ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Language Of Display For The Alert Buttons?

Nov 28, 2005

Is it possible to change the language of display for the alert buttons. i.e whether YES,NO, CANCEL can be made to be shown in some language other than english? whether it is possible to the change the button's caption of a alert window based on multilingual operation?

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Flex :: Change Icon Of Alert Buttons?

Nov 9, 2004

How do I change the icons to Alert buttons like OK, CANCEL etc?

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Flex :: Localization - Adobe Alert Title Shows Localized Asian Language Correctly?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm creating an alert popup within an Adobe Flex 4 project using the following:'myresource', 'ErrorMessage'), resourceManager.getString('myResource', 'ErrorMessageTitle'), Alert.OK|Alert.CANCEL,this,onExitSuccess,null,Alert.CANCEL);

When my language is of Asian origin (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc) the title appears correctly on the Alert, but the message does not. I'm seeing the correct localization values EVERYWHERE ELSE in my application except the Alert popup and in one other instance on a mx:Checkbox control.

I've checked my app and the strings are being returned from the resourceManager correctly but just aren't rendering to the screen. Does anyone have any insight as to what might be causing this behavior?

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Flex :: Change Icon Of Alert Buttons Like "OK - CANCEL"?

Aug 17, 2010

How do I change the icons to Alert buttons like OK, CANCEL etc?

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Flash :: Display An Alert / Dialog Box In CS4?

Aug 2, 2009

I would like to have a quick message displayed on the screen for a few seconds after a user clicks a button.  I can't seem to find an Alert Box or Dialog Box option in Flash CS4.

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Actionscript 3 :: Display Alert Object Once Only Inheritance?

Sep 30, 2009

I am writing a simple application which communicates with web services a lot So I am listening for success and fault events very often. When service returns a fault, I show an alert to a user saying something like: "Sorry there was a problem with a service, we will try to call it later"

But there is a problem. When user didn't notice an alert, and service is still dead before the second call the alert will be shown again, and again and again (so There will be very many alert objects which is bad)

I want to make alert a kind of singleton. So I am trying to produce a class something like


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Actionscript 3 :: Avoid The Display Of Multiple Alert Windows In Flex?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a timer in my application. For every 30 min, it will hit the web services and fetch the data and updates the UI. The application was working fine till yesterday. Suddenly, because of some issue, the web services were not available for some time. During that period, Application displayed the RPC Error multiple times(More than 100 alert boxes) in alert window. Because of this alert boxes, my application was hanged and i was not able to do anything.

I have tried several approaches, but nothing worked.Finally, I have tried to use a flag. In all the approaches, this looked promising. so i have implemented it.Basically, in this approach whenever we open an alert we will set a flag.While opening and closing alert we will reset this flag.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Standalone Language Reference Display Not Working?

Oct 24, 2011

I am unable to view the majority of the downloadable standalone ActionScript 3.0 Language Reference.To replicate:

1) Download the file from [URL]

2) Expand the zip, open the resulting folder and open the index.html document in your web browser.

3) Pick any filter link you desire from the choices on this page. Notice that the package and class filters in the header continuously display "Retrieving Data from Server..."

4) Click on the Classes link in the header at the top.
Result: The class list displays only momentarily, then completely hides.
It would be great if there was a way to completely circumvent the filters. There appear to be several missing linked elements in the download, such as en_US/shared/ahpods/AHPod.js.

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Flex :: Customize The Alert Box With Two Buttons

Apr 2, 2010

I need to customize my alert box with two button and both the button need to have different skins on them. I was able to do it for one skin. But i am unable to figure out about the two skins. My code that i have right now is below:


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Flex :: Server Client Communication - Display Emergency Alert Message

Oct 1, 2010

I have 12 display monitors installed in different floors in a building. These monitors display announcements that will be update once in a day. I'm retrieving these announcements from db and storing in an array and displaying it all day long. In addition to this, I have a requirement to display emergency alert messages on the monitors. My Server is a windows 2000 server. I'm using asp for creating the JSON object.

For the emergency alert I am thinking of doing this:
Create a page in asp that lets user to enter emergency msg and save to db.
Create a page in asp that will check if there an emergency msg in db and show it in a asp page in json.
Create a timer that pings this json page every 1 second. If it's available then show it.
Is there any other sophisticated method available to poll the server or to send messages from server to client?

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Flex :: Give Setfocus To The Alert Buttons?

Aug 19, 2009

I am using Flex3.0. in this i am craeting a custom component for an Alert.and for that alert i am applying styles. but when i opening the alert through the application i want to set focus on Alert button.means when i press enter button there are two buttons in alert YES and NO.i need to focus on YES button.

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Flex :: AsyncToken For Listening To Alert Box Buttons?

Mar 24, 2012

Can I listen to Alert button click between components using AsyncToken?Basically, I want to have a method that opens an Alert with buttons and have it return an AsyncToken so that other components calling that method can listen for button click.


var token:AsyncToken=methodThatOpensAlert();
token.addResponder(new mx.rpc.Responder(buttonClick));

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Flex :: Timer - Change Text In The Alert?

Mar 23, 2012

I want to change the text in the Alert on timer tick, but nothing changes, see example below:

private var alert:Alert;
private var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000, 0);
private funtion init(){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use XML And Buttons As Language Selection?

Feb 29, 2012

I'm trying to make a multi-language website that allows the user to change language by clicking on a button (a flag representing the country/language). I have been able to achieve this using locale and a combo box so far but I'm struggling to implement it using buttons.[code]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Change The Language Of The Stage?

Nov 24, 2009

I have a new question.How do I change the language of the stage with AS 2.0?I am attaching the sample image of what I did.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Language In Flash?

Oct 1, 2009

I have one issue that i have one game in Russian language, and I want to change it in English so anyone can give me the easiest and informative solution to convert it in English.... or Can we use language interpreter in Flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Language Dynamically?

Apr 14, 2004

I�m making a full Flash site, and it would be bilingual. I m making the text parts with external xml files. And I just want that only the text change when the site user changes the language.

I�ve found a great example here [URL], but it appears that only works great in one single SWF file.

What I want is that this function works in the whole site; at any time de site user could change the language for all the text contents.

I �ve the site with this organization:

1- there�s a main.swf with the menu about/services/etc�etc� and it �calls� about.swf, services.swf�. ;

2- the services.swf file contain a sub-menu serviceA, serviceB, serviceC� and serviceA calls serviceAdescription.xml, and so on�

And I want that the language switcher on the main.swf works for the various xml�s that are in different swf�s.

How can I do that?

Can I change the PhilFlash method to make it works to the all site? How?

Theres any tutorial that teaches something similar? Or any Flash component? Where?

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Flash :: Which Unicode Block Is Needed To Display Certain Latin-based Language

Jan 7, 2011

In Flash you have the option to embed only certain unicode blocks of selected font. Those characters will then be available in your project.Which unicode block is needed to display certain latin-based language? It's obvious in cases like Greek or Hebrew but what latin extension do I need for German, Danish or Czech language?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Contact Form Language Change?

Apr 16, 2010

i need to change the titles from English to spanish (Name, subject, message, submit and reset), i dont know which parts of the code i need to change.[URL]

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Flex :: Stop ENTER Key From My Alert Being Caught By The Control That Initiated The Alert?

Apr 29, 2010

I am having an issue where I show an AlertBox message when the user hits ENTER and the focus is in a text area. The pop up works fine, but when the user hits enter the Alert closes as expected, but the TextArea listener receives the ENTER event from the Alert and pops the dialog up again. I have tried a number of ways to catch and eat the event but so far I have not been lucky. Is there way to accomplish this?

public function init():void
myTextInput.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, handleKeyStrokes);[code]....

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Flex :: Change Background Bluriness When Calling Alert Or PopupManager?

Aug 22, 2011

In Flex 4.5 is there please a way to control how blurred is background when displaying an Alert or PopupManager.addPopUp()?I have playing cards displayed on the background of my game, when displaying a modal popup window with possible bids to the user and can't blur the cards too much (because the player should see them before deciding what to bid).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Change The 'STRINGS' 'Stage Language' Programmatically?

Nov 3, 2011

I am using Flash CS5 as an AS2 and player 7 SWF output.I have a interface that needs to change to another language while the system still matches the users locale.The STRING panel has a "Stage language' combobox that allow me to change this during development.I have a 30 plus languages that are going to be using a series of Flash templates I am making for non-programming movie developers.I am setting it up to use internal language selector and hiding that in other uses and have external language selection change the language (Director, Authorware, other programs).(I will one day go to AS3 when I automate the development process for them)

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Flash - Change The Language Of Dynamic Text In A SWF Using Flashvars?

May 7, 2010

I have a SWF with text embedded from an external .txt file. Is there a way I can have a different file used as the text source through the embedcode (swfObject) depending on the language?

Here is my current actionscript:

myData = new LoadVars();
myData.onLoad = function() {
text_clips.project_title.text = this.projecttitle1;


There are four languages needed so far, but this will grow so it needs to be flexible enough to let the developers add languages without getting a new SWF each time.

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Make Chat-box Transparent Without Change In Keyboard Language?

Dec 7, 2010

I've uploaded a Chatango chat-box on a site of mine, and it worked fine, until I added <'param name="wmode" value=" transparent"/> to make the Chat-box transparent, because it fits nicer to my site. In that case, the browser would take as a default that my Keyboard is set to English, and so I cannot use some characters, while some others are switched, because I'm otherwise using a Slovenian keyboard setting. How do I make the chat-box transparent without the change in my Keyboard language?

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Strange Display With Adjoining Buttons

Sep 23, 2009

I can't figure out why there is a display problem around the "Green Printing" button. Each of the button is created the same way, using the same graphics. Only this one displays incorrectly when the swf is produced.
I have quadruple checked position and all the buttons are correct. No overlap.  If you right click and zoom in on the button in question, it looks perfect. only at 100% is the display problem visible and only on that button/area of the flash swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Buttons To Display Different Image?

Feb 22, 2009

my buttons are working and displaying image but cant figure out how to get buttons to display different img

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change To Get Html To Display?

Jun 28, 2005

I would like to use html within this scroller.. what do i need to change to get html to display.. I'm really confused

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ActionScript 2.0 :: The Frames And Buttons Do Not Display Or Just Partially?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm having trouble with my site [URL] As you may see, the animation is often all mixed up: the buttons do not take the user to the proper frame, the frames and buttons do not display or just partially... Sometimes everything goes back to normal when I empty the cache and/or refresh the page and click repeatedly on random buttons, but not always, and not for long. I don't know, it just happens somehow randomly, especially when I upload the swf file again to update the site. I understand it has something to do with the flash file itself and having to insert some code somewhere,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trigger Animation On <div> Display Change?

Apr 18, 2009

I have a 13 frame animation that I am loading in a hidden <div>. Does anyone know how I can trigger it to start playing when the div is made visible and then hide the div when its finished playing? Currently it loops in the background, which is no good as I want to use it as a page transition. Play once, hide, new page shown.

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Flash :: Change Timing Display On Timeline?

Feb 28, 2011

Is it possible to change the seconds counter displayed below the Flash CS3 timeline to something more detailed/comprehensive?  I'm doing some work for some guys that need very specifically lengthed scenes to fit in predertmined gaps in a project they're working with and when I get notes for a scene to be like 04:16 seconds long it's a little hard to translate that to the one decimal point that Flash provides...I need a reading more like the Premiere timeline.  I looked in the preferences and didn't see anything but I could've sworn I saw an option like this once before.

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