Media Server :: FLVPlayback To FMS OnConnect() Custom Parameters

Sep 16, 2010

FLVPlayback custom params
How do I pass custom parameters to FMS using a FLVPlayback just likeI can with NetConnection.onConnect()? e.g. Normally I pass custom params to FMS like this:netConnection.connect("rtmp://", param1, param2, ... .etc); How do I pass param1... etc. to FMS if I'm using an FLVPlayback component?

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ParametersclientObjA Client object. This object contains information about the client that is connecting to the application.p1 ..., pNOptional parameters passed to the application.onConnect() handler from the client-side NetConnection.connect()

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Media Server :: FLVPlayback Component's NcMgr.netConnection Is Null When Connecting To My Flash Media Server?

Jan 13, 2010

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Playback of a local FLV file works fine.In the FLVPlayback documentation, I found an example and stole the URL of the stream they were using in the example, and that works fine, although it is an HTTP protocol stream rather than RTMP.Any attempt to access FLV files on my Media Server, which has worked fine in the past, basically cause the FLVPlayback object to sit and hang in "buffering" mode and never progresses beyond this point.The netConnection object in this case is null.Here's my code:[code]........

Again the purpose of this is to troubleshoot the video streaming from the Flash Media Server, and it seems like there is no netconnection to the server being created.Does this mean that the server is not working, or is there a problem with the way I'm trying to access the content on the server?This was all working fine before, and I have set up the server-side application .ASC files and such to allow things to work fine on the server end.

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Call to a possibly undefined method getNetConnection through a reference with static type's my code:             this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,


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Is there somethign I'm supposed to install on FMS to get it to play properly?
WHat should  my path be? I've been told that the flv are living in the fms/applications/storyvideos/streams/videos folder.

I've tried every combination of paths I can think of.

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flvplayback.source = "rtmp://localhost/appname/instancename/video";

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<!-- Specifies application specific virtual directory mapping for recorded streams.-->

However, when I try to connect to a file that is in that directory, I get a 404 error in the access.00.log file. I've tried to change the owner/group on the fullservices folder as well as the owner/group of the target file to the fms user/group, but I still cannot connect to it. The connection address is rtmp://<ipAddress>/vod/mp4:1005-03m_256k.mp4.

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Media Server :: Adding Custom Callback Handler To NetStream Client

Nov 2, 2010

I'm trying to add a custom callback handler to a NetStream client in a p2p application. The problem is, when I add such a handler, the NetStream Client doesn't function as it did before. It seems the NetStream.client object is changed. I know the default object is this. But changing the client to this doesn't solve the problem. The remoteControlStream, is the incoming stream. And the localControl stream is the stream being published. This is the localControlStream that's being send by the peer, and received as remoteControlStream:

private function initLocalControlStream():void{
localControlStream = new NetStream(nc, NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS);
localControlStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, localControlHandler);
var localControlStreamClient:Object = new Object();
[Code] .....

The onPeerConnect method of the localControlStream doesn't get called when I connect when the above handler is added. When I remove the that handler, the onPeerConnect method gets called. Obviously the problem is the NetStream.client.

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Is it possible to globally find/replace FLVPlayback parameters (e.g. contentPath, skinAutoHide, etc.) so that parameters can be changed globally throughout movie?  I'm using Flash CS3 with ActionScript 2.  Or, is there a way to override the FLV parameters at runtime using AS2?

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Dec 22, 2010

ActionScript Code:
for (var v = 0; v <= 10; v++) {
var flv = attachMovie("FLVPlayback", "my_FLVPlybk" + v, v+1, {width:20, height:20, x:100, y:20});
With this code I have created 10 flvplayback components and inserted in the screen. How to access to each of this components i have created and change parameters like pause() them stop() play() add contentPath etc., I need that only after the loop is finished not while the loop is still on. Something like

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Aug 31, 2010

I'm currently trying to use the FLVPlayback component and pass a source FLV that's living on a cloudfront webserver. The problem is that the cloudfront requires authentication in the form of query strings in the source FLV. For example:[code]It adds on "&FLVPlaybackVersion= 2.1" to the end.I saw a different article that said I should add a dummy variable at the end like "&dummy=.flv" because I was told that Flash is basically looking for an .flv extension at the end and you can trick it, but it doesn't work because they add on additional code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback.addEventListener - What Parameters To Pass To The Eventlistener And The Acting Function

Dec 12, 2010

i have couple of videos that i want to play in succession.  my theory on how to do this was to add an event listener that would call function to change the source of the FLVPlayback component and play once the initial video finished playing. The problem is that i don't know what parameters to pass to the eventlistener and the acting function. I just need someone to fill in the blanks to the following code


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