scripting). In my situation server scripting is not possible as there is no server, the site is 100% client side on a CD/DVD/USB Stick.

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Javascript :: Mouse Move Effects - Css Maybe Javascript Maybe Flash?

Feb 10, 2012

when I moved my mouse there was a red fluid like velvet effect that followed my mouse and slowly faded.It was really cool and would love to add it to my website.

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Professional :: Button Within Flash Movie To Use Javascript Function Outside Movie?

Jun 8, 2010

I have a Flash banner that needs to execute a Javascript function outside the movie. This is required to occur on a click of a Flash Button. How would the best way to get this done be?  What reading could I start with?

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Actionscript 3 :: Call A Flash Function From Javascript Function And Not Button

Nov 14, 2011

I'm using this code to call a actionscript 3 function through javascript


and I want to call the acrionscript 3 function from a javascript function, but not on a button action.

actionscript code:
//call to javascript
//call from javascript


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Javascript :: Looking For Wii Compatible Javascript Flash Mp3 Player?

Oct 24, 2009

I am looking for a flash mp3 player that will work within the Opera-based browser on the Wii. The player needs to be javascript enabled (support methods like play, stop etc.) The mp3 tracklist will be built dynamically using ajax on the same page as the player so it must trigger an event when a track finishes playing (or at least provide functionality of some kind to indicate that it's time to start the next track). Does anyone know of such a player?


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Javascript :: Upload Button For Multiple Files?

Aug 22, 2011

I want my file upload to be very simple, and what could be simpler than just a single button. The requirements are that you should be able to upload multiple files at once. It would definitely be an advantage if I could add file format filters as well, and design the button by myself (including the hover event).

I searched and found Plupload, which seemed to be awesome with the easy setup and functionality, but I can't quite figure out how to create my button; I've only found their Custom upload, which prints out the file names and requires at least one click on another button before it's done (and I can apparently not add any hover-attribute). I tried to edit the JavaScript to make the form be sent after all the files had been added, but failed.

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JavaScript :: Using Alert Method When Button Clicked?

Feb 13, 2012

Is it possible to use Javascript in flash. For example, as a simple test I am trying to use Javascript's alert method when a button is clicked. I am using AS3. Is it possible?

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