Javascript :: Looking For Wii Compatible Javascript Flash Mp3 Player?
Oct 24, 2009
I am looking for a flash mp3 player that will work within the Opera-based browser on the Wii. The player needs to be javascript enabled (support methods like play, stop etc.) The mp3 tracklist will be built dynamically using ajax on the same page as the player so it must trigger an event when a track finishes playing (or at least provide functionality of some kind to indicate that it's time to start the next track). Does anyone know of such a player?
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Jan 29, 2012
I need to execute some javascript string code from flash swf file using actionscript 3.
I read that it could be done by passing the javascript code to the parent html document , using function. Then I assume it will be faster if I can declare functions in the javascript code in the HTML document in the first use of funtion ; if flash code calls the javascript code repeatedly. So let me ask you how to do that. For details , any javascript to be loaded is unknown in design time and I can not prepare a javascript file to be loaded.
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May 20, 2011
Here's the challenge: I have a Flash movie which will be embedded in a page using an unknown DOM ID that I want to be able to identify/store for callback in a JS function. My ideal user flow would be: User clicks button in Flash. Flash pauses any animations / video / sounds / etc. Flash calls an injected JS function to display a page-covering overlay experience. When user closes overlay experience, a callback method on the Flash object is called. Flash resumes playback.
The problem is, when AS3 uses the"functionName", args...) method, there doesn't seem to be a DOM event triggered, and thus it is impossible to tell which object called a JS function, so having a "registerMe()" function doesn't seem to work. Basically, the injected JS function has no way to determine which DOM object to call, because the ID of the Flash object is unknown.
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Apr 16, 2009
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Jan 14, 2010
While the question may seem fairly basic I seem to be at a loss to actually find anything that fits my needs, which are:
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I need those methods: Play/Pause and Volume level
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flashMovie.volume = 10;
Where flashMovie is flash instance... And it's show NO ERROR but it's NOT WORKING
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Javascript: alert("start"); var so; so = document.embeds[0];
so.addParam("allowScriptAccess","always"); import flash.external.ExternalInterface;"setValue[2600]");
displays an alert to tell me that it has indeed began to execute saves the embedded flash file into a variable and sets access imports that class calls the method.I am not sure about how this class thing works? This is just the bits and pieces I was able to come up with from that site, but I don't really understand how it all works (but certainly hope to eventually).This is the site: http:[url] I execute the code with the importation nothing happens, but the alert does come up when I don't have that statement?
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One thing to be made perfectly clear:
What I'm looking for is simple (I thought) js automation of the client player object, not more complex interactivity with the presentation itself. I thought this would be really simple stuff, but a dozen Google and Bing searches later, I can't find anything about it.
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var flashvars=this.bootData;
var swfVersion = "";
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Dec 20, 2011
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Jul 10, 2010
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Jan 19, 2010
I am using a embeddable Flash based MP3 player (The standalone Version of Wordpress Audio Player, to be exact) to play audio on the web page of a client. Given the nature of Flash based players - AFAIK they all use Flash's audio/video decoding libraries - the exact player product might not matter, though. She complains that some specific audio files sometimes tend to play slowly, as if on a tape deck that doesn't run at full speed. Her machine is a 5 year old Sony Vaio with a 1.5 GhZ Pentium M Processor.
So it's not top of the line anymore but it should not have trouble decoding anything, let alone a MP3 audio stream. I can't verify the problem because we can't set up an audio connection (slow Internet on a remote island), nor can I reproduce it on my 3.3 GhZ dual-code Workstation, but this is a person whose error reports have seldom turned out unfounded in the past, so I tend to take them seriously. I see differences between the encodings of the MP3 files (see below). Any pointers towards which setting(s) to change?
This is what Winamp tells me about a file that is sometimes slow:
MPEG-1 Layer 3
128 Kbit, approx. 966 frames
48000Hz Stereo
CRC: Yes, Copyright: No
This is what Winamp tells me about a file that is never slow:
Encoder delay: 576, Zero Padding: 1584
MPEG-1 Layer 3
151 Kbit (VBR), 12405 Frames
44100Hz Joint Stereo
CRC: No, Copyright: No
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Oct 5, 2010
I have a flash player with an external javascript interface: reloadData() I'm calling that function via Javascript when editing information on the page - basically to keep data on the page and in the player in synch. The reloadData() function works fine when the player is hosted locally. When we move it to the CDN (Amazon Cloudfront), the player loads successfully, but the external javascript interface no longer works - console.log(player) reveals the following:
<object type=,"application/x-shockwave-flash" data="[our_cloudfront_url].swf" width="920" height="404" id="player" style="visibility:visible;">
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<an HTMLObjectElement> has no method 'reloadData'
I know there are a lot of things that behave differently when working with items on a CDN, but we're using a CNAME to point to the cloudfront distribution
( =>
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Oct 17, 2010
I have a SWF loaded via a "swfobject.embedSWF()"I use Javascript's methods to pass calls via the flash APIs:call.player.sendEvent('LOAD', theFile)Using a XMLHttpRequest() call via GET to a PHP script I get a file url:Typing the URL into my browser starts the file, but passing the variable to the sendEvent() call does nothing. Why?
var response = http.responseText;
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May 20, 2011
I want to play song on my website, any flash mp3 player which allows me to control play, pause, change song position (means backward/forward by certain limit), change volume options using javascript code.
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Jun 3, 2011
I have a flash player embedded on page x.php?user=john using swfobject. The player calls the xml file content.php to get the results. in content.php i have $_GET['user']. I'm trying to get the user name from the url id and fetch results based on that. I'm however getting a 500 error. I don't think content.php is able to access the user variable. if i just put in the username "john" instead of $_GET['user'] then it works. How can i get this to work with $_GET['user']
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Jun 9, 2011
I use flash audio player like:
and I want to use hotkeys for audio play, so I need to know html element id for play button.
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Dec 15, 2011
I need to play WAV, MP3, MP4 and SWF files using Flash Player plug-in in Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome and Safari. Please give some suggestions on this.Is there any way to play this formats using JavaScript and HTML??I tried with and tag also but, Chrome, Firefox and Safari is required Quick Time Player to play this formats. I need to use only Flash Player.
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Feb 11, 2012
I have a swc plugin embedded in my product to stream live video to a group of recipients.The plugin uses the NetStream, NetGroup and NetConnection objects, the server I use to handle the RTMFP session is Influxis.One client creates a group as a publisher, and stream a live video.His Camera is enabled and I can see the video on the screen as well. The others connect to his group and play the video.Peer assisted Networking is enabled for both the publisher and the recipients.The plugin worked well in all 10.x versions (10.1/10.2/10.3)However, when upgrading to flash player 11.x, it stopped working.
-11.x to 11.x isn't working.
-10.x with 11.x isn't working.
-only 10.x to 10.x is working.
The server I use to handle the RTMFP protocol is I sent them the same question as well.The weirdest fact is that I'm using flash builder 4.6 with 4.6 sdk, which is aimed for flash player 11.1, and it is only working with 10.x flash players.
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Dec 18, 2010
I want to build a web page with a button that when clicked opens up a javascript layer and loads a flash player inside that layer. And that layer would need a close button.
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