Flash :: JavaScript - Parse Some Configuration Files In The Flash Default Directory
May 20, 2011
I use javascript to play a flash file, and it plays correctly. But it also needs to parse some configuration files in the flash default directory. So the problem is: the flash file I am going to play can't access its config file for the wrong working directory.
For example, I specify the swf path value as 'falsh/list/test.swf', so my javascript will give this swf value by swfobject.embedSWF to play this flash. But the flash file flash/list/test.swf needs to parse a config file in the same directory with flash file like flash/list/config.xml. The problem is flash attempts to parse this config file under the current javascript working directory.
I've installed a couple of fonts on my Mac that I want to use in Flash CS3, but they're not showing up in the font list.how do I install them so that Flash will pick them up?
I saw many examples in jquery compenents which takes image urls from HTML DOM. But flash photo galleries always need xml configuration files as i have seen till now. I need flash compenents which doesn't need any configuration settings from server. If it is possible to do that flash can get image urls from DOM or even by javascript. Is there such as flash photo gallery compenents ?
is there a way to have flash read swf from a directory dynamicaly. so if you add a new one it reads it and you could have a next and previouse button to dynamicly browse throught them.
this way you could just upload new swf and it would automaticaly add it to the set so when you hit next at the end it would read the new one.
I am new to flash and decided to start out using templates to gain a beter understanding. I grabbed a template - that when I went to save it said it was an MX version - once I began to make changes in it re-save and publish it I noticed that some of the elements were missing. I thought it was something I did so I copied the entire directory and just opened the .fla and saved it without making a change and then published it and the items were gone again. I saved it in the same directory only changing the output .swf file and used all of the same html files
I have an AIR app that gets bundled with XML files that the app needs. These get put into the APP Storage Directory, of course. Works great. But when I install a new version ( which includes new XML files) , the new files don't get added or overwrite the ones from the previous version. It seems that if that directory is there from a previous install, the installer will ignore the part where it moves included files.
I have many flash files and need to play continuously on page load i have try some java script but i cant get the event that first flash file end so next flash starts on that event
I've embedded a virtual tour on one of my client sites.
The site is hosted by Slicehost, and as you can see the load times for the Flash movies are very slow, so my idea was to serve the swf files from Amazon S3 Europe.
To test it, I have all swfs uploaded to the same directory / bucket on Amazon, while the index.html and p2q_embed_object.js files reside on my local machine. The js file is changed to refer to the Amazon-hosted swfs. The first swf loads fine, but the others don't. What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to do this that would allow me to serve my Flash assets from elsewhere?
I am using a embeddable Flash based MP3 player (The standalone Version of Wordpress Audio Player, to be exact) to play audio on the web page of a client. Given the nature of Flash based players - AFAIK they all use Flash's audio/video decoding libraries - the exact player product might not matter, though. She complains that some specific audio files sometimes tend to play slowly, as if on a tape deck that doesn't run at full speed. Her machine is a 5 year old Sony Vaio with a 1.5 GhZ Pentium M Processor.
So it's not top of the line anymore but it should not have trouble decoding anything, let alone a MP3 audio stream. I can't verify the problem because we can't set up an audio connection (slow Internet on a remote island), nor can I reproduce it on my 3.3 GhZ dual-code Workstation, but this is a person whose error reports have seldom turned out unfounded in the past, so I tend to take them seriously. I see differences between the encodings of the MP3 files (see below). Any pointers towards which setting(s) to change?
This is what Winamp tells me about a file that is sometimes slow: MPEG-1 Layer 3 128 Kbit, approx. 966 frames 48000Hz Stereo CRC: Yes, Copyright: No
This is what Winamp tells me about a file that is never slow: Encoder delay: 576, Zero Padding: 1584 MPEG-1 Layer 3 151 Kbit (VBR), 12405 Frames 44100Hz Joint Stereo CRC: No, Copyright: No
I don't work with Flash and consequently know nothing of it, but I have the task of embedding a swf film into a web page. I know nothing about the swf's internal design, other than it plays a short film. I'd like to control when the swf starts playing, rewind it (it will be played infinitely), and possibly even cache it in the browser. It will be part of a Javascript-powered rotation of images, in which the <img> element will be temporarily replaced with an <object> for the swf.
My question is do swf files have an interface for Javascript built-in when compiled (Actionscript I think?), or would this entirely depend on the author's decision to include such code? If it is dependent on the author's inclusion of the code, are there any possible tests I can run to see what methods might be available?
I'm looking for a Flash video player that is able to stream m4v files on all browsers. Example file: [URL]
Unfortunately, I can't convert the format since it originates from 3rd party servers. I can't rely on HTML5 video since not all browsers support this format and the encoding it contains.
I've already tried several players such as JW Player, Kaltura, Video JS, Projekktor, and more. Testing them with Firefox and IE, some of them couldn't play the m4v file at all, while others downloaded the entire file before starting to play it.
I had a somewhat weird setup for a site here, which goes as follows: Server A holds a SWF Server B holds a HTML document with the SWF Embedded, along with SwfAddress.js I can't seem to get any Flash-to-javascript to work here through External Interface calls. SwfAddress fails and I see this error in Firebugs Console: "Error calling method on NPObject!" This also occurs with another JS function I'm trying to call with the MouseWheel. I've set up my crossdomains and deployed all Security.allowDomain("")'s where applicable. Has anyone embedded an external SWF and had issues with AS-JS communication before??
I insert my swf using a relative url to the file, and I want the swf to call a javafunction but i get no response. why the swf is not in the same directory as the html file.
my as:
function checkInput() { var result:Object = ExternalInterface.call("checkTheInput"); myTxt.text = String(result); }
One Mp3 file lives in the main timeline of a Flash file extending length of movie. These files have to be converted for youTube postings. Output I've tried is .mov and .avi. Audio format is not being recognized by youTube. I only have the mp3 sound files which i know is a compressed format. Are there simple settings or config changes i can make for export to get these to upload to youTube with audio?
As expected I have a question, which is the following: Is it possible to load a complete directory into Flash. So that the only thing you will have to do is copy/paste the file to the directory and Flash loads it automaticaly?
My company has recently asked me to install the Adobe Streaming Server 4.0.I was wondering if it is possible to have the server software reside on the C: drive, while having my VOD files on seperate D: drive.The staff here wants to separate the software (server in this instance) from the individual flash video files, so they have set up two drives.
I am testing fms this days, I have put all my files(such as 1.mp3,2.mp3...n.mp3) in my directory.I can play single file fine with url like this: rtmp://localhost/mp3/mp3:x/2
but i want to know is there any way to play all files in my direcotry? for example, user click the play button, the player(smp) automatic plays all files in the directory, link windows media server.Should I use playlist? Or there is another better way?
This hopefully should be an easy fix. Part of my program calls for extracting the number of files within a given directory. This is done easily using the code below:
However, this code only works using AIR as the runtime player. There should be an equivalent command that can be used with Flash layer 10.2 or earlier.
I want to populate my listbox with all the XML files in the same directory as the .swf, but I also want to release my final .swf to others, so I can't just use the directory that directs toward the folder on just my computer. How would I go around doing this, and how would I refer to the selected item in the listbox in order to use the selected file? Sorry if this is actually really easy, but as indicated in the topic title, I not sure how I would go around doing this due to my noobiness in coding.
I want to change the logs files directory from: C:Program Files (x86)AdobeFlash Media Server 3.5/logs to: D:fmsLogs in adobe in: Home / Flash Media Server 3.5 Configuration and Administration Guide / XML configuration files reference it says: