Professional :: CS3 - Run Swf From Browser?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a swf that uses actionscript 3.0 to drag and drop images, activate buttons that run movie clips and manage the display list. It runs flawlessly when I execute it directly (i.e. double-click the swf), but I want to publish it on the web -- so I used File -> Publish to create the necessary html file, but when I run it in a browser (I've only tried IE) the initial screen looks perfect, but none of the buttons and drag and drop features work. Also,when I run the swf using File -> Publish Preview, it fails exactly the same way if I choose HTML, but works perfectly if I choose Flash.I created a pared-down version of the fla (see the code below) to try to isolate the problem, and the behavior is exacly the same.I'm attaching the swf and html files for the pared-down version.

- actionscript 3.0 code -----import flash.display.StageDisplayState;import flash.display.Scene;import [code].....

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<html><body><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-[code]......

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This works fine in Safari, but not in my Mac version of FF (latest of both). In the latter the swf files don't ever display. It works well in (I believe) IE 7 for Windoze but not in IE 8 for Windoze. In the latter it never goes to the index page from the preloader, and when I surf there directly, it doesn't display the swf that "covers" (then disappears from) the main template page, which also has a swf, and in the latter swf one of the graphics never loads.http:[url]...
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Jul 4, 2010

I've created a couple of flash animations, fairly simple, but the whole relies on loading external swf files and then unloaing them.
The base file works fine, loads the externals and unloads them (although I need to preven the user from hitting the unload button when there is nothing to unload) and will then load another just fine, IF I run it directly from my file system.
I want it to be on a web page, but when you click the button to load the external files, nothing happens.  Safari tells me it cannot find the file, and I'm using the exact same directory to test.
So, works fine when testing with flash (CS4) and running directly from the directory in finder, but from a web page, it cannot find the file.

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Professional :: Get All Components To Work Together And Play In The Browser?

Nov 5, 2010

I have an FLV file, provided by the videographer. I put in a folder for the web. By looking at my other FLV files, they have support files included (a SWF for the skin, and a SWF for the player, along with an HTML page where it is embedded on).So, as this FLV file did not have these support files, I have copied and pasted the others to go with my new FLV. What else do I need to do to make it play on the HTML page on the web?I checked the code on the HTML page, and it merely calls up one of the SWFs so should be OK with that.Do I need the videographer to give me a FLA where the movie was imported to, or is this not necessary? I'm wondering if I need the FLA so that I can re-define the content path? Is this the only thing I need to get all components to work together and play in the browser?

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Professional :: Using Flash In Websites Browser Display?

Jan 28, 2011

I am very new to flash ads and we are on a new platform after a website redesign.  I'm having trouble with flash display settings I'm guessing since the ad displays fine in IE, but not fine in Firefox and Chrome.  Images to follow (for the curious it is a YWCA ad):
Here you see overlap on the current version of Firefox.
This ad has wings! Current version of Chrome.
This is IE. What? IE is right and the other browsers aren't? What gives!?
Additional details:  The position is a plugin position for Wordpress.  The ad is being placed via Ad-minister with the following code:


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Apr 5, 2011

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Professional :: Flash Player Freezing IE Browser

Apr 8, 2011

So I recently got a new laptop. It came installed with Windows 7 64-bit and Internet Explorer 8. However, after installing the current Flash Player update, IE started freezing. I would open certain pages, and the browser would become unresponsive, leading me to end the program. I would try it again, and still the same result. The culprits were always the same, hotmail and tvshowsondvd, among others. Internet Explorer 9 was released a few days later, so I uninstalled IE8 and installed IE9.

The browser worked fine for a few days, but then it started to do it all over again, with the same web pages! Then I noticed something, all these pages were heavy in flash objects. So I tried uninstalling Flash Player 10 and guess what, it started working! No more problems loading pages. I can no longer view flash objects, especially on YouTube. I haven't had the problem since, but I need Flash Player installed.

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Professional :: NetStream Causes 100% Disk Use And Eventual Browser Crash

Feb 5, 2010

I've run into a troubling issue where using the NetStream class is causing odd video playback behaviour, major disk query issues, and also leading to my browsers crashing (tested on FireFox 3.5.X, IE 8, and Safari 3/4 with Flash plugin 10,0,42,34). I tested the issue on a Macbook as well and noticed the same thing, so it wasn't something specific to my machine. I wrote a basic Flex application to test this. I make a NetConnection to my web server. When successful, I create a NetStream to playback the video (F4V encoding of Big Buck Bunny). Immediately in Windows Performance Monitor, I can see the Disk queue jump to 100%. The video eventually pauses for a lengthy period of time. Sometimes the browser also becomes unresponsive at this time, and in other cases it will crash. If the video does eventually resume (disk querying reduces a bit), I experience odd behaviour with the video. If I pause the video (NetStream.pause()), when I resume the video (NetStream.resume()), the video begins to fast-forward to make up for the amount of time lost while the video was paused. So if I paused the video for 10 seconds, Flash will fast-forward in 1-second intervals through 10 seconds worth of video. During this time, NetStream will constantly dispatch buffering end and buffering full events.

What's odd is that the problem doesn't seem to happen when I add an additional arument in the play command. will cause the issue, but, 0) will not. However, this doesn't always work. My own player, which has a lot more interface controls and complex logic, still suffers from the problem, despite that I'm not doing anything with the NetStream object.

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