Flash :: Display An Alert / Dialog Box In CS4?

Aug 2, 2009

I would like to have a quick message displayed on the screen for a few seconds after a user clicks a button.  I can't seem to find an Alert Box or Dialog Box option in Flash CS4.

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Javascript :: Embedded Swf And Use A Flash Alert Dialog To Confirm?

Feb 10, 2010

I have an AS2 Flash SWF that is calling another AS2 Flash File using loadMovieNum("flash.swf",2) and a JavaScript file that calls a function on page using a timer. This is what I get in Firefox with Flash 10 (IE8 gives no error message):

uncaught exception: Error calling method on NPObject! [plugin exception:

Error in Actionscript. Use a try/catch block to find error.].

What is going wrong? I can't see a problem. It is suppose to clear the contents of the embedded swf and use a Flash alert dialog to confirm Yes or No.

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import mx.controls.Alert;[code]......

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Flex :: Flash - Alert Dialog Not Showing The Text In 4?

Aug 27, 2010

I am using Flex 4 and running into some problems displaying a simple alert box. The alert box shows up, but the text seems to be the same color as the background. I know the text is there because if I mouse over in the alert box window to roughly where the text would be, I can see the cursor change. And when I double click and copy-paste into notepad, I can see the message. But the message, the button text, the message box title don't show up.The relevant code in my project is as follows

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" layout="absolute"


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Capture Alert Dialog Box Selection?

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I'm working on a project in Actionscript 3.0 in Flash Pro. I want to create a confirmation box. If I were using the Flex SDK I could do this using the Alert class in the mx.controls package. However it seems that no similar control exists in the standard Flash library, and any amount of googling just leads me to Flex references.

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Flex :: Show A Confirmation Message (not A Dialog) Without An Alert?

Mar 1, 2012

I'm working on a project for a User Interface Design class, so the emphasis is on the UI being as nice to use and non-annoying as possible. I would like to display a message to the user after they've clicked save, for example, without requiring them to click an OK button. I'm thinking of the kind of thing you see in gmail if you send a message or do some other actions, where a message appears on the screen, but the message disappears after you do something else.

I'm sure there's a way to do this in Flex (I'm using 4.6), but I just don't know what it is. I'm pretty new to Flex and I'm having trouble finding anything via Google, because the results keep showing confirmations messages in Alerts; I don't know the search terms to get the results I'm looking for.

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Flex :: Use Alert Dialog Box Instead Of Skinnable Container In Mobile Application?

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I wanna use Alert dialog box instead of skinnable container in my mobile application. I imported Alert class like:

import mx.controls.Alert;

and then I wrote the code below in my button click handler:


but when I wrote this code I got lots of errors whose codes are 1120 and 1172, e.g.,

"Access of undefined property ButtonSkin".

If I do not write this code, there is no problem. My application works fully.

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Actionscript 3 :: Display Alert Object Once Only Inheritance?

Sep 30, 2009

I am writing a simple application which communicates with web services a lot So I am listening for success and fault events very often. When service returns a fault, I show an alert to a user saying something like: "Sorry there was a problem with a service, we will try to call it later"

But there is a problem. When user didn't notice an alert, and service is still dead before the second call the alert will be shown again, and again and again (so There will be very many alert objects which is bad)

I want to make alert a kind of singleton. So I am trying to produce a class something like


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Flex :: Air - Dialog Not Display Immediately?

Sep 11, 2009

In an AIR application I have the following code:

theDialog = PopUpManager.createPopUp( this, TheDialogClass, true ) as TheDialogClass;
theDialog.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, cpuIntensiveCalc);

At the end of cpuIntensiveCalc the dialog is removed. The dialog informs the user that "something is going on, please stand by."

The problem is that cpuIntensiveCalc starts before the dialog draws. So the user experience is that the application freezes for 10 seconds with no indicator, then the modal dialog flashes quickly (less than a second) on screen.

The Adobe docs say this about creation_complete

Dispatched when the component has finished its construction, property processing, measuring, layout, and drawing.

So this feels like the correct event. In the name of completeness, I also tried

theDialog = PopUpManager.createPopUp( this, TheDialogClass, true ) as TheDialogClass;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Language Of Display For The Alert Buttons?

Nov 28, 2005

Is it possible to change the language of display for the alert buttons. i.e whether YES,NO, CANCEL can be made to be shown in some language other than english? whether it is possible to the change the button's caption of a alert window based on multilingual operation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Dialog Box After Clicking On Button?

Dec 25, 2011

Is it possible to display Dialog Box after clicking on Button in flex 4 and above version?

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Actionscript 3 :: Avoid The Display Of Multiple Alert Windows In Flex?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a timer in my application. For every 30 min, it will hit the web services and fetch the data and updates the UI. The application was working fine till yesterday. Suddenly, because of some issue, the web services were not available for some time. During that period, Application displayed the RPC Error multiple times(More than 100 alert boxes) in alert window. Because of this alert boxes, my application was hanged and i was not able to do anything.

I have tried several approaches, but nothing worked.Finally, I have tried to use a flag. In all the approaches, this looked promising. so i have implemented it.Basically, in this approach whenever we open an alert we will set a flag.While opening and closing alert we will reset this flag.

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Flex :: Server Client Communication - Display Emergency Alert Message

Oct 1, 2010

I have 12 display monitors installed in different floors in a building. These monitors display announcements that will be update once in a day. I'm retrieving these announcements from db and storing in an array and displaying it all day long. In addition to this, I have a requirement to display emergency alert messages on the monitors. My Server is a windows 2000 server. I'm using asp for creating the JSON object.

For the emergency alert I am thinking of doing this:
Create a page in asp that lets user to enter emergency msg and save to db.
Create a page in asp that will check if there an emergency msg in db and show it in a asp page in json.
Create a timer that pings this json page every 1 second. If it's available then show it.
Is there any other sophisticated method available to poll the server or to send messages from server to client?

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Apr 29, 2010

I am having an issue where I show an AlertBox message when the user hits ENTER and the focus is in a text area. The pop up works fine, but when the user hits enter the Alert closes as expected, but the TextArea listener receives the ENTER event from the Alert and pops the dialog up again. I have tried a number of ways to catch and eat the event but so far I have not been lucky. Is there way to accomplish this?

public function init():void
myTextInput.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, handleKeyStrokes);[code]....

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Show An Alert Message In Flash Cs3?

Apr 14, 2011

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on (release) {

to show an alert message just like javascript.But it is not showing anything.Can any one tell me how to show an alert message in flash cs3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alert Box Functionality In Flash?

Oct 21, 2005

i've seen this technique done a few times and for the life of me I cannot figure it out. Basically, while in FLASH customized movieclip that looks like an alert box pops up and disables the entire movie behind it with a black transparent overlay. Where have I seen this, well, Macromedia uses it all the time on their site but mainly in their cart... thus I ran accross a different site the other day that also does the same thing.[URL]..

On the following page that loads hit "I agree" at the bottom to enter the movie clip.Then once the clip loads look to the top right and choose "file" then "new" and automatically you'll see what I'm talking about for they prompt you to do something when choosing "new".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Alert Window In Flash?

Oct 28, 2010

how to create alert window in flash action script 2.0. For example : The user can't navigate the next step without completing the quiz.

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Flash :: Save A XML Without Displaying The Dialog Box?

Dec 13, 2011

I just created a xml editor in Flex that works perfectly, but i'm having trouble with save option. In fact he's saving quite well, the problem is that it is displaying a dialog box for saving the document, and i want to save and replace the file automatically when i click the save button without displaying the dialog box.

NOTE: I am using the FileReference class to use the method Save(), i read somewhere on the internet that FileStream class can be used for this, but i don't know how...

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Flash :: IDE - Skinning The Security Dialog Box

Dec 12, 2010

So, I'm pretty sure this is impossible, but is there any way to "re-skin" the box that pops up asking you if flash should be allowed access to your mic and webcam? I'd really love to make that box fit with the rest of the design of whatever I'm building.

Also, if I have several swfs that use the mic/webcam inside one larger shell swf, will the dialog box appear once for each of the sub-swfs, or just once for the large one, and those settings will be applied to all the sub-swfs?

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CS3 :: Create An Alert Of Data From Flash Input Text Box?

Sep 19, 2009

I have to creare a javascript alert that will show the value of a flash input text box when i press on the flash button next to it.

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Flash - IE Popup Alert When Using External Interface Call

May 30, 2010

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(Which will work on every browser) I get an
object doesn't support this property or method
After the alert appears. It even happens in the HTML generated by flash without me touching it...

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Flash :: CS4 Mac - File Dialog Moves Window Down

May 2, 2009

I have Flash CS4 Mac with OS X 10.5.6: I have the standard Workspace and when I select Import to import an image, the open file dialog in OS X slides down from the top of the stage and the entire Flash window that is holding my timeline and stage moves down about 100 pixels. I then import, then I click the top of the window to move it back up and it snaps back instantly as soon as I click on it before I drag it up.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Popup Dialog Class?

Apr 23, 2011

has anyone seen or done a Popup Dialog Class? creating a shadow backround and small window?

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Actionscript :: Exception That Will Not Cause Flash Player To Pop Up A Dialog?

Feb 9, 2010

Till now all the exceptions in my code will cause the host flash player to pop up a window to say there is an exception and the execution will be paused, I am wondering is there any exception/abnormal things that will be detected by flash player but not be popped up?

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Flash - Popup Dialog Box Manager Using PureMVC

Apr 22, 2010

I am developing a a game in Flash using the PureMVC framework. From time to time I need to show dialog pop-up window to get a user response back (e.g. "Cancel", "OK" and other kinds of asynchronous user feedback) while "locking" the background for interactivity.

I need some management for my pop-ups: all pop-up notifications should be stacked up, so that if two (or more) pop-up messages are initiated at the same time I show them one by one.

What's the best practice here? Should I employ a proxy to manage my pop-ups (sounds unreasonable). How do I get feedback back from my dialog? using notifications?

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Suppress Dialog Box When Downloading Files Using Flash

Mar 25, 2011

I'm trying to set up flash's FileReference class to download files from a publicly accessible web directory to a specific location on my hard drive, without having to use the browse dialogue that is automatically triggered using the download() method. Anyone know how to predefine a location for the downloaded file so I don't have to trigger the dialogue? [URL].

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Javascript :: Will Alert Show This Message In Flex Or Flash Builder?

Apr 1, 2012

I have a colleague who will be using Adobe Flex and adobe flash builder to design the application. The final application will be in that software. I am creating the database features and testing them using online browsers.What I want to know is that some alerts I am getting a 'prevent this message from multiple dialogues' message on the alert but this is because of the browsers. But if the application is on flex and flash builder (I don't know which one is where the app is stored coz I have never used it) then will that message appear on some alerts in that software or is it only on browsers?[code]

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Jul 31, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Dialog To Start Webcam In FLASH?

May 19, 2011

i have a webcam flash projector application , but whenever i start the application, it will pop out an adobe dialog asking me to accept/deny. Is it possible to remove that dialog window?? can I convent it to AIR to remove the dialog?

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