Professional :: Connect .swf Sections In Site?

Aug 17, 2011

I am creating a website with different sections (home, portfolio... - each of them has a full-screen looped video as a background)I made a separated .swf for each section in order to reduce their size.I just need to know how can I connect these .swf in order to navigate from one section to any other in the website.What would be the easiest way to do so?Is there a way to do it using the available Actions/code snippets included in Flash CS5?

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Professional :: Connect Different Swf Files Into One Site?

Jan 17, 2011

I need to make this site like presentation for my next exam. I found a good template for a slide show. The presentation will be structured like this: 
MAIN PAGE with sidebar which links to: slide one with slideshow 1slide two with slideshow 2slide three with slideshow 3slide four with slideshow 4 due to the nature of the code thou i cannot put the different slideshows into the same .swf file in different scenes (i copied and pasted them in each scene and modified the actionscript so they would refer to different pictures) because they will create conflict with each other. now they question is can i use the sidebar to link to different swf files but still make it look like it was just one big swf?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Multiple Preloaders For Different Sections Of The Site?

Jun 6, 2002

heres another one for ya, how do I make multiple preloaders for different sections of the site? Im using the ifFrameLoaded script, but it loads every frame because scene2 (with the content) is just 1 frame with many movie clips.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Site Slow After Clicking Various Sections - Fine One Refreshed

May 3, 2009

I am working on my new portfolio, made entirely in AS3. I am well aware that it is quite graphic heavy, and the videos will slow down some of the other animations. What I can't seem to figure out is: why does it load fine initially, but once I click around to various sections previous sections seem to be slower and slower. When i refresh the site it runs quickly again (except in FF on a PC, thats another issue I'm working out). Is it simply just a memory issue? Aside from getting rid of videos/rasterized images, does anyone have any tricks as to how to get it to run smoother? Seems to me that if each section runs fine initially, but only run slow once different sections are loaded then perhaps there is a solution. [URL]

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Professional :: Set Up A Movie With Many Different Sections?

Mar 4, 2011

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Professional :: Stop/start Controls In Flv Sections?

Apr 26, 2011

I am using a single FLV file. On the player interface in addition to play/pause and stop, I have a number of chapter buttons, which I have successfully pointed to the corresponding points in the FLV file. I need to find a way to capture and hold the relevant start and stop times of each of these chapters so that when I am in each chapter, the stop and play buttons will reference the chapter times and control only the relevant chapter, ie in Chapter Two clicking stop will reset to beginning of Chapter 2, not the start of FLV file. Not sure if there are built-in properties and methods I can use, or I need to create something custom.

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Flash :: Embed A Facebook Connect App In A Hosted (3rd-party) Site?

Jun 2, 2011

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When the flash app is served from our site - it works fine.But when we try to embed it in a 3rd party site (using an Iframe that points to our site) the following happens: when we try to perform a login to FB using the AS3 function Facebook.login(onLogin, opts), a small browser-based login to FB pop-up comes up, but it has the following error first

Or is it possible that FB don't support FB connect apps that are embedded in 3rd party sites?

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Professional :: Create A Large Image Browseable By Sections?

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Professional :: Site Attack In Flash Site

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Actionscript 3 :: Connect To AMFPHP - NetConnection.connect() Returns TypeError: Error #1009

Dec 8, 2011

UPDATE: Now I've moved the AMFConnection var declaration to outside the functions in Main, and commented out some trace() commands, and now it gives new errors:

Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetConnection.Call.BadVersion
at AMFConnection/init()[/Users/Jan/Downloads/amfphp1/]
at AMFConnection()[/Users/Jan/Downloads/amfphp1/]


I'm trying to connect to AMFPHP on a server (with Flash AS3), and the swf borks when it reaches the .connect() stage. To make things easier (?) and more reusable (?), I've put all the NetConnection mechanics into a separate class, AMFConnection, which I call from the Main document class like this (details changed):

public function testConnection(e:*=null):void {
var conn:AMFConnection = new AMFConnection();
conn.table = "some_table";


AMFConnection actually starts the connection and calls the AMFPHP service with the function gogogo(), and here's where the connect() NetConnection function just won't work. Here's the main section of the AMFConncection class

private var _netConnection:NetConnection;
private var _responder:Responder;
function AMFConnection()


It also fails to display the stage, instead showing the loading dots. Now, eventually I'm going to move this application to the same server as the AMFPHP service, but even when I try it there with a relative url, instead of an absolute one, it still breaks down at connect(). I've tried changing the publish settings from local only to network only, to no avail.

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Professional :: How To Connect MSSQL With Flash

Mar 20, 2011

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Professional :: Unable To Connect A Shape To A Symbol?

Feb 23, 2010

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Professional :: Connect Flash With Access Database

Aug 18, 2010

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Professional :: Using The Bones Tool With Imported Art - Body Is Highlighted But I Can't Connect The Other Objects?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a game design project that I have to animate characters for. The Bone tool in Flash seems like the perfect tool for the job!Here's my problem: I can draw things in Flash and rig them with the Bone tool and animate them fine. However, I'm much more comfortable with Illustrator. But whenever I try to bring in external artwork, I get lots of errors.Create (solid color, single object) body parts as layers in Illustrator. Import Illy file to stage in Flash. Drag bone tool across body. Body is highlighted but I can't connect the other objects. I realize the Armature is only above the body layer and all the other layers are on top. Drag Armature layer to top. Still no luck. The bone just doesn't care about the other objects.Should I make all the elements into MovieClips? That hasn't worked when I've tried it. Should I import differently? Should I make the entire character into a movieclip and then rig the instance on the stage?
I'll be exporting it to PNGs at the end, so I don't need it to be robust down the line.I get other errors with other importing methods too, but I can't recall them ("Can't connect...something" when using a PSD).

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IDE :: Tweening Bitmap Sections Gone?

Jan 19, 2009

I believe in CS3 it was possible to place a bitmap at a keyframe, then create a later keyframe, and break that bitmap up and move the sections. Then, create a motion tween to animate the peices flying apart (or back together).In CS4, this doesn't seem possible--anything I do combines the broken up bitmap into a single entitiy, rendering any tweening useless. Both Motion and Classic tweening seem incapable of such a simple task. (Shape tweening animates the peices, of course, but loses their individual shapes in the process, resulting in a mess).take a bitmap photo or a drawn rectangle or oval, and using tweening to animate it breaking apart?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preload In 25% Sections?

Aug 23, 2004

i am trying to make a preloaded that stops on frames depending on how much is loaded, i want it to stay on frame 1 if 24% or less of the movies is loaded and for every 25% i want it to it to move forward a frame,so far i have done thus,

var bytes = _root.getBytesTotal();
var bytes_loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
if (bytes / bytes_loaded >= .25) {
} else {
_root.gottoAndStop(1); }

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Targeting Sections When Playing Timeline?

May 18, 2009

The site has 6 pages: home, contents, contact, about, showreel, corporate. I have a panoramic photograph as a background across all my pages. When a button,such as contact, is clicked the timeline is enabled and scrolls across the panoramic to the 'contact' area of the photograph.I have a few questions relating to how I can achieve this. 1.) On my actions layer I have this code on frame one: stop(); enter_site_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonCLicked); function buttonClicked (event:MouseEvent):void { play(); } So when you mouseClick the timeline plays and goes to the next stop point on the timeline which is the contents section. On the contents page are the buttons which lead to the other sections. So far I have this code: stop(); about.btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonCLicked) corporate.btn.addEventListener

(MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonCLicked) showreel.btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonCLicked) contact.btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonCLicked)

Each of the buttons work, but I want the timeline to play and go to the page which corresponds to the button which is clicked, not just to play the timeline until the next stop point. Is there a code which would enable the timeline to play and go to the correct section, and not just roll without a target? 2.) I also want to be able to write a code which enables the timeline to move to any section in the same amount of time. What I mean by this is that if it takes 2 seconds (48 frames) to go from the first section to the second section, I also want it to take 2 seconds to go from the second section to the sixth section (240 frames)

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Apply Different Eases To Sections Of A Tween?

Jul 29, 2009

Flash CS4 has a feature where a tween can have more than two keyframes. If a tween has three keyframes, then changing keyframe 2 will affect the motion from keyframes 1 to 2 as well as the motion from keyframes 2 to 3. This is a very cool feature.
But there's one problem: I can only figure out how to apply an ease to the entire tween, not to the motion between two keyframes. Do you know how I can apply one ease to the motion between keyframes 1 and 2, and a different ease (or the same one a second time) to the motion between keyframes 2 and 3?
I've had two ideas so far for getting the same result:

1) Make a custom ease that includes all the eases I want. I find this too cumbersome and imprecise, unless there's a way to copy an existing curve into the space between two keyframes of a second curve (without replacing the whole second curve).

2) Split the tween at each keyframe. But then every time I want to adjust keyframe 2 I have to do it twice, and sometimes the break ends up jerking slightly. I'd really rather keep keyframe 2 a shared keyframe.

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Framerate Slowing Down In Sections Of Animation

Mar 20, 2011

To cut a long story short, i'm learning flash in order to get a job in 2d interface design. I had some basic knowledge of the software prior to this, but i needed to further my animation to compliment my design skills, so bear in mind that this is my first major flash project. So far, everything was going well, and i was managing to achieve my vision so to speak, but i have hit a brick wall with this problem. The interface starts with three menu options, single player, multiplayer & settings; each staggered behind and to the right of the last. However the transition i have made between them (basic motion tween with blur filters changing slightly) stutters everytime.

I have uploaded the animation here so you can see for yourself. Also, here is a screenshot of the timeline for the first transition: It does it a little bit in the scaled down version, but if you view it full screen it really slows down. Also, if anyone can be bothered to wait through the slow stuff to see the animation that works

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Transitions Tut- Sub-Sections?

Aug 6, 2004

I fully understood the smooth transitions tut but I also need to make sub-sections within each section. Do I need to to make a new container mc on the section to pull up the subsection? Must I remove the (_root) to place it on a level? I have the source files to demonstrate what I tried doing. Section 1 has a button that needs to go to "sub_section1.swf".[URL]..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array - Add Different Content Into The Sections

Nov 19, 2002

I have taken this script from a tutorial which uses a scrollbar and buttons to control a number of sections created by an array. I have an empty movie clip called 'content_mc' on the main stage, linked to which is a movie clip with the identifier 'section'. The tutorial doesn't explain and I can't figure out how to actually add different content into the 5 sections.


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Professional :: Swf Plays As Stand Alone But Not In Site?

May 18, 2010

I'm a bit frustrated as I've created a Flash movie with an embedded video.The SWF file works fine when I play it as a stand alone file but when I use the file inside my website, the video portion does not play.I have placed the video file and the Flash file in the correct folder on my site.

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Flash :: Professional - Map Widget In Site

Jul 15, 2010

I am having difficulties inserting a Map widget on my flash site. [URL] it needs to go on the left hand side were there is a "empty" space waiting for it! so i attached the map widget code just cuz... i am using flash cs4, as3 the code is a follows:


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Professional :: Preloader For Flash Site?

Aug 11, 2010

I don't know much about Flash so understanding how to implement a preloader for my entire site is just a bit beyond me. Basically, I just want a loading bar, "loading" text, and the percentage text (this should all be in AS3). I know that in Flash CS5, a preloader bar is included as one of the components. The only problem is that I don't know what to do with it (and it shows up as blue and white so not sure how to change the colour).

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Professional :: Have A Link Which Redirects To Another Site?

Aug 28, 2010

I am making a flash site and am trying to have a link which redirects to another site. The problem is the redirect address has an e with the accent ' above it. When I copy the link directly into flash, it converts it to code in the URL bar.How do I make the link in flash so that it keeps it as an accented letter in the URL bar?

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Professional :: Add Loading Bar To Already Laid Out Site?

Oct 3, 2010

l basically completed my entire site, which has a few layers and over 400 frames which are broken into different labeled sections on the main time line.The entire site  is located within one scene.After that l decided to add a loading bar with AS3. lt kind of works but only goes to 40% of so and then jumps to the second frame.l took the code from

function loadProgress(my_content:ProgressEvent):void {
var percent:Number = Math.floor( (my_content.bytesLoaded*100)/my_content.bytesTotal );myLoadText.text = percent + "%";myLoadBar.width = percent * 2;}function


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