Flash :: Fiddler - Make SwfUpload Working?

Jun 15, 2010

i'm trying to make SwfUpload working. In some cases, I've a strange behaviour. So I would like to inspect the flows sended and received by the flash component. And I've tryed to use fiddler to do that, but I can't capture data comming from flash or going to flash.

Is there a way to do that ?

(note, i'm working on http://localhost with php)

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Flash - SWFUpload On HTTPS Not Working?

Nov 24, 2009

I have trouble uploading files with SWFUpload when target servlet is listening on HTTPS. On HTTP it works fine.The issue is only when using FireFox or Opera. On IE it works fine - not tried other browsers.

EDIT:Error message as provided from SWFUpload when in debug mode:

*SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadProgress (OPEN): File ID: SWFUpload_0_0 SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadError : IO Error : File ID: SWFUpload_0_0. IO Error: Error #2038
SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadComplete : Upload cycle complete.*

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Ios :: SwfUpload Flash Uploader Not Visible And Not Working?

Apr 3, 2012

i am working on a web application based on media gallery.In this application i am uploading media using SWFUpload either images and videos.When i try to open my application on IOS then uploader not visible there.Where it is working fine on safari installed on windows. one site who is using SWFUpload is [URL] Here SwfUploader working nice on windows but not on IOS machines.

Is there any javax html5 compatible uploader?

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Php :: Swfupload Not Working With Auth?

Mar 14, 2012

I am currently using swfupload to upload my files and it works wonderfully, but on our test sites we have a basic auth on apache, so google isn't able to spider the site before it goes live. What happens is the user logs into our site once and gets authenticated and then when they use swfupload and select their files and hits open it then asks for the username and password again and I'd really not want it to ask again. On Chrome it actually totally failsThe trickiest part is the swfupload doesn't go to one particular url either, so I can't just make an exception to that page only

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Flash - SWFUpload IO Error On Vista

Dec 24, 2011

I have a problem. On my site everybody can fill the form and make an order. Also, people must upload a photo and an archive. I'm using a flash uploader for this. Some people always get an IO Error and I can't understand why. On Windows XP and Windows 7 I have no problems. On Vista and error occures sometimes, but not always.

I've tried to use SWFUpload 2.2.0, SWFUpload 2.5.0 and Uploadify 2.1.4. There is no difference.
I've Tested in Firefox, Chrome and IE. This error can happen everywhere. With any size of file.
There is no IO Error in Apache's log after the error occurs. mod_security is off. There is not http authentication. No SSL. Not file size limit. The problem is not with AntiVirus.

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Flash - SWFUpload Using Https Does Not Work In Firefox

Mar 10, 2011

SWFUpload I am using SWFUpload to upload files to a database (Windows XP) over https. Everything works as expected in IE (7 and 8), but using my Firefox 3.3.15 it fails without error message. Using the upload mechanism using http works fine!I found this thread using google. They describe that installing the CAs certificate as trusted issuer would help. Unfortunatly it did not (it was a certificate issued by a CaCert authority).

It works on the machine of my colleague who uses Firefox 3.3.15, but he cannot recall that he did anything special to make it work. I had a look at other machines using Firefox and none of them were able to upload a file to the database.I red that SWFUpload uses flash and that flash might use other certificates than Firefox itself. Does anyone know anything about it?

EDIT: This is the javascript code for the object creation:

// Create the SWFUpload Object
var swfupload_object = new SWFUpload({
upload_url: "[% cgi_path %]/mdb_bulk_import.pl",
file_post_name: 'upload_file',


View 2 Replies

Ruby On Rails :: Handle HTTPStatus Response 201 With AS3 / Flash / SWFUpload?

Nov 27, 2009

I'm using SWFUpload on a Rails site to allow for MP3 Uploads direct to Sound Cloud. To avoid having to first upload a large file to my server and push to Sound Cloud, I'm hitting their API directly via SWFUpload, passing necessary OAuth token data.Everything works - EXCEPT - Flash can't handle the HTTP response code that Sound Cloud's API returns (201). This ALWAYS triggers an unhandled IO Error with Flash. Even though SWFUpload allows me to override that in the JS, it breaks any response data (the URI to the uploaded file).

how I could somehow intercept the 201 code so that I can make it a 200 code for flash? I'm at a loss at how I can avoid this IO Error. I've tried try/catch statements around everything and have even recompiled SWFUpload to try new things to no avail.

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Flash :: SWFUpload Prematurely Closing Connection On Upload (nginx 499)

Jan 22, 2010

I'm using swfupload to upload files to nginx. It works fine for me & 99% of our users.For a couple of users, however, it fails somehow during upload. It opens a connection, but seems to close it before it's complete - nginx reports a 499 status in its access log, which is NGX_ HTTP_ CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST.I managed to get hold of one of those users to get some more information. They're running Flash 10.0.42, on XP with Firefox 3.5.7.Has anyone seen anything like this? Any suggestions on fixing it / how I might investigate further?

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Php :: Send Email Confirmation On SWFUpload?

Jun 24, 2010

It's a flash/js/php based uploading script. My main issue is that I'm decently fluent in php where I can create a simple mail() script, however, with the various JS files I'm not sure if it'd be better to create the mail function in JS.

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Php :: Post Param Usage For SWFUpload?

Nov 29, 2010

how the post_param is used in SWFUpload. i need the value for name='batchid' loaded when i submit. this is what the example doc shows

post_params : {
"post_param_name_1" : "post_param_value_1",
"post_param_name_2" : "post_param_value_2",


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Ruby :: SWFUpload And WEBrick Upload (error: 2038)

Apr 12, 2012

My WEBrick log reads: WARN Could not determine content-length of response body. Set content length of the response or set response#chunked = true I did some searching and found that that error could be because:

File size permitted by the server is less than the upload size.Lack of free space on the server (Checked.

PS: I have tried thin too. No help there either. Or maybe I missed some option in the 'thin config' option.[URL]..

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Javascript :: Calculating Total Filesize In SWFUpload Queue?

Sep 8, 2011

Is there anyway I can get the total size of all files queued from swfupload right after the user selected the files? I need to be able to display something like "0 of 184MB" when the upload is about to start.

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Html :: SWFUpload Alternatives - Allow The User To Upload Multiple Files?

Aug 12, 2010

I've developed a system that uses SWFUpload to easily allow the user to upload multiple files with a progress bar showing them the upload progress. It all works fine in my development environment, but is failing for some users in the wild with the Flash movie not loading. I can see the Flash movie is there, if I right click it a window appears saying Movie not loaded... (Then on the next line) About Adobe Flash Player 10...So far I've not been able to determine what was causing the failure.Are there any other alternatives to SWFUpload that will allow for:

Upload progress bar
Allow multiple uploads

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Html :: Click Doesn't Fire When WMODE=TRANSPARENT In SWFUpload Button

Jan 1, 2010

I have a Flash-based SWFUpload upload button in a HTML page. I am trying to style that button. SWFUpload provides a Javascript setup interface to the Flash button's settings. I don't have Flash myself, so I have to work with the pre-compiled SWF file.


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Php :: Linux - SWFUpload Image Upload Fails With 'Partial File Uploaded'?

Nov 4, 2011

I'm using SWFUpload to upload images without reloading the page (with a fancy progressbar too), this works fine when I'm on localhost (Wamp server), but it goes nuts when I try to do so on my real linux server (which is the only possible flag as far as I could see), it's running Apache2 and PHP5. As I said the front-end is fine (apart maybe from the fact it's flash).The back-end code is as follows:

var swfu_settings ={upload_url : "upload.php",
flash_url : "flash/swfupload.swf",
button_placeholder_id : "upload_flash",


The only error that I get is from $_FILES['Filedata']['error'] = 3, 'Only part of the file was uploaded'. The destination directory does have 777 permission and you can see I made the required checks. It simply will not work, I have no idea why. Also, the files I tried uploading had no spaces in the filename, so that shouldn't fit under the issue 206 with SWFUpload.As far as I can tell it can be either due to the front-end SWFUpload or back-end server configuration.

P.S. no need to mention security, this is only allowed to be used by the server admin with external access anyhow, plus there's the front-end limitation on the files he can select (images). There was no point securing it further.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Vertical Text Content Scroller Working In A Flash

Jul 26, 2009

I've tried for hours and days to make my vertical text content scroller working in a flash fake 3d environment with rotationX / Y. But because of vector>bitmap conversion when 3d roationing, the scroller fails to works. I know the stratDrag method fails to work in a 3d environment. other than using PV3D or so ? cause I don't know how to work with PV3D, it's just tooooo complicated to get it for me.

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Make A Working Form Mailer?

Nov 22, 2002

have been trying to make a form mailer in flash.The form mailer for me is provided by [URL] it gives me the codes to send stuff from my web site to my email.This is the code that formbuddy has given me

<form action="http://www.formbuddy.com/cgi-bin/form.pl" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="username" value="USERNAME">
<input type="hidden" name="reqd" value="1,2,3,4">
<input type="hidden" name="url" value="URL">

the USERNAME value is for me to add my formbuddy username after i have signed up with [URL] .Now my problem is that i dont know how to put the hidden fields in flash, especially the <input type="hidden" name="username" value="USERNAME">. So how do i do it? And yes, i have seen all the tutorials they have here about the form mailers. I also tryed to put the the hidden fields has variables in flash which again did'nt work....

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Flash :: Working Fine In Local System ... Not Working In The Live Site

Nov 5, 2009

I have a flash project, its working fine in local system, but the same file is not working in live here is the link of the site, its showing blank page, the flash contents are not loading... [URL]

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Flash Working Fine In Local System / Not Working In Live Site

Dec 14, 2009

I have a flash project, its working fine in local system and checked this file with uploading in someother websites, its working fine there too, but the same file is not working in live here is the link of the site, its showing blank page, the flash contents are not loading.URL...and here the same file which i have uploaded it in other server its working fine.URL...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild Not Working - How To Make It Work

Dec 22, 2009

I'm using CS4/AS3 and am swapping out swf files in a single holder from different buttons. The problem is that the child isn't getting removed when switching from button to button.Here's my code:

var Xpos:Number=0;
var Ypos:Number=150;
var swf:MovieClip;
var loader:Loader=new Loader();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Not Working - How To Make It Work

May 29, 2010

A loading bar for my portfolio website is not working at all. Although the same loading bar will work on other Flash projects.After doing some research I have found that loading in MovieClips from the library may be the cause of this. So instead of loading them in from the library, i am now loading them in externally but the problem still persists. how can i un-embed the font? [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make The Function Stop Working?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a funtion set up in my actionscript and I have the function start at frame 5 by doing:
I'm trying to get the function to stop once it gets to frame 20. I was thinking something like functionName(stop); but that did not work.

how to make the function stop working?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Button Stop Working?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a button that I only want it to work when certain conditions are met, and if not, then this button will not work.

homeMC.gotoSleep_butt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toSleep);
function toSleep(evt:MouseEvent):void{  dayChange_MC.gotoAndStop("1"); day +=  1;//add 1 to var day  stat_day.text = String(day);}


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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay Not Working - How To Make It Work

Jan 14, 2009

my gotoAndPlay does not seem to be working. On frame 1 I have this for testing purposes:

trace("frame 1")

and on frame 2 I have:


and I get "frame 1" traced out continually. It's going back to frame 1 for some reason.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Gettotalbytes Not Working - How To Make It Work

May 3, 2010

i am having some issues with the gettotalbytes function as flash wont take it as its function ( which generally show in BLUE COLOR ) so what i am trying to do is not working.

this.createEmptyMovieClip("mymovieclip",this.getNe xtHighestDepth);
this.createTextField("textfield",this.getNextHighe stDepth,10,10,100,10);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ButtonMode Not Working - How To Make It Work

Jan 19, 2011

what could cause buttonMode to 'not' work properly?? the clip has MouseEvent listeners. I set the buttonMode to true. I have a trace statement inside the roll over event showing that buttonMode is set to true, but for some reason its not showing the hand cursor. the rollover,out, and click events fire as they should too..and i have other objects that work perfectly fine with buttonMode.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: _parent Not Working - How To Make It Work

Nov 7, 2004

I have a movie clip that has the following code:

on (release) {

It works fine the way it is but I read that it is better to use relatives paths rather than _root all the time but when I change it to _parent.rightMenu_mc.gotoAndStop("Animation"); it doesn't work anymore.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: EventListeners Not Working - How To Make It Work

Feb 11, 2009

rotateToMouse works. Nothing else even gets as far as tracing. What gives?

package engine
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: .swapDepths Not Working - How To Make It Work

Sep 7, 2003

I have a movie clip I am using to display a group of logos i created which are also movie clips. when the user clicks on each logo the logos are supposed to enlarge except, that because of the way the layers are stacked, one of the enlarged logos displays underneath the smaller one. so, someone suggested i use swapDepths. But nothing happens. it won't even enlarge. here's the script:

on (release) {

"oataup" is a frame label, obviously and "manard" is the name of the movie clip instance I'm trying to swap with. I've never used the swapDepths method before so I'm hoping I screwed something simple up.

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Actionscript 3 - Flash Player Is Not Working In Domain / But Working If I Provided IP

Oct 14, 2010

I have developed a player in AS3. It is working if i provide the IP of the website. But, it is not working when i provide the full domain name. Even, i provide the crossdomain.xml for global access.

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