IDE :: Dynamic XML / HTML In SWF With Columns?

Apr 14, 2009

I am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to dynamically display 3 columns of text in my swf. They are somewhat long lists of song/album/label titles and all 3 columns need to scroll as one unit. My client gave me Excel files with the lists in spreadsheet form. I've tried exporting as XML and HTML. I've gotten the lists to disply in my SWF using dynamic text boxes but now I can't figure out how to get all 3 text boxes to scroll as one.

Is there a way to create a simple table in Flash and have each list load into Column1, Column2, and Column3 and then attach a srollbar to the table?

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Jan 3, 2006

I am tryng to create a dynamic datagrid that receives dynamic columns:

PHP Code:

for (i=0; i<DadosModelos.total_produto_modelo_recebe; i++) {
var coluna:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn();
coluna.width = 75;


Now i want to add a row that receives a value for each column that i add dynamic above, i tried all but nothing..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text In Columns?

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I was just wondering, is there a way to split up dynamicly loaded text (pulled from a database via php) into columns? A friend of mine made a design for a flash site with the text in columns. I'm going to load the text from a database via php, but I was wondering if there's a function I could use to split up the text into columns?

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Dec 14, 2009

I need to be able to list a bunch of parts and their attributes in a manner that is readable and dynamic. This is what I mean. I would like to display something like this in the end:

1 abcd This is a part 100


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Flex :: TileLayout With Dynamic Rows And Columns For Paging

Jul 7, 2011

I'm implementing an image gallery which presents assets as equally sized boxes that are forming a grid. I thought that I could easily achieve that by using the spark.layouts.TileLayout but unfortunately I have some additional requirements that I'm unable to implement with it.The general principal should to be to present as many boxes as possible within given space. The entire layout of the application is liquid and depends on the user's screen resolution.[code]I don't know the RequestedColumnCount or RequestedRowCount in advance as they depend on the available space, so the above code layouts all elements from left-to-right and then from top-to-bottom - which is as close as you can get from what I really want to achieve.This list of boxes should be cable of rendering fake paging. In reality it means that if the last visible row does not entirely fit the available space it should be moved to the next page.

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Java :: Rendering A Datagrid With Dynamic Columns In Flex

Jul 17, 2011

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var productId:String;
var productName:String;
var status:String;
var categoryList:ArrayCollection;

I am not sure if this will be able to solve my problem. I think I will need to have a Map containing category Names and if it is applicable for that product.

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Apr 11, 2010

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Jun 8, 2009

So I am bringing in a blog post via xml/rss feed to the clients website. Everything is working beautifully except for the formatting. I can get it to look like I want it on my end if I ascribe a TextFormat element however, I would very much like to keep the formatting that the user specifies when they create a new blog.

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Html :: Dynamic Flash FLV Player

Sep 29, 2010

I am attempting to create a custom FLV player in flash that will allow me to link to an external FLV file in the html object code. This is in order to easily change a video that will appear on a client's index page dynamically. Currently I am using an external player that does exactly what I wish to do (URL...). However the client I'm building the site for requires a custom built player. My abilities in Flash (CS3) are limited but I have scripted in ActionScript and worked in Flash many times before.[code]As I stated, this links to a free third-party player, which is great, but I'd really need to build to my own. I have built a basic player in flash already using the FLVPlayback control, but am unsure on the details of making it dynamic.

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Apr 16, 2009

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CS3 Dynamic Text Box Won't Render Simple HTML

Sep 11, 2009

I've done this dozens of time before but for some reason any new dynamic text boxes I make will not properly render the HTML in them even with the HTML control turned on.

I'm using CS3 with Actionscript 3, targeting player 9. I've tried AS 2, and different players all to no avail. I've tried embedding fonts, and not embedding fonts with no change in behavior noticed. I do want to use AS 3 (and wrote a bunch of code for it in a different file already), but even in a new empty file I'm still seeing this behavior.

I've made a real simple (one line!) file with a text box to demonstrate.

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HTML Tags Not Working In Dynamic Text Box?

Oct 30, 2009

My HTML tags are not working in a dynamic text box. Im guessing it is cause of the scrolling and maybe it dosn't see <br> so it dosn't allow them. This is the code i am using below.

TextField.prototype.maxviewable = function(){
if(this.maxscroll>1) return this.bottomScroll;
var b = (this.html) ? this.bottomScroll-1 : this.bottomScroll;
if (!this.length) this.text = ">>";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading HTML Into Dynamic Text?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a dynamic text box on my flash page called homepageText I've been able to import text from a .txt file into the Dynamic Text box and that's fine, but I want to be able to format certain parts of the text, like making parts bold/italic, adding links, adding images and all those things to the point flash will allow.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting Dynamic Text With Html?

Jan 31, 2009

i am trying to form text with html. rending text as html is on. but the html is showing as test

my code: info = " Donna Bonessi <I>President</I>";

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Professional :: Using HTML In Dynamic Text Fields - CS4?

Mar 4, 2010

Is there a way to type HTML directly into a TextField in Flash CS4?  I've created a TextField on the stage, set it to dynamic, set "Render text as HTML" and thought that I could then type HTML directly into the TextField and that it would be rendered as such.  Instead it displays whatever HTML I type as regular text.

I assume then that the only way to get HTML into one of these fields is to dynamically load it into the TextField through the htmlText property.  Is this right?  And if so, what exactly is the purpose of having a "Render text as HTML" button in the first place?  Couldn't I just load the HTML into the TextField through the htmlText property anyways?

Well, at any rate, I was really hoping to use as much of the flash interface for the project I'm working on, such that anyone who didn't know AS3 could easily update it themselves.  Now it's looking like not only will they have to know AS3 and HTML, but also have to deal with the hassle of formatting what will potentially be a complex system of images, textfields, and videos all in AS3 with no visual interface.
Is it too much to ask to be able to just highlight some text and make it bold or italic?  That's really all I need, sadly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Actions From Dynamic HTML To Flash

Mar 23, 2010

I have a website that I'm creating an events page for. The intent is to have the text updated dynamically and the ability to create links in the .txt file that start a gallery in flash in a UILoader. The way I have it right now is that the links open a new page, I need to be able to link to the UILoader and specify a certain gallery to show up.I looked everywhere but I can't seem to understand how to do it. I saw that there was asfucntion but as I saw it's no longer in AC3.Here is the link to the page: go to the events page and you'll see what I currently have. The text on the left is dynamic from a txt file this is the content of the file:[code]I need to change the href to something that will trigger flash to load a specific gallery. I have the UILoader in there now and it gets the file that I need. But it's missing the point all together of being dynamic.I could create a function that gets triggered by the href but I've tried it and don't seem to make it work. I'm no programmer I'm a designer, so this is a little over my head. I've just cracked the door on AC3 when I started this website last week & I feel that I've came a long way, but there is a whole lot more learning to do .

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Professional :: Html Into A Dynamic Text Field?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm able to use a .txt file with basic html elements inside to display correctly. But I now have a structured document done in ms word. If I copy the html and try to save as a .txt file it will only allow to be saved as .rtfis there a way to preserve all the font, breaks and styles from a doc saved in .rtf or can I do this in a different way.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic TextField With HTML 1 XML CDATA?

May 14, 2007

I am trying to avoid having to unescape URL encoded XML nodes by using a CData node element. It is a hassle to URL encode the html to put into the XML which is then read into Flash.This is what I have so far:

//Create XML with HTML 1.0 tags
myXML = new XML('<![CDATA[<p>This is a paragraph<br><a href=''><b><u>Link to Amazon</u></b></a></p>]]>');
//Create dynamic html textfield


I know that Flash does not fully support CData, but I'm sure there has to be some workaround.I did try sending the XML toString() but that didn't change anything.

htmlXML=myXML.toString();//create var for conversion from xml to string

I want the textfield to render the HTML--not just display the tags.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML In A Dynamic Text Field?

Jun 29, 2009

I currently have a dynamic text box that pulls from an external text file, but I want to spiff it up a little bit: I want the text box to include a series of links that go to another frame, and with another dynamic text box that pulls up the corresponding story.Basically, I want the main "news" page to be an updateable archive of links to the "news story" pages. This all, however, has to be in Flash, as the website I'm working on it one .swf movie. I am very inexperienced in working with CS4/Actionscript and even less experienced in HTML

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Dynamic TextBox With HTML Tags

Feb 8, 2011

I am trying to use a dynamic text box with HTML tags (<b><i><u>). I've tried loads of methods without success:

1. 3 dynamic textboxes placed on the stage with each font variant (bold,italic,regular), with embedding enabled for each. Then the main dynamic textbox with embedding turned off.
2. 3 font symbols with linkage enabled in the library. Then the main dynamic textbox with embedding turned off.

The font is not a system font btw. I have tried point 1 with Verdana and it worked. So is it an issue with a non system font with HTMl tags?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Editing Dynamic Text With HTML?

Jul 21, 2004

myVari="Top line<BR><BR>Bottom line";

works fine for me.


myVari="<FONT SIZE=4>Top line<BR><BR>Bottom line</FONT>";

does not work for me.

What is the correct way to use the the font size tag?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: NO SCROLL: Nested Dynamic HTML

Mar 17, 2006

Using a hybrid of some K tutes and others, I was able to get dynamic HTML to load and scroll. No prob. I added it to a nested movie clip, figured out some dot targeting (in an ongoing attempt to shuck telltarget), and got the HTML to load but the scrollbar isn't functioning. It's there, but doesn't work?? I've searched around here and found plenty of titles that fit the description, but not the issue... Chances seem really good that I'm doing something obviously wrong. I'm hoping so at least...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Characters In Dynamic Text Box

May 6, 2003

I know that I can send this html to a dynamic text box and it works correctly:
< a href="" target="_blank">Click< /a>

But, why does it not work to replace the quotation marks with & quot; ? < a href=& quot; quot; target=& quot;_blank& quot;>Click< /a>

(BTW, the extra spaces are intentional so the html does not render as html in this post)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Html Attributes In A Dynamic Textfield?

Jul 3, 2003

how can i use the html attributes in a dynamic textfield

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading A Dynamic Location By Html Var?

Aug 20, 2008

i have some can i load location from var in html?this is the html code that load the flash

<div align="center" id="flashcontent" class="virtual">This content requires <a href="">Adobe Flash Player 9</a> and a browser with


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