Flash :: Setting Proxy Settings For Player?

Jan 9, 2011

I asked Google. But there is no working answer for it. I checked "right click -> global setings" and found no proxy setting in [URL].. Can anyone know how to configure proxy settings for flash player?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code Works For Flash Player 6 Settings But Not For Flash Player 8?

Jul 1, 2007

I'm pretty new to Action script and I have a problem here that I can't seem to figure out.

I have this Action Script Code which is attached to a simple movieclip, and it all works IF the general settings are set for Flash Player 6.

It does not work for Flash Player 7 or above, which is probably because this is Actions Script 1 Code...

I attached the .fla file and also here's the code:


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function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (shExpMatch(host, "*.app.local*")) {
return "PROXY";


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Flash Player Security Settings?

Mar 22, 2012

I am using twilo client in one of my apps and it is showing following popup when I click on call buttonBut I want to show the following pop up which is lot simpler and seems less cumbersomeIs there a way to control which pop up comes on the screen? I have read some documentation of adobe but their configuration files live in users computer which ofcourse can not be changed by a website.

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Professional :: Publish Settings - Flash Player 11 And AS 3.0

Jun 25, 2010

Yes correct I'm talking about Flash Player 11, thats what it says in Flash CS5 software. Whatever I do in Publish Setting, Flash software always returns option to be Flash Player 11, I don't get this. I choose Flash Player 8 and AS 2.0 and re-open Publish Settings it is again back on Flash Player 11 and AS 3.0.
First screenshot
Second screenshot

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Change Settings For Flash Player So Sites Can Be Accessed By My Swf?

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I'm creating a banner that is supposed to send an user to a Web site. I have the following as my AS3 code (in a separate layer)[code]...

How do I get to this "settings manager"? I'm using Windows 7 Professional.

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Professional :: Changing Flash Player In Publish Settings?

Nov 11, 2011

I am on mac and haven't upgraded my OS from 10.5 to 10.6 so when I upload a file creted in Flash CS5 it won't play because it needs the Latest flash player which uses 10.6 OS.So what I'm getting to is that can I go into "publish" settings and change the Flash player from 10.2 to an older version and then will this work.Also, which version should I change it to? For example sould I select Flash Player 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 10.1?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing The Publish Settings To Flash Player 10?

Jun 17, 2010

The following script works fine in a file that I created:

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
refresh_btn.addEventListener("click", pageRefresh);
function pageRefresh(eventObj:Object):Void {


However, the same script in another file that I have doesn't work! There's no alert and no refresh. I tried setting allowscriptaccess to always and that didn't work. I tried changing the publish settings to Flash Player 10, that didn't work.

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Flash :: Professional - Offline Access To Security Settings For Player?

Mar 22, 2010

I use a laptop which is never connected to the web for customer demos away from base. It does not have the Flash authoring environment installed either. Furthermore, a customer's own system used to run development versions of web sites using HTML with Flash content is not guaranteed to have web access either. Because some of the associated FLV files are quite large, uploading to a web host for such testing is not really viable even where clients have web access at meetings.
I have an AS3-based project which triggers Flash 10 local security protection on systems other those that used for authoring, for which the workaround is to set the source folder as trusted using the Flash Player Settings Manager. but [URL] doesn't seem to offer a useful way to avoid this problem without going on line to the Flash Player Settings Manager via an Adobe web site.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove 'Adobe Flash Player Settings' From Code?

Nov 16, 2009

I've put together this interactive swf file which contains this code

var myMic:Microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();
myMic = Microphone.getMicrophone();

however, the Adobe Flash Player Settings box keeps appearing when I export the file to view the movie. When you try closing it however the movie doesn't react to sound. I've tried taking out pieces of code to see which is calling the box up but it wither stays up or the movie doesn't function properly.

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Html :: Adobe Flash Player Settings Panel Display Behind Divs?

Mar 22, 2011

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Mar 13, 2011

I need my flash movie to have access to the microphone, but it is refusing to display the confirmation dialog and the "Settings" context menu item is disabled. The document size is adequate to display the dialog, though. The catch, though, this is only occurring when the SWF is run in the local player. If I run the SWF in a browser, it asks properly and the settings menu is available.

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Professional :: Setting Up Simple Flash Mp3 Player?

Jun 13, 2010

I have a html page with some links to mp3 songs.I would like to set things up so that when user clicks a mp3 link, a small flash mp3 player (embedded in the page) starts playing with that songs. The user could click on another song that would replace the last one at any time and have basic controls.
- flash mp3 player - need 1 that has start / stop and volume buttons (simple)
BTW: I set this type of thing up in the past with a frameset - top had quicktime player embedded - and bottom song links went to top frame - all was fine but kind of bulky.... looking for something a bit slicker...Also would like to do the same for flash / quicktime videos, Also if there's something free or close to free that is a jukebox type where the song list is part of flash,

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<meta property="og:video:type" content="application/x-shockwave-
flash" />
<meta property="og:video" content="http://www.etiennechampollion.com/


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Video Not Displaying With Player 10 Publish Settings

May 24, 2009

I'm just getitng started learning Flash  CS4(fully updated). I was going through the Flash Downunder tutorials, and creating an interactive player with slider bars to change the 3D X and Y rotation.[code]I get no compile errors (using ActionScript 3.0, BTW) But when testing out the video with Flash PLayer 10 In the publishing settings, the video shows up blank. I thought it may be an issue with windows, but when trying the SWF on a WinXP machine, the same issue occurs.I tried using Flash player 9 in publish settings, and the video plays, but I need to use player 10 to use 3d rotation settings.I'm not sure if this is just a bug with Player 10, or if I'm doing something wrong.

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Flash Player Setting - Allow Button To Access Client Web Cam

Aug 8, 2010

I am building a flash app that will asks the client to access their web camera. Users on Windows (Firefox, Safari, Chrome browsers) are able to click the allow button. However, users on Linux/Mac (Firefox, Safari, Chrome) either need to click several times until they can click allow, or they can't click at all. [URL]

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Sep 18, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Publish Settings - Force Player To Use Specified Version?

Mar 26, 2007

I made a 'whiteboard' app. Originally it was for Flash Player 7 then I changed the Publish Settings to point to Flash Player 8. Worked fine for me, but caused problems with my customer, so I changed Publish Settings back to Player 7. When the customer opened up the .swf which I'd emailed him, it opened in Flash Player 6, even though he had the latest player installed. When he deleted the old V6 player the problem was fixed. So my question is, why did my .swf open Flash Player 6 - and therefore lose some of it's functionality - when the customer had a later player installed?

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Javascript :: Flash Video Player That Supports Setting Cookies?

Sep 10, 2011

I've tried JWPlayer from my app (C#). It works well, but I can't seem to find cookie support. I need to send a cookie or else the server will return 403 Forbidden. Is there any commercial flash player with cookie support (or I'm missing something in JWPlayer's doc)

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Android :: Flash Player Doesn't Work When Setting A Custom User Agent In WebView

Jun 20, 2011

I am trying to use the Flash + Set the browser to a desktop agent on the Galaxy Tab.

mWebview.getSettings().setUserAgentString("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101019 Firefox/3.6.11");

So the issues is, when the UserAgentString param is enabled, flash player wont load as many websites like Iplayer don't recognise the browser in the WebView.

This may be a bug in the Samsung browser. Anyone have any desktop agents that the WebView will accept whilst enabling flash?

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Professional :: Change Settings If Settings Manager Won't Open?

Apr 18, 2011

I am having a problem with Flash.I get the message Movie not loaded if I right clich where the video should be.I may have set the hardware acceleration on/off by mistake, but I cannot get the Settings manager to open to check it.I am running Feroda rc14.If I go to http:[url].... and right click in to white area at the top, I get the message 'Movie not loaded' and the flash version -  This is where I should be able to open the settings window.Where does Flash store that info on my PC? How can I check it/change it without Settings manager?

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Flash :: Get The Client-IP Even If A Proxy / VPN Is Used?

Aug 23, 2011

How do I get the clientIP from users in my regisrtationforms? It's easy to get the IP with the user isn't using a Proxy, Proxycacade or VPN. But if he uses one of those its difficult. X-Fowarded-For isn't reliable and fails within cascads.

But there are possibilities, because JavaApplets and Flash aren't using the Proxy-Services. How can I archieve to get the clientIP with those technics? I prever to use a small Flash-Code to get the IP from the client, but how to implement?Another way should be a counterpixel which is using IPv6. Most of the proxyservices only support IPv4, can I tell an image only to use IPv6?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Up An Array Of Songs For An MP3 Player?

Oct 7, 2009

I'm having issues with this array I setup for a MP3 player I am creating. First I'm trying to plug in the array in the URL Request, not sure if I need a for loop. Also in my onComplete Function below, I want once one song is finished in the Array, the next item in the array plays or if there are no more items left it goes back to the first item in the array. Not sure if I am setting this up properly

var songArray:Array=["song1", "song2", "song3", "song4", "song5", "song6"];
var songReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mp3_files/song" + songArray + ".mp3");
var song:Sound = new Sound();var channel:SoundChannel;var pausePosition:int = 0; // var


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MP3 Player - Song Position Not Setting To Zero

Apr 2, 2010

I am create a flash mp3 player. In that I am displaying the song.position(time completed played). The song.position is not setting to zero, when a new song is played. It is continuing with the previous song. For example, if the previous song time is 30 seconds. the song.position is started from zero and comes to 30 seconds. After that song is completed and a again a new song is started, the song.position is starting as 30 seconds and gets increasing. It is not setting to zero at the start of the second song. I even set the song.position=0, when the previous song is completed.

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Flash :: Proxy Error #2124?

Jul 13, 2011

I got a standard php proxy getting images cross domains.

domain/proxy.php?url=http://images.fandango.com/r85.7.3/ImageRenderer/69/103/images/no_image_69x103.jpg/135631/images/masterrepository/fandango/135631/hp7_2-3d imax poster_lo.jpg


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Flash :: Get The Proxy Server To Cooperate?

Aug 1, 2011

I'm trying to use JMeter to test our web application and I'd like to use an automated recording of tests but our UI is in flash/flex. Is there any way to get the proxy server to cooperate with the flash/flex? I do have control of both the client and server sides, though rewriting our application to redirect the flash/flex calls to another address isn't really an option. If there were an automated way...

I'm currently testing Windows client and server, but I also need to support testing on Linux client and server. If tests need to be created on one or the other and can be ported to both I could live with that.

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