Professional :: Get All Components To Work Together And Play In The Browser?

Nov 5, 2010

I have an FLV file, provided by the videographer. I put in a folder for the web. By looking at my other FLV files, they have support files included (a SWF for the skin, and a SWF for the player, along with an HTML page where it is embedded on).So, as this FLV file did not have these support files, I have copied and pasted the others to go with my new FLV. What else do I need to do to make it play on the HTML page on the web?I checked the code on the HTML page, and it merely calls up one of the SWFs so should be OK with that.Do I need the videographer to give me a FLA where the movie was imported to, or is this not necessary? I'm wondering if I need the FLA so that I can re-define the content path? Is this the only thing I need to get all components to work together and play in the browser?

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Professional :: How To Update Components To Work Properly

Sep 24, 2009

I'm trying to utilize the Learning Interactions in the Library of Flash CS4 included in the Adobe E-Learning Suite.I'm able to change the individual componens' properties (radio button, submit button) etc. using the component inspector, but cannot determine how to change the properties of the movie clip for items such as correct answer, etc.Has anyone used these Learning Interaction library items, and knows how to update the components to work properly?

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Professional :: SWF Flash Won't Work With External Videos In A Browser?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The Standard Adobe FLVPlayback Components And Skins And Be Able To Play Back Files?

Jul 9, 2008

I have been trying for days to write my own custom NCManager class that allows us to connect to a Limelight stream. We have to issue a that has the command "FCSubscribe" and the stream name. I've written a 100% custom player(url...) (have to register!) but what I want to to resolve that player with the video-on-demand player(url...) into a single Flash project.I want to allow our Graphics guys (aka Flash developers) to be able to use the standard Adobe FLVPlayback components and skins and also be able to p lay back files, streaming content and Limelight content. To this end I thought that writing a custom NCManager class would be the way to go.

I have 99.9% succeeded: my class gets the connectToURL(),connects to Limelight, subscribes and all is well but I am really really stuck now on how to tell the FLVPlayback component that it .can start playing back now that the stream is connected.FLVPlayback and VideoPlayer parts appear to be AS2 and I cannot call the rtmpStatusInfo() function on the VideoPlayer part to tell it that it is good to go.I am so close I can taste it: If I create a NetStream object and play() it, I can hear the content to I know that if I could only get the FLVPlayback / VideoPlayer dynamic duo to playback then the job would be done.

I have attached the code, warts and all in the hope that either somebody has done this before or can tell me what I have misunderstood about the internal state-machine / FSM logistics that VideoPlayer et al implement.By reading the source code and my debugging statements I can see that I have maneuvered it towards the ultimate goal of playback but I don't know how to make that final step.

PS: I *know* that reconnect() is non-functional but if I uncomment the call all it does is go around the loop again; the real problem is I cannot tell the VideoPlayer that it can play (via rtmpStatusInfo) the data etc

PPS: The meta-data related stuff *only* gets called if I uncomment the NetStream code; this was to check that I had a valid playback stream, which I do at that point.

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Buttons Work Fine In .swf But Not When In Browser?

Jul 7, 2009

Basically a button in my .swf works fine, but when put in any browser it doesnt work. The button is in the flag in the top left and is a link to my advertising agency.

This is the .swf - [URL] and this is it in a browser - [URL]My code to embed is :

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" height="700" width="900" align="middle" data=""> <param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /> <param name="movie"


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Buttons Wont Work When In Browser, But Do In .swf?

Jul 6, 2009

if its in the wrong section Basically a button in my .swf works fine, but when put in any browser it doesnt work.The button is in the flag in the top left and is a link to my advertising agency.

My code to embed is :
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" height="700" width="900" align="middle"


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Get Flash To Work In A Browser While Offline?

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Professional :: 2 PlayButton Components Controlling An FLVPlayback

Jan 19, 2010

First post here, I am a flash newbie. I have a fully completed player I have created using standard CS4 component, FLVPLayback, PlayButton, PauseButton, MuteButton and Seekbar. Everything works fine. I would now like to add and additional large centered play/pause button a la youTube.

I am completely stumped, I have tried duplicating the play button instance and quite a few other things (copying the actionscript from the original button that works) to the new button. I've investigated 'linkage' all to no avail, I can't get it to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fullscreen Feature Does Not Work In Any Browser

Jan 20, 2010

After I make changes and publish file, the fullscreen feature does not work in any browser.

Full file can be found here. link

I am using CS4 to edit.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: AS 2 FLVPlayback Doesn't Work In Browser

Nov 9, 2010

- Flash CS4 Professional Version 10.0.2, working in Actionscript 2

- I work with Mac OSX 6.4

I implemented a FLVPlayback component in a Flash file I've published on my website, so it could load an external movie without having to put it in the SWF itself. It works fine when using the SWF offline, but when I put it online it never runs on the first go. I either have to restart the browser, or when that doesn't work I'll have to wait for a few hours before it magically does what it's supposed to do.This goes for both Safari and Firefox on my Mac, and while using Firefox on a PC (I haven't tested different scenario's yet). Once it works, it'll always work on that particular computer in that particular browser. At first I thought the browser didn't allow internet access to the SWF (the FLV that it uses are hosted on a different site), but that doesn't seem to be the problem. Maybe it's a cache issue, but I haven't been able to prove that either.URL..I kept the actionscript at a minimum. When the play button is pressed, it simply goes to the next frame where the FLVPlayback component is ready to launch the content. As you can see on my website there is a visual loader when you select the play button, but this is just an endlessly repeating movie clip that doesn't do anything accept give the viewer the idea that something's loading.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf File Doesn't Work In IE7 Browser?

Jul 22, 2009

I don't have an idea about Flash & ActionScript 3.0. Please help me regarding this issue.Suppose, I have created a simple flash application(say, Test1.fla & Test1.swf file has been generated and works fine). Now, I need to use this swf file in my Java application as son as a menu-item is selected/gets clicked by the user.

But, when I run my whole application in IE7 browser window, If I select the Flash menuitem by clicking on it, then no flash file[viz., contents of Test1.swf file] gets visible.Instead a blank page without any conents is displlayed. In addition to this, it don't/doesn't display any message like this:" Install Flash Player to view the contents of swf file you need."


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Aug 13, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadVars Doesn't Work In The Browser?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a problem when I try to use the loadVars class in an ActionScript 2 (CS3) file. Actually, it works fine in the debugger but it doesn't work at all from a web browser (IE or FF).

This is my AS code :

ActionScript Code:
_root.testURL = "http://REMOTE_SERVER_IP:PORT/FILE.html";
var myLoadVars:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); = "Loading...";


I can see "File loaded" in the info text field, but the file is not called (I checked the server log) when the swf file is loaded into an HTML page and displayed by a web browser. Thus, is set to undefined.

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