Professional :: Flash Chess Components - 2D Based

Apr 4, 2010

I want to write a chess variant into flash and would like to find chess components or an open source chess client (with no license restrictions). I don't need the engine, just the chess objects. The best thing would look very simple, 2D etc.

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onClipEvent (load) {
var coordY:Number = 0;
var coordX:Number = 0;


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import flash.text.TextField;
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Apr 2, 2007

im having trouble adding a progressbar components to a loader...all the images load and the progress bars too but the progress bars only change when they reach 100% and they do not disapper either..

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Professional :: How To Update Components To Work Properly

Sep 24, 2009

I'm trying to utilize the Learning Interactions in the Library of Flash CS4 included in the Adobe E-Learning Suite.I'm able to change the individual componens' properties (radio button, submit button) etc. using the component inspector, but cannot determine how to change the properties of the movie clip for items such as correct answer, etc.Has anyone used these Learning Interaction library items, and knows how to update the components to work properly?

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Professional :: 2 PlayButton Components Controlling An FLVPlayback

Jan 19, 2010

First post here, I am a flash newbie. I have a fully completed player I have created using standard CS4 component, FLVPLayback, PlayButton, PauseButton, MuteButton and Seekbar. Everything works fine. I would now like to add and additional large centered play/pause button a la youTube.

I am completely stumped, I have tried duplicating the play button instance and quite a few other things (copying the actionscript from the original button that works) to the new button. I've investigated 'linkage' all to no avail, I can't get it to work.

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