Professional :: Anti-aliasing In Exported Images?

Jan 22, 2010

I had been using Flash MX 2004 previously to create sprites for video games. In the "export" dialog, there was a check box labeled 'smooth,' which I could un-check in order to retain the hard edges that I needed in order to use the sprites in a game.Somewhat recently, I upgraded to Flash CS4. I have since noticed that, while the 'smooth' checkbox is still there in the "export" dialog, it doesn't do anything.I have tried many different options for exporting, including all different kinds of file types. Through this experimentation, I also noticed:1) that even though it is possible to choose a palette when exporting a .gif, the exported image does not use this palette, and2) that if one exports the image as an Adobe Illustrator file, the colors are wrong.

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Is there any way to get better quality in this case?

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Use Embedded Font Anti Aliasing In A Movie

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this.stage.quality = StageQuality.BEST; // Tried this, but seems useless
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imgFromLib.rotation = 30;

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<mx:Image id="imgContent"/>
<s:HSlider id="hsZoom" minimum="25" maximum="400" value="100" stepSize="25"


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// the rotateMoveClip functionfunction rotateMoveClip(e:Event){  // is the


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Professional :: Imported Photoshop File Exported As?

May 27, 2010

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So, what exactly IS it doing to each layer?  What is it exporting them as?  How compatible is that on other systems (browsers, O/S's, etc) these days?  Also, are PNG files now fully supported in all browsers and systems?I'd hate to build my whole site, only to find that it's not compatible on some other system....Bit of back story...  I'm creating a multi-layered interface (background, then another level with some random loaded swf file, then the 'moving stuff' (nav buttons, titles, etc), and then an odd shaped frame on top of that.  Previously, I did it by making everything with Flash vectors... but this time, I tried making all the elements/layers in Photoshop with just bitmaps (rather than vectors), as I wanted a bit more detail.

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If so, how did you get it work work again? What did you do to maintain the programming?
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Professional :: [CS5] Input Text Boxes Within An Exported Swf

Oct 8, 2010

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Professional :: Viewing Exported .mov File Extremely Laggy?

Mar 26, 2011

I'm using Flash CS5 and am currently working on an animation/advertisement as part of my final exam in Applied Art. This is a relatively large file consisting of internally animated Graphics and Movie Clips. When playing it in the .SWF player it seems to play fine with no extreme lag accept for a single second at the beginning but when exported to a .mov file it plays extremely slowly causing the frame rate to decrease considerably.I need to upload this onto my youtube channel when it is done as the link needs to be sent to the examiner. All this may have something to do with the fact the .mov file, although unfinished, already weighs 75.6MB at 30 seconds of work.

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Actionscript 3 :: Only The Loader Images Are Being Exported In Frame 1 But The Loader Still Only Shows Up At 100%?

Apr 7, 2012

the file loads correctly but the loading screen only flashes up at the end.The only thing being exported in frame 1 is the loader image, and that is extremely small.Is it possible that there's a queue of things being loaded and the loader image is at the bottom of that queue? Since that was one of the last things added to the project

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Flash :: Professional - CS3 - Exported Movie Cuts Off Right Side Edge Of Fonts

Apr 21, 2010

I made a movie in Flash CS3. The exported SWF shows that the right hand side of some of my letterforms (made from a non-converted font) are clipped off. Switching fonts produces similar results. Is there some glitch in the program that I am no aware of?

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Professional :: Create A Flash File, Which Can Be Embedded Into A Website For On-demand Viewing And Be Exported To A Cd?

Jun 29, 2007

Is it possible to create a flash file, which can be embedded into a website for on-demand viewing and be exported to a cd while maintaing interactivity, that is geared towards an online elearning environment? Basically a client wants a video that is broken down into various chapters with an interactive "course" for each chapter.The interacivity will included answering questions correctly in order to move on to the end of the chapter.

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Feb 5, 2010

I'm attempting to use CS4 (PC/Vista, if that matters) to create a SWF file that will basically act as a "library" of commonly used symbols. This SWF would be loaded at runtime by other SWFs, which could then use the symbols within it, including all art and code assets.


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Professional :: Movieclip Exported With Class Name Star And In Star?

Jul 5, 2011

well in my fla i have a movieclip exported with class name Star and in my file i have this code:
package {    public class Star    {
public function Star()        {
this.visible = false;
i tried putting movieclip on and off stage but didnt work all i want to do is control my class Star in my fla. Im very new to OOP and trying to get the gist of how to control objects like the way you could by instances like i used to :/

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Anit Aliasing Text Field?

Oct 22, 2010

Can we set text field as Anti-Alias For Readability using actionscript?

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