Professional :: Flash CS5 Output Panel Font Size
May 29, 2010
When I trace something in flashcs5, font size in the output panel is very big. Is there somewhere where I can set preferences for this panel? In other version of flash it was a lot smaller and readable.
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Jun 26, 2009
Does anyone knows of a way to get the output panel in flash or the console panel in flex builder or flash builder, to format the "traces" with html or any thing else? for example:
trace( <b>brett</b> ); and to get that to appear in bold in the console window or the output window?
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Feb 11, 2011
I have a Flex custom BorderContainer component which has text inside of it. If I were to add this in my main Application inside of a panel, the BorderContainer goes outside of the width bounds of the panel due to the text being a set size. I have all of its components in percentages so that it re-sizes when shrunk, but the one part that contains checkboxes and labels (lots of things with text) mess up since the font size doesn't change.
I am pretty positive that the results I am looking for can be done through embedding the font, though I have not been able to come up with a solution from online. I am trying to do this with a CSS style since I will be using it for many different components (I dont just want to change it in the flex code directly).
EDIT Solution:
I attempted to use the ratio as www0z0k had suggested but it caused some serious issues when it was re-sized quickly or to a small screen (the component would not re-size correctly because it was multiplying by the ratio. What finally seems to have worked for me and caused no issues was that I ran the code and found the width (1152) and height (842) of the container.
I then created a const variable of widthX = 1152 and heightY = 842 and in the onResize() function I coded the resize like this:
(where bottomGroup is the id of the borderContainer I am trying to resize)
bottomGroup.scaleX = width / widthX;;
bottomGroup.scaleY = height / heightY;
So far I have found some examples of embedding fonts in the <fx:Style> and attempted to remove any delaration of fontSize but that doesn't seem to work.
@namespace s "library://";
@font-face {
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Jun 21, 2010
in CS5 (ancd CS3-4) how do I stop the "Output" panel from showing up automatically each time I test the movie using the Command+Enter keys? I know I have an error but it's a network error which does not effect my clip.
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Oct 17, 2006
If there's a way to disable the Output panel in Flash? I've tried turning off most of the Warnings section in the prefs, but apparently that doesn't affect the Output panel.
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Mar 24, 2011
I discovered this while doing some programmatic panel resizing:Components in a spark Panel will still be visible when their location is outside the physical Panel boundaries. This does not happen with the mx Panel.unning Flex 4.1 on Windows 7I tried putting mx and spark controls in the spark Panel, and they both appear outside of the boundaries. Note this doesn't happen with the mx Panel. What am I missing to make the spark behave like the mxSample Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
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Mar 14, 2012
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Dec 2, 2010
I'm using Flash CS5 and AS3. I've made a form using the library's "User Interface" object and I want to change the font size for the TextInput and TextArea fields but I can't find any option in their properties to change it.
I've tried this code
var myTextFormat: TextFormat = new TextFormat();myTextFormat.size = 14;email_txt.setStyle("textFormat", myTextFormat);
even though I don't get any error while publishing, my page doesn't appear, if I remove this code the page comes back to work.
How can I do to change the font size?
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Jun 30, 2011
how to change font size in textarea?
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Nov 23, 2011
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Jul 27, 2010
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Jan 12, 2011
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Jan 12, 2011
How to disable output panel while running app in background
for debugging I use trace commands to keep track of what happens, but this is super annoying when trying to run the application in the background as the output window keeps popping up thus obscuring everything else on the screen. Is there a way to prevent the output from popping up like that? Some setting in the publish menu or other?
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Dec 7, 2011
I just downloaded Flash CS5 for mac which installed without any errors. However, when I first launched the software I am getting the following error: The following panel layout is missing or could not be read: /users/rob/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5.5/en_US/Configuration/Workspace/Essentials.xml The application will not have a correct layout. load one from Windows ->Workspace Once past this message none of the panels load.
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Apr 16, 2009
I am trying to save information that I have displaying in my output panel to a .txt fille. I have tried this tutorial here: [URL] but it is not working for me.
I have the output panel displaying information such as:
PHP Code:
I need to somehow save this information to a text file so I can forward it onto my email. Or if anyone knows a way to forward information from the output panel to your email
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Jun 14, 2011
I load a text from an xml file which has a code like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><xml>
When i change the font size and font color i get the result i want.But when i try to change the font-family, or to make a part of text in italics or bold i fail to get what i want.I also tried this:
<font style="font-style:italic">my text</font>with no success
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Aug 23, 2011
I seem to have trouble setting the font size of the text of a legend item when the font family is set to Courier.
legendItem.setStyle("fontFamily", "Courier");
legendItem.setStyle("fontSize", 7);
doesn't work.
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Jan 14, 2010
I have a play and mute/unmute MC in a timeline instanced as "btn_playMute." The movie clip contains two frames. Each frame contains a button and some AS3. Here's the goal: When the flash loads, a video starts playing with the volume turned all the way down. This video continues, and loops when it gets to the end, ensuring that the volume is all the way down. I'm doing this as such:
HTML Code:
videoPlayer.volume = 0;
videoPlayer.source = "dieSort.f4v";
function rewindAndMute(videoEventObject:VideoEvent):void {
[Code] .....
The problem is that when I click the button the first time, which restarts the video with the volume up, I get the following error in the Output panel:
HTML Code:
Play Button Clicked
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Semigen_fla::btn_playMute_1/frame2()[Semigen_fla.btn_playMute_1::frame2:3]
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at Semigen_fla::btn_playMute_1/playHandler()[Semigen_fla.btn_playMute_1::frame1:9]
Any reason why my control MC is not changing states properly from "rewind and unmute" to "mute"?
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May 16, 2011
I'm just beginning to learn AS3 and I've been reading Colin Moock's Essential ActionScript 3.0.(I've been doing some exercises on how to randomly choose elements from arrays). All of the book's example codes that I've tried so far (in FLASH CS5) seem to work pretty well. But I'm having a bit of problem with the example code below which is found in chapter 11 (Arrays):
var row1:Array = [6, 2.99]; // Quantity 6, Price 2.99
var row2:Array = [4, 9.99]; // Quantity 4, Price 9.99
var row3:Array = [1, 59.99]; // Quantity 1, Price 59.99[code]....
When I test the movie the output panel displays NaN instead of 117.89.
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Aug 22, 2009
I have a list of fonts obtained via Font.enumerateFonts() and I want to display them all as 12 pixels tall. The problem is that I cannot simply set the point size because this can vary in actual pixel size for each font. So basically I want to determine what the correct point size is for a font in order to make it exactly 12 pixels tall. Because I'm doing this with a potentially large list I'm looking for an efficient method to do this.
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Mar 2, 2012
We have a serious issue while saving images from a flex editorOur editor is adding some text to images and php script (imagick) is saving that image by receiving all parameters from Flex editorThe problem we think is because of the font measurement in flex and in php. In flex fontsize is calculated in pixels and in php it is calculated in points. Hence when we write a text "Hello" in flex with fontsize "10" and while we write the same text with same font size in php looks different
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Jan 14, 2009
On both my work and home computers I have this problem where the font in the action panel gets all screwed up and the ends of words get cut off even though the text is there and working. Anyone have an idea on how to fix it? Both computers are Macs running 10.5.5 and Adobe Flash CS3. See below for an example
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Sep 28, 2011
var tfNum_mc:MovieClip = tl.attachMovie("tfID","tfNum_mc_",tl.getNextHighestDepth());
If I'm to assign the above code to a dragDrop action. Is there a way to change the font size of I've tried; = 12;//did not work
var format1:TextFormat( = new TextFormat();
format1_fmt.size = 12;;//did not work
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Nov 18, 2009
I am trying to implement a large font for sIFR, but it seems to have a ceiling where you cant go any higher. I have adjusted the the variable MAX_FONT_SIZE within the to no avail. Is this possible or is it a limitation with flash?
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