Javascript :: Flash Video Player That Supports Setting Cookies?

Sep 10, 2011

I've tried JWPlayer from my app (C#). It works well, but I can't seem to find cookie support. I need to send a cookie or else the server will return 403 Forbidden. Is there any commercial flash player with cookie support (or I'm missing something in JWPlayer's doc)

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Javascript :: Flash Video Player That Supports Streaming M4v Files

Nov 30, 2010

I'm looking for a Flash video player that is able to stream m4v files on all browsers. Example file: [URL]

Unfortunately, I can't convert the format since it originates from 3rd party servers. I can't rely on HTML5 video since not all browsers support this format and the encoding it contains.

I've already tried several players such as JW Player, Kaltura, Video JS, Projekktor, and more. Testing them with Firefox and IE, some of them couldn't play the m4v file at all, while others downloaded the entire file before starting to play it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting And Retrieving Cookies From Flash Using Javascript

Feb 8, 2006

My basic need is the ability to show a flash video only once per browser session without using Server-side technologies to track the session.

I originally tried using Shared Objects and they work well, but I could not figure out how to make them expire when the browser session ended. I could set a date variable in the Shared Objects and play the video again if the current date was more than an hour (or 30 minutes or whatever) past the previous play time, but I would rather have the shared object "expire" when the browser session ended.

Cookies could provide this functionality, but I have been having trouble retrieving Javascript based cookies in Flash (using getURL and document.cookie). If you do not set an expiration on Javascript cookies, they will expire when the browser session ends.

Here's the code I have been trying to get working for Javascript cookies in Flash:

ActionScript Code:
function GetCookie(cookieName) {
js = "javascript:function gc(){";
js += "var s = '" + cookieName + "=';";


The SetCookie function works, but the GetCookie function is always returning an empty sting.

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Video Media Player That Supports Rtmp Protocol?

Aug 5, 2011

video media player that supports rtmp protocol and has no branding? Maybe an open source general license? Simply to play flv files on a web page.

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Does Flash Player 10.3 Supports P2p Streaming

Aug 23, 2011

I just found infos about flash player 10.1 and p2p streaming.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Cookies With Javascript

Dec 9, 2008

me and and a friend are working on an application for the PSP in Flash 6. And we're looking for a code to save variables. We tried everything, can someone post a clear tutorial! The function, and the Javascript part, us ASAP Edit: is it possible to save the cookies to a textbox in HTML?

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Javascript :: Test Whether A Mobile Browser Supports Flash Using Web Technology?

Jul 26, 2010

I know most mobile browsers don't support javascript,

how can I check this?

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Javascript :: Swf File To Just Delete Flash Cookies?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm trying to find a javascript method to delete flash cookies on a page, but with no luck.I know it can be obviously done through flash or flex, but the problem is I know nothing about flash, flex and actionscripts...So my question is: Is there a way to just load a prebuilt flash movie in a page, which just programmatically deletes all the flash cookies it finds?I could find some actionscript code around the internet and didn't look complex, but I don't know how to use it

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Flash Cookies With HTML/JavaScript??

Jul 18, 2008

I have a Flash game in one html page, and then I have an html link ("next" button) in another page that will direct the user to the page that contains the Flash game. What I need to do, is to have the "next" button, tell a MC within the Flash game to go to the second frame, and save it as a cookie so it will be at the second frame whenever the user returns to that page with the Flash game. The MC is basically a button and the second frame grays out to show completion. Clicking the "next" button on the previous page verifies that the user has reached the end of that section, which should then trigger the MC in the Flash Game to gray out. I want to set it as a cookie so the user can keep track of their progress.

Anyway, my original thought was to use the Flash External Interface to allow the html "next" button to communicate via JS to the Flash movie, and to use Local Shared Object to set the cookie. Well, I have been trying to employ several of these tactics with no success. :-( I am currently working on a Mac, and need something that works in Firefox on both Mac and PC, and IE for PC.

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Php :: Return Video URL For Flash Player To Load Via Javascript?

Oct 17, 2010

I have a SWF loaded via a "swfobject.embedSWF()"I use Javascript's methods to pass calls via the flash APIs:call.player.sendEvent('LOAD', theFile)Using a XMLHttpRequest() call via GET to a PHP script I get a file url:Typing the URL into my browser starts the file, but passing the variable to the sendEvent() call does nothing. Why?

var response = http.responseText;


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Professional :: Loading A Flash Video Player Into A JavaScript Layer?

Dec 18, 2010

I want to build a web page with a button that when clicked opens up a javascript layer and loads a flash player inside that layer.  And that layer would need a close button. 

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Javascript :: Resize Flash Video Player To Fill The Page?

Oct 25, 2009

I have a flash video player in a div inside a webpage, I'm trying to create a button that will resize this div to fill the whole page and hide everything else behind it. Has anyone tried to do it?Problems:1. It causes the flash to reload and the video to restart2. In some cases a flash banner from the webpage overlays my video player no matter what z-index I give it.

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Javascript :: Hide And Show Flash Video Player With ExternalInterface?

Mar 1, 2011

I'm trying to create an overlay containing a flash player that is shown when a user clicks on a link. The div containing the player starts with display:none in CSS. Upon clicking, the div will be shown, and JS will use ExternalInterface to configure and start the player. The JS configures the player when it catches a "flash ready" event, which is fired by Flash on ADDED_TO_STAGE.All this works, except that the ExternalInterface callbacks are never created. The JS and AS3 work fine if the player is shown upon page load, or is hidden with visibility:hidden instead of display:none. I am aware that Flash will not be initialized with display:none, and this works as expected: when the Flash is unhidden, it fires its events and correctly initializes everything else (eg. GUI, other internal stuff). The only thing that doesn't happen as expected is that my ExternalInterface callbacks are not added.

ExternalInterface.available is true. It's not a timing problem, because even after several minutes the callbacks are still not present. The strangest bit is that the flash is able to call JS, fires JS events fine, and the code to fire the events comes after the code to add the callbacks. There are no errors thrown by any of the AS3 code. I'm seeing this problem in both Chrome and Firefox.

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Javascript :: Feed Video Byte Data To Flash Player?

Jan 21, 2012

Is it possible to, using javascript, either create video data on the fly, or more likely download pieces of video data from various sources and feed them to a flash player instance.

Even better, is it possible to feed a html5 video stream from locally executed javascript?

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Flash Player Transmit Session Cookies Automatically?

Jan 29, 2010

There's no access to the HTTP cookies from within a Flash movie, but I now have repeatedly read that Flash Player is supposed to take care of session cookies automatically. I could, however, not find any documentation about this, and it sure didn't work with my Flex client running against a Struts backend using the default JSESSIONID cookie.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Setting Cookies For Frames

Sep 14, 2011

I have a a little project I am working on and I need to implement the use of cookies so the swf knows which frame to go to when the specific page is loaded based on the last state of the flash file.

So for example if I was to visit the page and clicked on a button and then navigated away from the page and loaded the page again, I want the swf to remain at the state I left it and not reset itself from the starting.

Below is my action script and under that is the cookie code to be implemented

Main Action Script

Code: Select allimport;
var buttons:Array=[mcSection1, mcSection2.btn1,mcSection2.btn2,mcSection2.btn3,mcSection2.btn4, mcSection3.btn1, mcSection3.btn2, mcSection4.btn1];
var frames:Array=[33,51,68,85,102,119,137,155];


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Javascript :: Possible To Create A Flash Video Player That Plays Videos Hosted On Youtube?

Apr 5, 2011

I want to create a custom video player to modify the skin of the play controls etc but still host the videos on youtube.The youtube api allows for minor colour adjustments but not full customisation. I know it would be possible if I download the FLVs but i want the video to remain hosted on youtube.

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Javascript :: Switching A Flash Video Player's Color Scheme Based On Set Cookie

May 3, 2011

I've got a web site up and running that allows the user to choose a dark or light color scheme

But on the project detail pages, there are Flash videos that also change slightly based on which color scheme is selected.


If you start playing the video, and change color schemes, the flash player will change to the right color, but on refreshing, it doesn't remember that change. How do I modify to code below so that the Flash player reads the correct color scheme and takes action?

Pertinant code is here (full JS file is here:
//Switches color of Flash Video player on detail pages
function updateColor(color) {


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Both Html5 Video And Flash Fallback Loading If Browser Supports Both

Jan 6, 2012

I'm doing Html5 video play on my project with flash fallback (if it doesn't support html5). But both players are loaded if browser supports both.

<video controls="controls" preload="auto" poster="image.url" >
<source src="video.url" type="video/ogg" />
<source src="video.url" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'/>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control A Flash Video Player With External Javascript Commands Using 'ExternalInterface.addCallback'

Mar 26, 2009

I'm trying to control a Flash video player with external Javascript commands using 'ExternalInterface.addCallback' but I'm not having any success. Here is the HTML code:


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Flash Supports Subtitles With Cue Points And XML Files For Flash Video

Jun 24, 2010

I understand that Flash supports subtitles with cue points and XML files for flash video. First, I don't know if that would work for a flash animation, and second, I'm looking for a much simpler solution. I am more than willing to manually add and time my subtitles myself on a new layer. What I need help with is finding the simplest way possible to make these subtitles toggle-able. Why? Because I seem to have a serious allergy to ActionScript, and though I can master programs like 3D studio Max and After Effects, I seem to screw up even the simplest of Actionscript jobs.

Is there some way I can make a button that simply makes my subtitles layer invisible across the whole thing? Maybe a command to change the font to a blank one, or to move the titles off screen? There has to be SOME sort of trick that won't require me to drop a load of code into each instance of text. I'm currently using Actionscript 3.0 with Flash CS4. I'd also love to have a pause button that would also stop any music or sound effects that are playing, but after struggling with that for years, I seriously doubt that's going to happen. I did google this subtitles problem, and search flashkit first. Nothing but VIDEO subtitle stuff, and I'm almost positive it wont work the same for a regular animation.

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Javascript :: Graph/chart That Supports Dynamic Pie Charts?

Nov 28, 2010

Does anyone know of a good charting/graphing tool that supports dynamic pie charts, i.e.where a user could change the values by dragging, etc? It would need an event API so I could get access to the changed values.

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Flex :: Javascript - Caching Video Player

Jul 30, 2011

I've got the following Javascript for creating the HTML of video player. I use Javascript because this is the only way I can tell the player which video to play.


The problem is FlexPlayer.swf is loading every time and I need to cache this SWF file. Maybe I should use Javascript constructor but don't know how in this case.

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JavaScript :: Open Source / Commercial Web Video Player?

Oct 24, 2010

I'm basically looking for something that can play/stream a variety of formats if possible (or if not, to have an easy way for non-technies to convert them to the desired format). I'm also looking for something easy to setup - like including a javascript tag at the top of the page and then perhaps using a div, or just 1 line of script code to make it work. If it's flash, then have to be simple to setup too.

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Javascript :: Video Not Playing In IE In Hidden Div Using JW Player, SWFObject And FancyZoom?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a video that is meant to start playing when a user clicks on an image and said image opens a FancyZoom overlay. It works fine in every browser except IEs. If I place the video in a div that is not hidden (display:none actually), the video starts as expected. So it seems there is a problem with either Flash, JW Player, SWFObject or any combination of these when trying to load a video in a hidden div.[URL]..

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Javascript :: Embed A Comment Box Within The Video Player That Can Be Accessed By A Click?

Dec 30, 2011

So I was wondering if there was a way to create a video player or edit some open source video player with the functionality that users can add comments straight from the video player. So if you're trying to picture it, it would be something like this: the tool bar at the botom would have the usual seek bar, volume control, play/pause buttons etc, and now an additional button that when clicked would trasform the tool bar into a text box which can be used to enter comments while watching videos. The comments would then be entered below the video.

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Javascript :: Disable 'Download This Video' Real Player Button In Browser?

Oct 29, 2010

Is there any way to disable the "Download This Video" button from RealPlayer. It seems that when users have RealPlayer installed on their machines, it automatically adds a "Download This Video" button to any SWF that loads an FLV.

Edit: My intention isn't to prevent someone from downloading the SWF or FLV, I would just like to remove the ugly button that RealPlayer adds on top of my Flash content.

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Javascript :: YouTube Video Not Playing Correctly After Toggling The Player's Visibility

Mar 26, 2012

I am using YouTube JS API to play videos on my site. Video is played on the dialog box. When user closes the dialog box, player is stopped - player.stopVideo(); But when user clicks again on video icon again, dialog box appears

In Chrome, the video starts playing at the previous position - OK Firefox, the video starts playing from the start irrespective of where user left it last time. - NOT OK

As per my requirements, I want the Chrome to behave as how firefox is behaving.

Here's a fiddle: [URL]

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Javascript :: Controlling Left/right Audio Channel Volume In A Youtube Video Player?

Sep 4, 2011

I want to know if it is possible to use javascript, flash or flex to make a youtube video player that is capable of controlling left/right audio channel volume. For example, mute the left channel and play right channel audio on both left/right speakers.

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Javascript :: Flash - Uset To "stop" And "play" Video That's Inside An FLV Player?

Jul 1, 2010

Is it possible to use JavaScript to "stop" and "play" video that's inside an FLV player?I want to do this using only JavaScript and without modifying the FLV player or movies.

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