How To Stop Inheritance

Jul 28, 2010

I have a parent MC (I'll call this mcFrame) on the stage that is essentially a square "picture" frame which I have applied a 'drop shadow' filter to. I have a child MC (I'll call this mcChild) which I have added to the displayList via AS3. This child MC contains a couple of paragraphs of static text.

So here is my problem: The 'drop shadow' filter I applied to the parent MC also appears on the static text (or any other type of content) in the child MC, how do I keep this from happening? To re-word my question? How do I stop the Child MC from inheriting the filters applied to its Parent MC.

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{variable HP;
if(HP<=0){remove instance}[code].....

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package strategy{
import flash.display.Sprite; import*;
import strategy.*;


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import flash.display.Sprite;

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Feb 13, 2007

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Nov 9, 2010

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import flash.text.*;
class SetBlank {
public var _textFieldName:TextField;
public var _defaultName:String;
public function SetBlank(textFieldName:TextField, defaultName:String) {
[Code] .....

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Dec 13, 2010

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import flash.display.MovieClip;


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It is not works! When I see in debugger, child have type "Screen2", but "child is Screen" returns false to me (and "child instanceof Screen" too). When I apply compiler key: "-keep-generated-actionscript" I can see and it's contains public class Screen3 extends screens.Screen

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Inheritance & Compilation Woes?

Jan 30, 2009


class Dot extends Sprite {
public function Dot():void {
ring.scaleX = 1.0;


If I attach the class Dot to the movie clip everything is fine, but if I attach the class Dottle to the movieclip the pre-export complains saying it can't find 'ring'. however, if I use this['ring'] everything works fine. I understand WHY this is, but I don't know what I should do to make it so it works w/out have to put this[''] around everything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linkage And Inheritance - Movieclips Set To The Corresponding Class?

Jun 4, 2009

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import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....

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import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....

if i create a class from the project window and select the movieclip in the library, it does include that file.So I'm assuming the compiler only includes .as files with filenames corresponding to class names.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Detecting Class Inheritance?

Jul 12, 2010

I have a class called BgItem that I want many other classes to extend. But I also want to be able to use instances the BgItem class itself. Within the BgItem class file, I want to be able to detect whether the specific instance is of the BgItem class or an extension of it. I know I can detect if a class is in an object's chain of inheritance using the "is" operator, but how do I detect if a class is at the end of the chain?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Definition In Circular Inheritance

May 26, 2011

I have a custom class, we'll call it EntryField, which extends another custom class FieldBase.

I want to extend the EntryField.

package com.myClasses.fields{
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;


When I run this I get the error The definition is in circular inheritance. I've extended classes more times than I care to count, but I've never seen this. Can anyone offer me some enlightenment?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - IDE Stage Instance Inheritance?

Feb 29, 2012

In the flash IDE I have the file class com.example.NewCore. The NewCore class extends my original class named Core and the Core class extends MovieClip. What I don't understand is why isn't the original Core class able to access the assets on the stage? Or am I doing it wrong and should go about another way for inheritance. Heres alittle more back story... I had a project and it was fully developed. Now I have built another project based on that project with differently styled assets on the stage with same instance names. I needed to override a few functions but the class I extended can't access anything on the stage. I tried researching this but I can't identify exactly what I'm doing.My last guess would be to take everything off the stage and make it a class available in the library, but I don't know what the right way to do this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Inheritance - Extend The XMLSocket?

Feb 13, 2005

I am looking for an example that will show me how to work around the no-multiple-inheritance problems in AS2. I have a class that extends the UIComponent, but I also want to extend the XMLSocket. I've looked and looekd and see no good example for when I'm writing my class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Class Inheritance And Property Accessibility

Jul 24, 2010

I'm having trouble accessing the variables of my main class from other class objects UNLESS the objects are extensions of the Sprite or MovieClip class, have been added to the display list as a child of the main class instance, and I am able to use the this.parent.variable syntax. What I'm wondering is, isn't it possible to have a simple Object declared and instantiated, residing in memory and able to access another object's properties, without it being a part of the display list? Am I doing something stupid here?

Let me explain the code a bit in case it's a design flaw on my part. (I'm still learning AS3 and am not completely fluent with it yet).

I have a project with about 15 custom classes. There are no frame scripts in the .fla file. I am using it basically as a library only. The document class (let's call it Calculator for this example) extends the Sprite class and specifies the properties for the SWF dynamically. All other classes are instantiated from this main class. I have a bunch of variables that I want accessible to the different classes, so to keep them in a central location, I have declared them in the Calculator class, and am trying to access them from the other object instances.

(It should be noted that there ARE animations that need to play at times, so I'm assuming I can't NOT extend the MovieClip or Sprite class when creating the document class.

For this example, let's say there's another class called, whos instance was created from within the Calculator class, that needs some information stored in the Calculator class' variables. Incredibly simplified code for the two classes might look like this:

Document class:

package {
import flash.display.*;
public class Calculator extends Sprite {


So, in the code above (I've bolded the most important lines in red), the only way I have been successful at accessing the variables declared in the document class from other classes is to extend the MovieClip or Sprite class when I create the custom class, add the object as a child of the document class (Calculator), create a generic variable cast to the datatype of the document class, and use it to access the variables.

This seems really excessive to me, and I'm wondering if it is, or if this is simply a limitation of ActionScript. Does, for instance, a URLLoader object actually need to be associated with a MovieClip included in the display list in order to access internal variables of the main class object? Is it me, or is that really convoluted? Shouldn't it be able to exist in memory separate of the display list and still have access to varibles declared from the main timeline (i.e. the document class in this case)? Is there no other syntax for accessing these elements? Have I done something limiting with how I've designed this or declared the variables?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Inheritance When Using Loader.contentLoaderInfo. ApplicationDomain.getDefinition?

Jan 13, 2010

I have made a Flash app in which there is an class called "MyGame.Person" which has multiple subclasses "MyGame.PoliceMan", "MyGame.FireMan", "MyGame.Doctor" etc. "MyGame.Person" is defined in the main .fla file, but the other classes are each defined in separate .fla files. I have split each into its own .swf file so that I can extend the game without having to reissue the main .swf file.I then use a Loader to download each .swf file and call

var assetClass:Class = myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(assetClass Name) as Class;
to extract the class from the downloaded swf file. So if assetClassName is


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