Media Server :: IOS Device Streaming Working Perfect But F4m Quit On PC's Now

Dec 27, 2011

The first event I streamed tonight worked fine for an hour or so then it stopped being accessible from the web. I had no problem viewing the stream on mobile devices though. The log file shows these errors.


I can see the three stream directories get created but only one of them has all the files- bootstrap,control,meta,f4f,f4x. The other two stream directories only contain a control file. The event is streaming perfectly on iOS devices but not on PC's. The stream starts for a second then stops and displays the message 'Unable to connect to the content you've requested'.

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Media Server :: Buffering Process Bar Not Working With FMS Streaming?

Feb 10, 2012

I am developing a video player that is almost done, but there is a problem in Bufferbar

I am using a flvplayback for video playing when I use http path for video it show bufferbar working perfectly like below:
_flvPlayback.source = "";
If I use rtmp path from the fms the bufferbar does not work it shows already full like below:
_flvPlayback.source = "rtmp://";
In both case video playing perfectly. Only problem regarding buffering bar.

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Media Server :: RTMP And Streaming Not Working For Start Screen

Apr 30, 2009

I've freshly installed the FSM demo on a redhat linux box, and have everything working. From that start screen running on Local Host, I click the "Play video (HTTP)" and that video of a train shows up. Cool. But when I click the link above it ("Play Video (RTMP)") I get an error message: "Connection Error. press Play to try again." and no matter how many times I hit play, I get that same message. The Dynamic stream doesn't work either, and the Interactive sucessfully displays webcam feeds, but doesn't show the "Play Live Stream" button thing. Is there anything special you have to do to get the RTMP stuff working? Some special command or server you have to run?

Would firewalls intefere with things (I'm pretty sure there isn't one on the machine, but I'm flailing wildly here) or would permissions mess things up? I'm completely lost ^_^;; I guess I should also add that there doesn't seem to be any log files. I'm looking under the server install directory, and there isn't even a "log" folder. There isn't one under Apache, either. It confuses me. So far all I can find on the internet is instructions to look at the log files...but if they aren't there... Am I just looking in the wrong places, or are they just not being generated yet? I did a tcpdump with wireshark, and the web app IS pinging port 1935 (for RTMP), but the packets are failling the checksum and are refusing to be reassembled because of that. Is this making sense to ANYBODY?

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Media Server :: Streaming Multiple Bitrates - Only One Stream Working

Apr 29, 2010

Just like the title says I am using Flash Media Live Encoder and I have three streams. The encoder is sending the streams just fine but I am not sure how to deliver it to the client. The only one that shows up is "livestream1". "Livestream2" and "Livestream3" won't even come up.

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Media Server :: 3.5.3 Does Not Discard Clients, Streaming Stops Working?

Apr 29, 2010

We have a FMS 3.5.3 running on a production server, a 2x quad-core Xeon E5345 CPU based hardware with Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit OS.

The FMS service streams live streams to hundreds of simultaneous Adobe Flash Player 10 clients through RTMP at port with a higher number of simultaneous clients connected (around 1, one can see a rising number of clients of the loaded (single) application (never diminishing) through the Administration Console. It appears that the clients "linger" - i.e. the number only counts up, never down, from then on.

As if this was not sign of problems enough in itself, the bandwidth graph drops to near zero - i.e. it appears that streaming stops working too. Restarting application helps. The logs do not show anything UNTIL AFTER application is attempted unloaded via console. There are messages of various importance in the event log, among these the weird warning "Asynchronous I/O operation failed (Failed to attach to completion port: The parameter is incorrect. 87)." There is more too, which I can provide on demand.

The application is pretty rudimentary. Of the entire API, we only use Application, Client and SharedObject classes. There is a single persistent shared object, and that's it.

We are using a clean install. Only Microsoft supplied and FMS processes are running. Windows Firewall is on though, and has rules for letting in connections on ports 1935 and 1111. We need a stable server, and I have to restart it manually every day, sometimes twice in an hour, which frustrates me.

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Media Server :: Dynamic Streaming While In The Process Of Writing A Tutorial Not Working

Mar 15, 2010

I've been experimenting with Dynamic Streaming while in the process of writing a tutorial. The documentation is quite clear on a few points: The keyframe interval in the various encodings should be shortThe bufferlength should be at least 2x the keyframe intervalThe player should sense a bandwidth change, by default, within the 4-second sampling interval and call for a switch. Then, the switch could take as long as 2x the keyframe interval after that. What I'm finding is wildly different behavior than this. It takes anywhere from 10-15 seconds for the player to notice the change and call for a switch, then another 20-40 seconds for the switch to happen. When switching up to a higher bitrate stream, this just means the user gets low bitrate video for longer than they ought to. But when switching down due to falling bandwidth, the buffer runs out and the user stares at the rebuffering sign for a lengthy time - long enough to give up on watching the video, for sure.

I've encoded an H.264 MP4 file at 64, 384, and 768 kbps, at 30fps and an "every 60 frames" keyframe interval. I've streamed it rtmp via two different CDNs that use FMS 3.5, into two different Flash video players (JW Player and Flowplayer). I've restricted my bandwidth on Windows XP with Netlimiter 2.0; and on the Mac with 'ipfw'. I've set bufferlength between 4 and 10 seconds. I've tested switching up and switching down. For up, I start with a 200kbps bandwidth limit. The video starts OK with the correct stream, then at 5 seconds I open up the bandwidth to unrestricted. For testing down, I do the opposite: start at unrestricted and then at 00:05 restrict to 200kbps.

My test page, with both players and sample code is at [URL] n-flash-bitrate-switching/ I also have a couple of screen recordings there showing the behavior of the whole process, both switching up and switching down. I thought I've done everything right here - paid attention to every documented detail, but it works rather poorly. Can someone explain whether this is expected behavior, if the players have implemented dynamic switching poorly, or if I'm doing something wrong?

View 7 Replies

Media Server :: Streaming Is Working Fine But Nothing Reported In The Admin Console

Jun 25, 2010

I'm running FMS 3.5. My live streams and recorde streams work fine. Whenever I am in the Admin console though, nothing displays or reports. These screen shots are displaying the FMS server activity while several videos are being streamed around Europe:

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Media Server :: Streaming Videos From Virtual Location On Flash Streaming Server

Feb 24, 2010

I have a virtual directory (Storage Area Network) in 'C' drive as well as in "webroot" folder in Flash Streaming Server. What do I need to do to make RTMP videos work from SAN directory on Flash Streaming Server. It works fine for http. RTMP from vod -> application folder works fine. I have done a lot of research and found out that we can use virtual directories for streaming videos. I am unable to find steps on how to use it..

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Media Server :: Can Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 Run On AMD Athlon Dual Sock Quad Core?

Nov 10, 2009

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Aug 23, 2010

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Media Server :: Streaming Live IP Web Cams Through Streaming Server?

Sep 29, 2009

We (the university I work for) want to add an IP camera to the top of a building (so it has to be IP, we can't put a machine up there, so USB is out of the question) to stream a live view of the quad. The problem is, I can't find a way to stream any IP Cameras through the flash live encoder. I tried a camera by Axis, but their capture driver only supported MJPEG which the live encoder does not. 

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Media Server :: RTMP & Flash Media Streaming Server Live Application?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm running Flash Media Streaming Server and have only been serving VOD up until now.  I had my network administrator open up port 1935 to the outside world during the setup process and now I can't remember if that was actually required for streaming VOD to clients.  Most documentation I've read says that this port should be open, but I seem to recall reading something at one point that suggested it wasn't necessary.

I've just started messing around with publishing live streams using Flash Media Live Encoder to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  I have that working without issue but was surprised to find that no authentication is required before a client running the live encoder can publish a stream to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  An authentication module is available however it only works with Flash Media Interactive Server and Flash Media Development Server.

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Media Server :: Device Isn't Showing Up?

Oct 1, 2009

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Flash :: Streaming Large Files (streaming Media Server)

Jul 2, 2009

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Media Server :: Configure Machine To Be Flash Media Streaming Server

Mar 20, 2010

I instal on a machine the Adobe Flash Server 3.5.I have the Flash media administration console but i do not know how i can configure the machine to be a flash media streaming server.I have a tv card on my machine and i want use de flash media encoder to stream to a web page the tv signal on my tv card.I think i need to send the signal encoded use the flash media encoder to a flash media streaming server correct?

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Media Server :: Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server Licensing?

Apr 21, 2010

I would like to ask if Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server (not Interactive) supports the following (server-side streaming), but not necessarily server-side playlists which I know is a FMIS featureunsigned server-side asctionscripts (main.asc) The difference is in the price of course, one is $1000, the other is $5000, so if the two above are supported, I will buy FMSS

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Media Server :: 3.5 (Streaming Server) - Change Default Media Location?

Oct 20, 2010

I have FMS 3.5 (Streaming Server) installed, and I am trying to have it render media from locations other than default. Here is my setup.


Basically I am trying to render media specific to different departments (test,test1). So "Department Test" media files are under [E:ContentFMSapplicationsvod est] and "Department Test1" media files are under [E:ContentFMSapplicationsvod est1]

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Media Server :: Video Chat With Flash Media Streaming Server

Dec 12, 2010

is it possible to built a Video Chat without the need for server side code so that I can run it on a Flash Media Streaming Server?

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Media Server :: Duration Of Video Streaming Using Flash Media Server 3.5?

Feb 16, 2011

Flash media server 3.5 to stream live video to a webpage with flex GUI embedded in it.For this I have used Adobe flash media server start screen .I could able to stream video correctly.I want to know how long it could be do like suppose I have to stream like this for 3 or 6 months

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server 4.5 Live Streaming In IOS Devices

Oct 26, 2011

I have a FMS 4.5 with (License) and is set up and running fine, now I want to stream Live to the IOS Devices but no luck. I have a web page for test purpose with the video src tags to: URL... and in the server I have a livestream.m3u8 pointing to the same URL..., Now the Encoder have the AAC plugin and all the presets like it shut but when I go to see it in my IPad 2 this is how it looks.

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Media Server :: Setup FMS To Stream To A Blackberry Device?

Aug 5, 2010

Has anyone setup FMS to stream to a blackberry device?

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Media Server :: Flash Media Streaming Server And Interactive Server?

Jul 17, 2010

I'm building a video conferencing applicaition for a portal. But now when considering which version of flash media server to buy, I run into some problem. So can anyone helps me about comparing this two versions: Flash Media Streaming Server and Flash Media Interactive server, like if I use Flash Media Streaming Server, some function like NetStream.pause() may not work or something like that? I'm not sure if this is a foolish question but please let me know.

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Media Server :: Accessing The Installed In Their Comp With Their Android Device?

Mar 17, 2011

Have anyone tried accessing the FMS installed in their comp with their Android device?If both my PC and Android devices are connected to the same wifi,the coding below should do the work right?or am I missing something?I ran it on the pc and it works normally,but when i port it to the Android device,it won't connect to the FMS on my PC.
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.connect("rtmp://my ip address/vod");
private function onNetStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void{


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Media Server :: Watch A Live Stream To An Android Device?

Feb 28, 2012

How can I allow Android users to watch a live stream? I've tried using the code snippet below but the video never plays on the devices. The video player comes up, they click play, an ajax spinning/loading wheel comes up but it never plays. I've tested on Android 2.3.6

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
codebase=" ersion=10,0,0,0"


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Media Server :: Do Live Streaming Using Flash Media Server?

Jun 11, 2010

I m a begginer with FMS. I have a licenced version of FMS and I want to stream a live video from the Localhost or another machine with camera. And then then I should broadcast it to many clients. I don't know how to begin

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server Is Streaming Oddly?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a windows server box 2008 R2 with Adobe Flash Media Server installed on it version 4.5. I have installed Flash Media Server and input the serial and all that fun stuff. All ports have been forwarded properly, Once the server is up and running I go to the admin console just to make sure all is running well. Once up and running I turn to my Media Encoder and enter my FMS URL as well as the stream, (livestream?adbe-live-event=liveevent). I select my input device and it connects and says streaming to primary. Now Yesterday I did this and it was streaming correctly i check with my ipad and the livepkgr was working, I have live video on my ipad. I then went to my website to check and make sure all was working on there and sure enough my live event was being streamed to there was well! Sweet right? No wrong....The server was shut down after this test trial assuming everything was working.

When I turned it on today the flash media encoder still connected and streamed right and when i check the ADMIN console it appears to be working and connected the right way, but my problem is when i go to my website i just get a black screen with nothing playing on it, and on my ipad for some reason I get the last 30 seconds of a piece of the live clip we where streaming last night and then it stops.......I have nooooo clue what is wrong and it is driving me up the wall. My hope is to be able to stream from my mac to my Media Server and then be able to embed it into my website as well as have it playable on ipad/Android (havent worked on android part yet because of this whole problem).

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Media Server :: Select Audio Device To Play Back Sound?

Jan 8, 2007

flash media server ,provide property Microphone.names that retrieves an array of strings reflecting the names of all available sound capture devices. is there is any property that detect output device attached to system so i can select which one to play back sound. for example:- i need to play back mp3 file in flash. but i have more one output device installed in my pc. the question is:- is there is any way for falsh to list all (or detects) audio output device installed in my pc then let me pick one of them to play back sound by selected output device?

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Media Server :: Video Chat Over IP Using Flex IDE And Flash Media Server For Live Streaming Video And Audio?

Feb 15, 2011

I am developing Video Chat over Ip (including audio and text too). But I am unable to get the proper startup material for my desktop application.

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Media Server :: Streaming Server Returned A 500 Internal Server Error

Nov 13, 2009

The company I work for installed FMS on a server running Centos for a customer who needed streaming media capabilities. It worked fine for 3 months until today the customer called us and informed us that their client program can no longer connect to the streaming media server. No one has done anything to the server to cause this to happen. When attempting to access the admin console to diagnose the program, the streaming server returned a 500 Internal Server Error. So I tried another page. Same result. Reboots of both the hardware server and the FMS have changed nothing.

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Media Server :: RTMFP Streaming Media Playback Using OSMF

Sep 13, 2010

I am looking for a sample media player using OSMF for RTMFP P2P streaming media.

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