My requirement goes like this.I need to create a venn diagram in flex or action script. I need to create 2 circles. Let's say two circles,circle A and circle B. Both circles should have different color and intersected(A^B). So, finally it should have three A, circle B and the intersection part respectively. After that, when I click circle A, only circle A part (excluding intersection part) should be highlighted and remaining should be the same. When I click intersection part, only that intersection part(A^B) should be highlighted and circle A should get the initial color as it was. Similar case with tha circle B. I have done all trail n errors using sprite,bit map and degrafa swc also. But I am not able to meet the exact requirement.
I would like to create an interactive diagram and somebody said I should use Flash to do it.
The idea is to create an organisational chart (like the ones you can produce in MS Word 2010). Each position will have its own box or button. When a user clicks on that box or button, a Word document or internet link will be activated and take the user to this other resource.
The reason why I am choosing Flash is because I would like to make alot of these diagrams and they have to go into Moodle. Apparently Flash is the only program I should use to import the diagram into Moodle.
I want to make a diagram with either flash CS4 or flex builder 3, don't know with one would be the best for the job.More about the task:I want to send in values external to the swf file.The swf-file takes the vaules and makes a diagram of it using x and y values.
I want to make a circle/pie (2d) chart and use it like a timer, at first the circle shall be all black then every second it shall get more red(the pie pieces shall turn from black into red then) and after 60 seconds the whole circle shall be red, I have a few other things I want to do too
I am working on some dress pattern design tutorials. I would like to show patterns and fabric pieces flip over with a page turn type animation. I am looking for a simple method as it involves doing it to a lot of diagrams. I have been looking at After Effects as I know I can 'page turn' objects. This pretty well produces the effect I am looking for but I feel it should be easier in Flash (Shape tweening morphs the diagram and motion tweening doesn't help) or perhaps video in Photoshop. I don't mind what I use.
My patterns are drawn in Illustrator so importing them would be really convenient. Ideally I would like to fill the shapes with a textile pattern and have the reverse showing with a different texture but this is not essential - just getting the diagrams to turn over smoothly would be really nice.
I have even thought of screen recording the process of dragging the corner of the diagram and flipping it over in some way.
I am happy to experiment but if anyone can point me to the best way forward I would be very grateful. There is nothing worse than spending hours/days working on a way to do things only to find there is a preset somewhere that does it for you.
i have a bunch of diagrams that are exploded to show parts that we sell of athletic equipment. our company now has an online digital catalog that we want to put some flash into so when the user clicks on a part it will direct their browser to the webpage that they can order it from (hopefully in another window). i know there are plenty of ways to do this but i havent used flash in about a year and it was just one class and honestly i am a little fuzzy on what to do. i guess i would import the .ai files and make each part a button right? should i do these on different layers? some of the files are jpgs, so would i have to make an invisible button or something over the image?
My boss wants to draw the local network and then, if you click on one of the computers or roll the mouse over one, he wants to see stuff like RAM, CPU, OS, etc. This has to be done in a browser, more specifically, the intranet's wiki.One of my coworkers suggested using flash (I am a complete noob but I assume ActionScript is what would be used?) and I think it could also be done in javascript but I dunno.He wants it to be extensible if possible, so adding another computer later or editing values shouldn't be too hard, though the topology shouldn't change very often.
I am working on creating a network diagram. I used the "Creating Connected Lines" tutorial to start off. I need to place the object equal distance from each other around a center object so they don't overlap. Is there a way to set the distance or maybe the line length so they don't end up on top of each other?
Is there anywhere available a software which allows to build UML diagram from AS3 code ?I found that someone started to implement that in ArgoUML, but with any results yet.Does anyone now if there is any software which can do that ?
I am currently creating a interactive flow chart in flash CS3 using action script 2.0, I have run into a few problems along the way though. My first problem is this:
They are four buttons to begin with, when you click on one of the four buttons the other shrink and the option you have selected displays its own options, but you can still click on the first three buttons that are first shown, so you can flick through the choices faster. This all works fine until certain selections are made and then the animation breaks and shows you two further options at the same time.
My second problem is:
Once you select your choice from the first four you can then click the same option again and it will replay the animation again. I don't want it to replay this but is they a way of using the "if" statement rather than creating another frame on every option.
a couple of month ago i saw a picture showing the responsibility of the different actors in the as3 robotlegs frameworks. The picture was great for beginners who didn't know which actor is responsible for what task. It was like: "Do you want to bind a button to an event -> use the mediator"[URL]...
we use all the time loader class with its loader.contentLoaderInfo and all listeners.Two question :1/ Is there a soft to make as3 class diagrams for soft design.2/ I would like to encapsulate loader class, the things which are not constant are urlmessages when load is complete objects to update when load is in progress (loadbar or textfield
I've got a huge movieclip (2500px X 2500px) sat on a stage (950px X 600px). The movieclip is like a tree diagram and I'd like to be able to click on buttons within the movieclip which will reposition it and have the effect of panning to the next item in the tree.
im developing a web based project management web site using phpi need charts for tasksabout the gant chart it is ok i found a javascript library which functions can take the tasks names , dates and durations then draw a gant chart.but my problem is about network diagram for the tasks , i need javascripts libraries or flash action script can make thi
My group is working on a Flex/AS3 scientific web application that is data intensive. Luckily the only plots involved are line charts. However, each line chart may have multiple traces (up to 24), and each trace may contain up to 2000 points. The user will need to zoom in and out and interact with the data (e.g. data tips, etc.).
The response I'm getting from developers is that's a lot of data to render in a plot in Flash. For reasons beyond the scope of this post, we can't sample the data to reduce the size (this has already been done and nature of the data prevents further sampling).
Rendering speed is critical for this app. What kind of rendering speed should I expect the Flex 4 line chart component to provide for a given number of points (e.g. 1 second to render 1000 points?)
Are there products available that handle plotting large data sets better, which can be incorporated in Flex (I've seen FusionCharts and ZingCharts online but have no idea how they compare with Flex's components)? Of those, which are easy to develop with while still providing a lot of flexibility in look and feel?
has their own web-to-lead form that can be used to send leads from a website contact form. But I want to submit leads from a contact form inside a flex application. I can't see anything in the documentation, or on Google about this. Is it possible?
I have a flex component, a VBox, that has content inside it. Text components mainly.The VBox is holding a report that I want to be able to save to PDF. I am using AlivePdf to achieve this but the PDF produced is blank when viewed in Adobe reader (latest version).When I open the PDF in Notepad++ I can see that there is definitely content in there and the file appears to be structured correctly.This is the method I am using to generate the PDF:
private function doPrint(whatToPrint:UIComponent):void { var printPDF:PDF = new PDF( Orientation.LANDSCAPE, Unit.MM, Size.A4 );[code].....
I want to create a custom component library. the components are customize-able during creation time. means like Accordion or TabNavigator, when we drag and drop the Accordion in flash builder it
I want to create a news application for my should i create drag-able panels/canvas inside another panel/canvas.What i exactly intend to do can be seen on . The website has different panels of every news group, and this panel could be moved from one place to other, but in a well defined manner. And the other panel take over the place of dragged panel.Is there any component in flex
Here, I need to create custom component object, changing their element values and appending that custom component in VBox. What are the correct syntax to implement this one?
Im trying to create a pdf in high resolution in 300dpi with pdf alive for flex, i used this code: var image:ImageSnapshot = ImageSnapshot.captureImage(page[i], 300, new JPEGEncoder()); but i create the pages with a loop for(), and this makes that my web aplication crashed, beacause it spend a lot of time to create the PDF. Exist some way to create this process in the background but dont want the .swf to freeze while the number crunching happens, or another way to create pdf in high resolution(300dpi) with flex.
I'm trying to create a dynamic datagrid in Flex. The data is coming back fine and I can add the column headings. I need to do it this way as the column names are dynamic and coming from a mysql database.he values from re.result.resultSet.results[j].notes into the data fields?
Multiple axis creation via MXML works fine: http:[url]...
But when I'm trying dynamically create horizontal and vertical axis then I'm getting extra axes. I believe this is Adobe bug. How I can fix this behavior?