IDE :: XML Image Rotator - So Close - Needs Controls?
Nov 6, 2007
I've found this xml driven banner rotator here on Kirupa from Mr. Daytripper.It's great (with preloader, xml controlled transitions, speed, urls) but I need to be able to add additional control with a 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 buttons that would jump to image 1, 2, 3 or 4 and maybe pause/play.I've added the buttons but don't have any idea how to control the arrays/variables.
I'm attempting to make it like a standard banner rotator like you might see on the homepage of,, but honestly the code is a beyond me.
I want to create an image rotator that looks similar to the one in the upper RHS of joinred dot com. I'd like it to have images that are a bit bigger than the one on that site. However, I like the thing about them coming in from the right, as well as the effect, being a bit distorted and then becoming clear.
I am a web developer (CF and working on a new project. I toyed with flash back around the beginning of Flash MX around the early 2000's. Basically I am looking for direction on this -- I would like to have a small flash movie that displays a collection of pictures with some sort of transition. Ideally, I would like to pull the image paths from a database and rotate through them at some time interval. This seems like something that shouldn't be too difficult - and I am sure it has been done thousands of times - I am surprised I cannot find more information through google searches. Maybe I am not keying on the correct terms!??!? Anyways, If anyone could provide some direction - I am hoping that I can pick it up with a little push. Having not touched flash in 7 or 8 years, I am kind of stuck getting started.
I have 2 empty mc's that get images from xml.I'm trying to make the mc's into "buttons" so on mc.onRelease, url from xml will be linked.Problem:onRelease starts working from second image.URL link is adURLindex = 2, when it should be adURLindex =
I want to create a cube with images from an xml,..that will rotate to one side of it and show me an image..stay for a while then rotate again to next image-side..wait etc.
I have some troubles wtih this gallery. I do not know what to do.(Sorry for my bad english...) I'm trying to do a infinite loop with this gallery, like this sample: [URL] I have no idea how to start. The code and sample:Code: Select allstop();
I am new in actionscript 3.I want to make a rotating vertically cube with images from an xml.Cube will rotate to a side,stay for a while then rotate to the next side and show me the image for a while too and continue.In each side I want to pass a url so when I click the side-image to direct me to a website.
I'm trying to create an image rotator in flash that is powered by XML that just continually rotates through the images (fading into an image and fading out, and then fading into the next image, etc).I've managed to load the XML file and get the location of the image files for each image:[code]and I've managed to load the last image in the XML into a movieclip by putting this line:imageHolder.loadMovie(myImage[i].attributes.image); under the var imageURL = myImage[i].attributes.image line.I can't work out how to:
1. Display one image at a time instead of just the last image in the XML file
2. Fade in and out between each images (I was trying to use Tweenlite to do this and think I can get it to work once I know how to do the above point)
3. How to continually repeat through all the images.
I want to put a flash banner(slider) to show a bunch of products iteratively. And I want it to allow interaction so the user can interrupt image looping and choose what she wants to see and what images to show how long it will be shown should be configurable. I already googled for 'flashe banner / slider' but with no luck. Is there any open source projects that can offer this kind of feature? Or tools that can help me to create one.
What i need to do, is to be able to scale and distort and image's shape in the swf file.
So built-in to the SWF file would be a photo of whatever, and i want the user to be able to grab the corners of the image and change it's dimensions. I want it to work the same way that the 'Distort' function works in Photoshop.
For those of you who don't know, i'll try to explaim it briefly. So your photo has 4 sides and 4 corners, you grab a corner and drag it, it keeps a straight line between the sides, but all it does and change the perspective pretty much, as though you were looking at it from a different angle.
Just like that, so it's still a 4 sided shape but you move the corners... and it changes the shape of the image... is this possible to do? So i don't want to do this inside of Flash but in the SWF output, so anyone who goes to the site can do it.
i need to pan a large image. I didn�t used the kirupa example, because this was more what i was looking for. The problem is that a i need a close button so i can go back to the small image (unload it). Example:picture1.swf (contaings a medium size picture) when i click over it, goes to picture1_big.swf where i can pan the image.The problem is that if i put a close button it doesnt recognize it. Everything is made with AS.
I'm working with Flex 3.4 SDK. I need to change the default close button image from a TitleWindow. So what I'm doing is defining a CSS selector, like this:
The problem is: the result image is totally squeezed beyond recognition. Probably because the image dimensions are 55x10 pixels (much wider than the default closebutton square-like dimensions) and flex forces it to fit that size.
i have the controls for car number 1 that would be the arrow keys if [code]but how can i make controls for car 2.i wann use wasd but i cant figure out how the key.a doesnt work.
Does anyone have a link to a tutorial that will show me how to make an image gallery that has an automatic slideshow with manual controls, a multi-page thumbnail bank with manual controls, and a preloading system that would be good for about 160 images at about 1024x680? I don't really know any useful actionscript, and I've managed to find a hodge-podge of tutorials but I don't know how to tie in all the parts to make what I want.[url]...
I have a dragable gallery of images separated with "contentSpacer". I'm trying to make each image "snap" when it is close to the centre. I've modified this [URL] and got it working, to a point. My problem is the x value that the gallery being snapped to needs to have "contentSpacer" subtracted from it: if its the third image in the sequence then it need to have ("contentSpacer" * 3) subtracted from it (as there is three gaps between the start of the gallery andthe end of the third image, get it?). In the code below I've put (proximity - (contentSpacer * j)) but "j" does not exist right now, you see what I'm getting at? The code doesn't seem to be aware what image it is snapping.
I don't think there is much to add to the subject. It is a bug, anyhow. Let's say I am playing content from publisher which is displayed in a video. I then close the stream, and issue a play call for content B on this same stream object. If publisher B is slow enough (no new data arrives for a short while), I manage to catch a glimpse of OLD UNRELATED content from publisher A! Why is this, and is there anything I can do about it? By the way Video.clear is broken in Flash Player 10, and that's public knowledge. However, I am not sure the clear method alleviates the problem. Even if you clear the video, the stale data appears afterwards anyway. you can see ive uploaded everything possible to do with the banner rotator with a little help from a guy on this forum. (if your veiwing in firefox the site may look messed up) and it just stays loading for ages and doesnt eventually load.and if anyone knows the code so my site can be viewed in all screen resolutions without having to slide across at the bottom.
I am looking for a non XML driven Flash banner rotator, something where I can load my images into the FLA and publish. The only rotators I can seem to find have external XML/image files, etc. All I want to do is create simple SWF's that I can use to display rotating images preferably is a smooth and stylish manner. Does anyone know of any, or could point me in the right direction?
I have a banner rotator / slideshow with 30 swf's. I have an xml file driving the lideshow. My problem is that I have video pop-ups in each of the 30 linked swf's and a geturl in each of the swf's. I need to be able to drive this content from the xml file. Is that possible? to read an xml file from a linked swf?
Ok so hereby I am starting a new topic after successful coding of xml file I am trying to produce flash text rotators from the xml file.Now i could do this in javascript which I have already implemented see link:dedication message
I'm having a strange issue with an incremental rotator. Using Tweener, i just want a square to rotate by 15 degrees each time the stage is clicked. This works perfectly until the rotation get larger than 200. At that point the square spins a full loop before landing on the correct location. All I'm looking for is to have it be +=15 from where it currently is.[code]
I am trying to modify a template that has a banner rotator. Instead of having a bunch of images rotate, I would like just one .swf file. So I removed all the other image tags in the XML and changed the one I want to
<image path="ad/01.swf" link="" />
However, nothing displays. I assume its because the actionscript must be set up to display swf's differently. I found in the code a few refernces to this...
When the page loads, it calls "setRotator". Inside "setRotator" is the loadImage call. Here are both functions.
Code: private function setRotator():void { if (_randomize) loadImage( _xmlList[ _randomArray[_count] ].@path, _xmlList[
I am trying to load an external swf (Banner Rotator) to an existing swf (website).My problem is that the banner rotator I am trying to add totally changes the display of my site which I had coded to resize to browsers and remain central.Here is the live website before I have added the Banner Rotator: URL...and this is what happens to it after I add the code:my website.This is the code I used to load the external swf, it is within a an MC within an MC on the stage:[code]I am utterly confused as to how to sort this out, and am getting very close to my deadline (2 days away!).
Im trying to learn how to deal with such banners. Seems that everything works fine BUT I cant select the nodes of the XML. See the code below It keep saying "cannot open url undefined".
i'm making a preloader for my banner rotator, but the reason to be here writing this post is to ask for help to fix a bug in my preloader, for example: When I click on a button to change the image while the preloader is counting it simply starts counting the the bytesLoaded of old image + the new image(bytes) of the button I've clicked. Then the percentage goes over the 100% ... I didn't want to disable the button, I know is possible in some way but I am not finding success.