JavaScript :: How To Get Image Inside Anchor

Jul 10, 2009

Cryptic title, but it's hard to explain. With Firefox, head over to [URL] do a random search, and then drag the first search result to the URL bar. You'll see it it goes to the page that had the image anchor. Then click the "see full size image" link, and then drag the image to the address bar. In the first example, it copied the anchor, not the image, to the address bar. And in the second example, it took the URL of the image itself. Is there a way to get to the image inside the anchor?

I'm using a drop target that's in an iframe on another domain, so targetting the img's directly and adding JS events is out. I don't expect to be able to do this with straight JS (though I hope). In fact I'm not even sure if flash/actionscript can do this! My thought is I need to set up a drop target and get details about the element that was dropped... if it's an anchor, I can dive into the DOM and get the img inside it. This, of course, assumes that the DOM element itself is what's being dragged and that the browser isn't just copying the link.

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<script language="javascript">
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<mx:HTML id="viewObject"
x="10" y="42" width="634" height="313"
location="http;//localhost:8080/mypage.php" />

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<s:Button x="10" y="10" label="Button">


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<a href="" class="lightwindow" params="lightwindow_width=800,lightwindow_height=345" >Link Name</a>
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PHP Code:



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Mar 11, 2012

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var isolated = false, smallestVideo=300, videoElements=document.getElementsByTagName('embed'), activate_style='width:16px; height:16px; position:relative; cursor:pointer; left:-23px;


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Javascript :: Changing The Color Of An Image?

Mar 10, 2011

I need to change the color of an image on a website. The image is of a carport, so the texture and shadow's needs to stay consistent. If I change the color by just swapping the images with other ones in a different color I would have to have approximately 7500 images and I don't think it would be the most efficient way of doing this, so I am asking the community if there is a jQuery code that would allow me to place some sort of color filter on top of a white carport and change the color real-time on the website?This is a sample of one of the images I have to start with.The only thing that can change color is the roof part, the metal rails in the image cannot change color and the background cannot change color either.

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JavaScript :: Upload ByteArray Image On Facebook With SDK

Apr 14, 2012

I'm trying to upload a photo on Facebook using Javascript SDK. In particular I generate a base64 encoded bytearray from my Actionscript3 app, I pass it to Javascript file using ExternalInterface, and from that I decode the bytearray and I try to upload to FB. But it give me this error:
{"error":{"message":"(#324) Requires upload file","type":"OAuthException","code":324}}

I tried to upload an image simply from url, and in that way it goes well! This is my Javascript code:
upPhoto:function(photo) {
var img = F.decode_base64(photo);
FB.api('/me/photos', 'post', {
[Code] .....

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Javascript :: Display Image Above Flash Object?

Feb 5, 2010

I am facing a tricky situation here...this is the problem...I have a flash object over which i want to display an image These are the tricks that i tried...1.Playing with z-index(no use) 2.Setting the wmode parameter to transparent/opaque(again no use)3.Using javascript and displaying image only after the page is loaded(still no use)

<div style="position:absolute; top:0px; z-index:-2000;">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000" id="obj1" codebase=",0,40,0" border="0" width="176" height="146">


also tried with value="opaque"

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Flash :: Paste An Image Into Silverlight / JavaScript?

Mar 1, 2010

Is it possible to allow users to paste image data into a Website? That is, they have an image in the clipboard and can paste it into an HTML Site? (I would then somehow grab the bytes and store them - persistence isn't the problem here) It needs to be Cross-Browser IE8, FF3.5 and Chrome 4, but I can use browser plugins like Silverlight, Flash or bare JavaScript if possible (I might even use Browser Plugins, although that would be painful to manage and IE would need ActiveX is guess...). Also since it's an internal site, I can add the site to the Local Intranet Zone in IE (not sure if that changes stuff for Firefox and Chrome).

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Javascript :: Image Zooming Trick In A Browser?

Feb 22, 2011

I would like to do the following trick in a browser:

Create three image files of different size (small, medium, large) from one picture.

First, display the small image in a browser. When a user zooms in the small image replace it with the medium one. Now the user can scroll it within the window up and down, left and right. When a user zooms out the small image replace it with the small one, etc.

I would prefer JavaScript (Flash is the second option). What tool would you recommend ?

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