Flash CS4 Will NOT Open Or Will Stall Before Preview
Dec 7, 2009
When I try to open Flash, the splash screen appears and then stops. If I try several time, it may open and then most likely not at the very beginning, but at the point where I browse for the .flv file.
If i get it open, usually at the point where I browse for the .flv file, and I select a .flv file and start the process, the progam freezes at the preview point.
I have to use the processes bar in Windows Task Manager to close the program any time it freezes.
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Oct 20, 2004
I'm having some trouble with getURL (I think). It works fine when I preview with Flash's html preview but it's not working on my server. It's pretty simple. [URL].selected1 is a user-defined variable pointing to a page: ie, when the user selects variable page1 the page to be opened is [URL]. Like I said, it works with Flash's preview, but not on my server(no 404 or any response). Does there seem to be a problem with my code or might I be overlooking a server error? Here's my code:
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this doesn't work...what's wrong with it. i want to stall the timeline in an MC for 5 seconds.
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} else {
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May 3, 2010
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When I'm in flash should I be going to
File Publish or
File Export SWF
To be placed in a website.
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Here is the link to the website:[URL]
I've updated AC_RunActiveContent and downloaded a trial FlashCS5 but still no luck.
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Oct 7, 2011
Let's say I create an empty movieclip called "Test_mc", then I create an as3 class "Test_mc" like below and then I set the movieclip class to "Test_mc".
public class Test_mc extends MovieClip {
public function Test_mc() {
Now I can drag out instances of the Test_mc into the scene and get red circles when I test the movie. The problem however, is that I can't see the circles on the canvas inside the Flash IDE. Is there a way to get these actionscript generated grapics to show up?
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Feb 7, 2012
I test my flashfiles (banner ads) several times during making by pressing Ctr+Enter. The movie then opens up in the Flash Player. It would be really useful to have play/skip/forward/backward/pause/stop (just regular moviecontrollers) buttons in the player to skip straight to the right part (not as part of the file). Is there any way to add this to flash? A plugin/extension maybe?
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Aug 12, 2011
I have some 3rd party Flash SWFs on my site that are up to 100KB in size. e.g. the Flash video player "JWPlayer" SWF is 98KB.
That's fine for people with Broadband, but not so good for the slow dial up bandwidth visitors. e.g at 40 kbits/s, we're talking 20 seconds to download.
The problem is that on slow connections, all the visitors are seeing is a static white screen, and so may close the page thinking it's dead. If I right click the area where the SWF is to go, an Adobe Flash Player Object is occupying the space, but the 3rd party SWF has not finished loading in yet.
I would like the website visitors to see a loading spinner GIF or something similar.
Unfortunately, none of the 3rd party SWFs have "preloader" element. And they are not open source, so I cannot add a preloader to them.
Is there any way to display a loading image, prefereably a GIF animation, while the SWF is loading?
For example, is there any way to force the Adobe Flash Player to show an image while it is loading in the SWF?
I don't have any Flash coding skills, so a solution that doesn't include creating an extra SWF or a SWF within a SWF would, probably isn't best for me, but might be worth adding to the post in case other people have a similar problem.
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Oct 9, 2011
I am working a video in Flash CS5 that is roughly 11 minutes long.
I am at the 6 minute mark at the moment and whenever I want to preview the latest changes I click F12 to I press 'alt+enter'. The problem is I have to watch 6 minutes of the SWF to eventually get to the latest part I edited.
This is slowing me down tremendously and I would hate to still be doing this when I am 10 minutes into the video!
Is there a more efficient way to preview?
Perhaps open it in a player that has some proper controls? or even if I could select the starting point of the preview?
If I press 'enter' I see a preview but the sound file does not play so that option is out too.
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Sep 16, 2009
I need to show a thumbnail of the image from my local system. So far, I am able to achieve that using Loader class and its working fine for .jpg .gif and .png extensions. But, the same is not working for neither .bmp nor .tif files. I came to know that Loader class is not capable of doing this operation. [code]...
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Jan 8, 2012
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I am experiencing a white flash when I preview my SFW in Flash. It is a single frame project. I am have tried changing settings to no avail.
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Jul 19, 2006
I'm starting a project in Flash Player 9 preview so that I can take advantage of all the great and super thing in AS3.0 - but unfortunately there have been no components released for 3.0 that is allowed in the flash player - and in fact the components panel is disabled when writing as FLA in AS3. I need some filetree, listbox, etc components, and I really would rather not reproduce them - my question is - is there any way to take 3.0 components that have been written in flex and modify the SWC files to allow me to use them? Maybe, if they were usable, I could use import from external library to bring them into my flash 9 as 3.0 file
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Jun 7, 2004
Ive made a movie that add strings from several input text fields to an array. This array is sent from the flash video to php.[code]...
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Oct 27, 2010
I have created many flash video over the years so I definitely know how to embed an flv into flash. Also, it is very hard to screw up the import video wizard in flash so I have eliminated that as a potential problem. I haven't created a movie in quite a few months and yesterday I tried to create one. I used the wizard in flash to import the working flv and when i hit ctrl+enter to preview, a blank white screen showed up. When I right clicked, it said movie not loaded. So I tried to use AS3 and netconnection to embed the movie. When I previewed it, the same thing happened. I then went to view one of my existing swf's that did not have a video and that did not work either. I searched and found the adobe flash player security preferences and changed settings and NOW I can view swf's that do not have video. I can ALSO view old swf's that have video embedded BUT as soon as I open the original fla file and press ctrl+enter to preview, the swf's DO NOT preview anymore
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Aug 21, 2011
I have been working on an animation. I have imported my sounds to the library and streamed them live to the animation. They dont sound as good (muffled and distorted) when I publish the preview (flash or html). They sound fine within flash. When I switched the properties from "stream" to "event" it seemed to work great in the preview. I added a few more sounds and now only the first two mp3 clips sound clear and the rest now sound not so clear. They sound okay but I cant figure out why the rest sound bad? They now all have the exact same settings as the first two..
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Sep 27, 2011
Ok my Flash movie tests and runs fine on i publish preview it in Flash, but when i upload it to server it is not working like it is supposed to. is there a way to debug it or trace what is happening while it is running??
details: i have 113 Dynamic text fields names tcname_1 --> tcname_113 i have 113 buttons named button_1 --> button_113 The dynamic textboxes get their data from a file named trees1.txt
i tried changing three of the text boxes to use device fonts but that didnt make a difference
here is my AC3 code :
// button links: to all buttons to open in iframe 'tdes'
// link corrosponds to button number
// i have 113 buttons.
View 4 Replies
Sep 27, 2010
When I'm in design mode in Flash Pro, I can selectively hide layers. However, whenever I run the movie for testing the hidden layer inevitably shows up. Frustrating, as I want to be able to test several different layers and not have them all appear.
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Oct 7, 2010
I have a TileList of image thumbnails that pulls its image location and caption info from a remote XML file. when you click on a thumb it displays a larger image and changes when you click another image. it works perfectly inside Flash, but when i publish the images, xml, and swf, everything works except the thumbs do not display, and clicking an empty cell doesn't bring up the larger image. i first thought that maybe my xml file was in the wrong place, but since i am still getting 12 empty cells (12 images listed in the xml), i'm questioning whether its my xml code or my as3 code. getting no errors from flash because the entire swf functions as intended locally.
my xml file and images folder reside in the same folder as the swf on my website.
my xml code and as3 code are below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<image caption="Steve" url="images/web/DSC01921.jpg" thumburl="images/thumb/DSC01921.jpg"/>
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Jun 30, 2011
I have a flash template that I am working on, and have customized it via the XML files. It's an AS3 template. I also have a Flash poll script that I am attempting to integrate into the template. This is where it gets a bit tricky...I have decided to use a modal window (which supports swf files) to open the poll that I am using. If it were as simple as to load the swf file, I would be fine, but the poll also includes XML and PHP files, which I don't know what to do with.
The files included are: preview.swf, preview.fla, the xml file, config.php, edit.php, index.php and then "caurina" and documentation files. What I'm thinking I need to do is include the preview.swf file into my modal window, but I'm not sure what to do with the rest of these files, do they go into a new folder in the main template folder or what?
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May 25, 2009
I am using Adobe Flash CS3 and press CTRL + Enter to preview the movie , but now I Cann't do it , the movie isn't display anything ( but I can preview only one scene by press CTRL + ALT + Enter). I try to publish the movie, the error message is not display but when I test debug . Flash shows the message that "Error open file 'my flash file path'+.swf" How can I reslove this problem
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