IDE :: How To Make The Multi-hyperlink

Sep 10, 2009

i got a problem with building a Menu for my website, i'm using CS3, Actionscript 3 and i've a lot of buttons for one page, but i don't really know how to code them, because i juz know how to code single Button example :

btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goToEnter);
function goToEnter(event:MouseEvent):void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""));

so this is for single button, how if there are 5 buttons?

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Code Description
----- ------------
A1 Notebook <button>
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import;var intel:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");var amd:URLRequest = new


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stop();function trans(event:MouseEvent):void{    gotoAndPlay(;

So there are three menu buttons, and the page flys in animations depending on the button pushed.I have another button named LINK, and I thought it would just be a matter of inserting the following code somewhere:

LINK.onRelease=function(){ getURL("http:url....); }

But no matter where I put it, it just makes my site play through all the animations one after the other regardless of whether buttons have been clicked or not, and the link won't work.Where should I put this code and is it correct? Also, once it's working, I want to copy it and make another button for creating an email.Is that just a matter of having a mailto: link instead of a hyperlink?

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ow to do a hyperlink in xml  This is what I do know,  you can add the <a href="">click here</a> but that does not work for me,when i save and preview my fla, it takes away my scroll bar that i have I have alsoseen somwhere you can use the <?[[DATA tag, but this aswell doesnt work for me in my FLA, is there somewhere i need to reference hyperlinks before I can modify my xml??

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><root difference="10"><node><year>1970</year> <text>Stephen Galvano installed as pastor at 421 Child St. </text> <pic>1</pic></node>
<node><year>1971</year> <text>The Inaugural International Missions Convention. </text>


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Add A Hyperlink To A Word?

Sep 16, 2011

I'm working on updating a flash file and i have to add a hyperlink to a word but i'm having no luck.  can some help,  the bit of code is:
but6="Renewable Energy - Solar Panels";
but6bt="Installing and using renewable energy technologies like wind turbines, solar panels and biomass heaters offer an alternative to fossil fuels.  It will reduce your homes CO2 emissions and energy bills and depending on the technology you could even paid for the energy you generate, or take advantage of the schemes that some companies offer. Find out more here";
The word here thats bolded is the word i need to add a hyperlink to. 

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