Suppress Dialog Box When Downloading Files Using Flash
Mar 25, 2011
I'm trying to set up flash's FileReference class to download files from a publicly accessible web directory to a specific location on my hard drive, without having to use the browse dialogue that is automatically triggered using the download() method. Anyone know how to predefine a location for the downloaded file so I don't have to trigger the dialogue? [URL].
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Sep 26, 2005
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function whileDrag(e:Event):void{
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Dec 2, 2004
I hope you can help with a problem thats causing me stress!.I'd like to let users download mp3 from my site.I'd just like to click the button and up pops the windows prompt that says "download file" and "choose destination folder" etc.
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May 20, 2010
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May 3, 2004
im wanting to have people be able to download mp3's from my movie without opening another url. just want the windows 'save or open' box to appear. the getURL opens a quicktime movie in the browser (at least on my pc).
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Jan 8, 2009
Is it possible to set .pdf file for download form a flash movie?
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Jan 26, 2010
I'm trying to have users download a pdf file when they click a movie clip button.I have this php code on my server
PHP Code:
<?php // download.php // retrieve the filename to download from the query string of the page $file = $_GET['filename']; // send the headers header("Content-type: application/octet-
customers should not be able to download and play them anywhere off my site
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Jun 17, 2011
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Jun 14, 2010
I have an online flash application that acts as a front end for a server application built in delphi. The server can be installed/used on a remote computer or a personal version can be downloaded and the Flash app pointed at localhost to use it. However, Flash has issues with using the POST and GET functions on the localhost, which makes uploading data files and downloading results files difficult. To get past the difficulty with downloading results files I'm planning to just have the server app serve the results file as an attachment and have the Flash app open the address of the file up in another browser window using external interface. First off, is this likely to cause similar security issues? I.E. Flash will see "localhost" in the external interface call and stop it from working the same as when I try to use POST/GET functions with localhost?
Secondly, for upload this seems just a bit little trickier, I'm planning on doing something similar, having flash use external interface to open a php script for a file upload. Is this feasible and, again, will Flash still have security issues?Lastly, if anyone knows how to get flash to execute POST and GET functions with localhost addresses, I'd love to have that information to avoid all this jumping through hoops.
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Aug 25, 2010
I have a flash app that needs to download a file, whose name contains UTF-8 characters.
Internally, the filename is read from a UTF-8 XML file, e.g. "my filé.pdf". The code goes something like this:
url = get_filename_from_XML();
req = new URLRequest( url );
ref = new FileReference(); req );
The problem is that the URL is encoded in Latin1, i.e. the é is encoded as %E9 instead of %C3%A9 (according to FireBug). How can I get Flash to encode the URL correctly?
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Jul 11, 2011
I'm making a flash portfolio site and learning as I go but have come across a bit of a road block.
I'm trying to allow people to click a button on my site and download my pdf resume. I've gotten it to open in a separate tab using "navigatetourl", but I'd like to also have a button which forces the download location prompt to appear.
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Oct 14, 2011
I created a website with Flash Professional CS5, ActionScript 3.0, I would like to add the functionality to a button so that it downloads a .pdf file into the user computer, so he can print it. What code should I give the button? and where and how should I place the .pdf file.
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Jan 25, 2007
on (release) {
getURL("", "_blank");
I use this code to make an mp3 available on my site, I was wondering if there is any other way to do it? I'd like to avoid the "_blank" page opening.
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