Movie In An External Window?

Apr 10, 2009

how do I open a movie (in this case they are mostly avis and .swfs thrown in) in an external window that can be closed upon completion, either automaticaly, or manualy, (tho c'mon how cool would automaticaly be...) and leave my screen where and as it was before the movie was launched.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control An External Movie In A Separate Browser Window?

Jul 31, 2008

i am creating a website for a band, with an mp3 player. i want to be able to make an mp3 player that pops up in a separate browser window. the mp3 player would have a "playlist" that can be dynamically changed from the main window, which gives a list of albums & tracks to choose from. the model for this is Rhapsody's web interface. so, how would i go about creating & dynamically changing the playlist (while music is playing) across multiple browser windows? the "playlist" would be an array of references to mp3s, i guess-- so is there a way to pass events & variables across the windows?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: In IE - Link In A Button Inside A Flash Movie To Open A New Window And Play A Youtube Movie

Jul 13, 2009

I work with 3d animation. Im have a problem with a personal website Im doing, I have a link in a button inside a flash movie to open a new window and play a youtube movie:

on (release) {
var jscommand:String = "'','win','height=344,width=4 25,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');"; getURL("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);");

This works fine in Firefox but in IE it doesnt work, I then change the /v/ in the youtube link with /p.swf?video_id= and now I have the window open showing the small youtube thumbnail of my video but once a click play, nothing happens, I check it and is not loading anything.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: New (controllable) Window - Put A Link In Movie That Will Close The Window?

Feb 6, 2003

ACTUALLY i just thought of another one so now i have two. sorry. hope you don't mind. i get sidetracked rather easily. before i start, a quick nota bene. i'm a complete newcomer to flash so my questions are very simpleminded. not much of a challenge i'm afraid.

1. can i put a link in my movie that will close the window?

2. can i put a link in my movie that will open a new window of a specific size, and without the menu-buttons of explorer?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open A New Window If Have Thumbnail Pics In The Flash Movie But Want The Full Pic To Open Up In A New Window?

Mar 6, 2004

1) how do you open a new window if you have thumbnail pics in the flash movie but want the full pic to open up in a new window? Is this Javascript inside flash?

2) How do they do the menu bar here at this site:[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An External Movie Through An External Movie To The Main Movie?

Apr 30, 2003

I am creating a full site in flash. The main movie has an empty movie clip in the middle of the movie to load external movies as the user clicks on the links. Everything has worked good so far as the linking has only gone 1 level deep. However, when I created a new external movie, and had buttons on it for another external page, but yet to open in the main movie, I can't get anything to work. Example.... In the main movie, the user clicks on the archive link, and the external archive movie is loaded into the main movie. Now, on this archive movie, there is a button on it that links to a another movie (say text effects.swf). However, when they click this button for text effects, I can't get it to load into the main movie clip and replace the archive movie that was currenlty there.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External SWF To Open In New Window

Feb 9, 2009

I am trying to get an external swf to open in a new window from a button on my main movie. I want the swf to open in flash player and not a web browser.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Opening An External Window?

May 12, 2010

i have Movie A playing. When you click PlayStep button, I want to open another window that has Movie B in it. When Movie B is done, I want to go back to where I came from (Movie A). Nothing that I have tried has worked -- like _blank or importing ExternalInterface.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open An External Swf In A New Window?

Feb 23, 2011

How do I open an external swf in a new window? Without being on the main stage of my presentation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load External Swf File In A New Window?

Apr 6, 2009

I've got a few .swf files with video tutorials I've created using Captivate 4.I wanted to link them so I've created a main screen with menu with buttons in Flash.I've added AS to load the external swf files but they load in the same window. How can I load these .swf files in seperate window so that you could get back to the main window after you've finished watching?[code]...

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Load External SWF App In A New Air Window With Resize Functionality?

Mar 8, 2010

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The Problem seems to be the Sandbox Restrictions. I'm able to call methods in the childSandboxBridge and parentSandboxBridge Objects that i've set in the LoaderInfo of the SWFLoaders content (the loaded SWF Application). But i cannot listen to any ResizeEvents or something like that when i'm resizing the loaded App.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External Swf In New Flash Window?

Dec 8, 2009

I want to load external .exe or .swf in new flash window.I do not want to open it in an internet window.I want to open an .exe and click on a button that will open another .exe or .swf.I want to keep both flash windows open.I want to have the new one on top of the first one and I want it full screen.I am using Flash CS4 Action Script 2.0.I am using this code for full screen of second .exe or .swf


I am using this code to close the second .exe or .swf

on (release) {
fscommand("quit", "true"); }

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling External SWF Before Window Resize?

May 23, 2010

I am trying to scale external swfs to the window size that exists at the point when the button is clicked. The external swf is being loaded into a dynamically created mc in the main swf. I am using a resize handler and the issue i am having is that all external swfs only become veiwable when the window is resized. After the window is resized, they become viewable and scale on the resizing of the window. I call the resize handler to upate the scale base on the window size but to no avail.

The AS (3.0) that I am using can be seen below.

ActionScript Code:
var Xpos:Number = 0;
var Ypos:Number = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Swfs Into New Window?

Mar 5, 2008

How would I go about loading an external swf into it's own window?

This is the as I'm using:

btn1.onRelease = function () {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Vars To External Swf Loaded In New Window?

Dec 28, 2009

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how can i send these 4 to the clients.swf and how do i check on the other side if they exist or not ? i searched and got all sort of details about flash -> php , as2 to as3 , swf loaded in the same swf as child etc. But i couldn t not find something spefici to my problem . Also i want to use something like POST so the url looks clean as it is .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Process To Make Link To External Window?

May 3, 2009

I am totally clueless at Action Script. I have no idea how to implement it!
I have created a basic flash ad and I need to insert an action script so when a user clicks on the ad, it opens a new window to an external link.
What on earth do I need to do? I'm not having any luck with tutorials, I cant find a command sequence anywhere.
Do I need to make a Symbol or something?

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AS3 :: Include External Html Content Within A Flash 'window'?

Jan 15, 2010

I'm building an as3 only web application and want to be able to include external html content within a flash 'window'. In AIR there is the flash.html.HTMLLoader class which makes this possible.

Can anyone point to an example of this being done in a flash as opposed to AIR application?

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Flex :: Style The Alert Window On An External File?

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to style the Alert window on an external file but I get the following warning and the style won't be applied, keep in mind that the Alert is being called from an external AS file as well so the code is not embedded in the MXML.

The CSS type selector 'Alert' was not processed, because the Alert was not used in the application.Type alert in CSS selector 'Alert' must be qualified with a namespace.

color : #124332;
background-color: #ffffff;
header-colors : #243322, #243322;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An External SWF Larger Than Browsers Window?

Nov 20, 2009

I have a site build with several swf sections (Home,About,etc...) loaded via XML. The thing is that one of the sections needs to be larger than the browser windows height, actually a lot larger.

So i need to find a way so that the browser's scroll bar will appear only for that specific section...

Right now it works if i change the dimensions of the main movie container and edit the index.html: overflow:auto;

But what kind of code should i use to let the browser's scroll bar appears if a movie that is loaded via XML is larger than height of the browser...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Opening And Saving To A File Through The External Window

Jun 29, 2011

I'm trying to write a tool in flash that lets you open and save to a xml file. Currently, I let user type in the xml url in a textfield and load it straight from that but that's un-intuitive. So I need a way to open the window/explorer that allows user to navigate to a file that he wants to save to or load from on the local hard drive just like all other software.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call A Window.close With External Interface?

Oct 14, 2009

Currently I'm trying to call a window.close with external interface. It works fine, however, I also have a window.beforeunload call in my javascript so the close button ends up calling two windows. One is the "this page is trying to close...blah blah blah" and the other is the custom one i wrote.

Is there anyway to call onbeforeunload combined with window.close from external interface so that i only get one warning?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External SWF Scaling Relating To Window Resize?

May 23, 2010

menu_mc.about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLIC K,aboutClick);

function aboutClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
var about:URLRequest = new URLRequest("demo1.swf");


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Professional :: Specifiy External Window Size And Screen Location?

Jan 28, 2010

I have this ActionScript: function openNewCart(evt:Event):void { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_blank");} OpenCartPage.addEventListener("click",openNewCart);

Is there a way that I can have it open a 5 pixel window that automatically closes after it loads? Also, is there a way to specify within the actionscript where on the screen I want the new window to open?

I'm newer to flash. What I'd like to do is have it add a product to the shopping cart and close back down.If I can't do it straight from flash, I'm sure I can have the flash page open up an html page which redirects to the add to cart page and automatically closes, but obviously a much bigger pain in the butt, and it will only work anyway if I can specify in the actionscript for it to open a 5 x 5 pixel window.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open External Link Using It / Keeping New Window In Front

Aug 8, 2011

I am displaying a photo from an external link when called upon from my swf. When the user clicks a button, up pops a corresponding photo in a new browser window.  After the photo window has opened, if the user clicks another button the photo browser will update but its no longer in front.  I know I need to use the focus() command but cannot figure how to incorporate it into my AS3 code.[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Window Open Event Listener From External Html?

Aug 18, 2009

Is there any way to have as3 'listen' for a window to be opened anywhere from the _parent page?I have a Flash animation running with sound on my _parent html page. There are html links elsewhere on the page that will open up other sites. I would like these sites to open in a _blank window rather than the _parent, but to make this practical I need the sound in my flash animation to shut off when this happens. (as there is sound on the other pages as well).It would be really cool if the sound on the _parent page would turn back on when the user closes the new window, although this would complicate things as it is possible the user may open multiple windows so the code would have to keep a count of windows opened.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Interface - Call A Popup Window On A Button

Sep 3, 2009

I am trying call a popup window from actionscript on a button and am having trouble I am using following: import flash.external.ExternalInterface; Then on the button in Flash: on (release) {"myPopup.start", "#contactForm"); } but I don't know if ExternalInterface will properly call the start() method.... am a little lost The page is @ [URL] and the link at the bottom "CLICK HERE FOR FORM" is what needs to be incorporated into a flash button on the SWF.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load / Unload External Swf In Flash Popup Window

Sep 20, 2009

I have a main flash movie that has 6 navigation buttons for 6 sections of the website. Each button loads an external swf to cutdown on preloader time for the whole website. Within each section, for example section1.swf, there are a number of images you can click through, with previous and back buttons. On each image in section1.swf is a button so that you can popup a window with more related info and images. So, in section1.swf on the first image image1_mc there is a button pop_btn, and I would like it to open a popup_mc which loads an external swf. Popup_mc would have a close_btn to close the window. I have tried various things for 2 weeks, and have had no luck. I can open a popup window, or I can load a swf, but I can't figure out how to put it all together.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External XML On An External Server Into Flash Movie When It Is Uploaded

Jun 4, 2004

[FMX] I am having trouble loading an XML file on an external server into my flash movie when it is uploaded. The data loads in fine when the flash file is on my local computer with the xml file on a server. As soon as the flash file is uploaded the XML data will not load in.

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Movie To Fit To Browser Window

Oct 4, 2007

I have a flashmovie that measures 950x675 px. If the user have a smaller webbrowser window than my movie i want the movie to be fitted in the browser window. But if the browsers width and/or height measures more than my movie i don't want it to fit (zoom), then the swf should only be centered.

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Resizing Bg To Fit To Window In Flash Movie

Sep 9, 2009

Ive got a bg image in my flash movie and I want it to resize it 100% to the window when the movie resizes in the browser, but i dont want anything else in the movie changing in size, just the bg..

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