Professional :: How To Code A Drag & Pan Feature
Aug 12, 2010
I'm making a map with Adobe Flash Professional CS5, using Actionscript 1 & 2, and I'm trying to add the ability to drag and pan while zoomed in. For the zooming, I put a button in either corner: a zoom out icon, and a zoom in icon. For the zoom-in icon, I used the code on (rollOver){ setProperty ("BG", _xscale, "200"); setProperty ("BG", _yscale, "200");} (BG being the name of the instance used for the background of the map, which is a movie clip.) Now, this zooms me in well to one corner, but then i want to be able to drag and pan to be able to see more of the map. I've found some good examples, but the code is way over my newbie head, and I can't get any examples of code I find to work, no matter what I've tried.
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import flash.display.Sprite;
But this one make a vectoriale circle on the stage and makes it draggable.Now I've a movie_clip called "mc_Image" on my stage (that have inside a image background and some transparent button).
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// Drag a piece of garbage.
rubbish_mc.onPress = function() {
this.startDrag(false); }; // When the garbage is dragged over the trashcan, make it invisible.
rubbish_mc.onRelease = function() {
this.stopDrag(); // Convert the slash notation to dot notation using eval.
if (eval(this._droptarget) == trash_mc) {
rubbish_mc._visible = false;
change_score(); } };
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Apr 22, 2010
I got my Drag n drop working. Now I've added a timer. I want the students to have 45 seconds to finsih the game. I can code a timer OK, I can even get it to jump to a "time's up" frame, with a restart button that takes you back to where intro page for the drag n drop.If you click one of the two visible navigation btns on the d'n'd page BEFORE the timer has stopped, you get an error.I have no idea how to stop the timer as a result of fishing the d'n'd game within the time limit (i.e. correctly placing 12 pegs). As it is, you finish the game, one text field says "Congrats!" (which is good) but you still get tmed out (which is bad).inal step in my little prototype edu app.Here's the salient part of the code (I think) and I have removed all the code that comes after the important part:
var counter:Number = 0;
var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
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Jul 17, 2010
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package{ import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Card extends MovieClip { private var _type:*;
public function Card() { this.buttonMode = true;
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
} private function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void {;
} public function setType(type:*):void { _type = type;
loader_mc.addChild(_type); }}}
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May 11, 2010
Im trying to create a simple drag and drop app where you can drap a movieclip into multiple areas.This is the code i have so far (taken from a tutorial i found) thats works perfectly for 1 target but not for multiples. I initially tried giving the targets the same instance name but that didnt work.
stop();var startX:Number;var startY:Number;
square_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);square_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);
function pickUp(event:MouseEvent):void { square_mc.gotoAndStop (2);;
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May 19, 2010
im working on a website at the moment (just for fun) and are done with the layout and almost everything. Now I want to make one of the pictures so you can drag and drop it around on the site. The problem is that it does'nt work, i've tried out many different tutorials and codes without success. Sometimes i get the 1120 error and when not, nothing happens.
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Jul 26, 2010
I've built a drag and drop project with 9 elements in Flash CS5 using AS 3.0. Using code from an AS3.0 4 element drg&drp tutorial (which worked) I copy/pasted the code into the new project, renamed graphics in AS where necessary and added the additional code required to accomodate the additional graphics.When playing the test I get no errors however the first logo (element) and it's invisable target just flash on and off 11 times, then I see a frame of the whole project (for 1 frame) and then the cycle repeats.
I've double checked all naming conventions and everything is correct between movie clips and code. I've even simplified the code to just 1 element to see if I could track down where the problem starts and I get the same thing. The strange thing (to me anyway) is if I change the name of element to be dragged/dropped (in the code) to a different element on the stage I still get same original graphic flashing. So I don't think it's the code at all I think there is some weirdness in the graphic setup.
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Aug 10, 2010
I'm trying to adapt the memory game in chapter 3 of the book "ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University" for my own uses. I want to get all of the cards to flip and drag. I am able to flip the first card and drag it, but when I flip the second card over, I can't drag it. I have two files, MatchingGameMe.fla and All of the actionscript is in Here is the code. Does anyone see how I can modify it so that all the cards drag?[code]
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Aug 12, 2010
Is there a way to make an item, which can be draged onto the stage mulitple times? Like in making beats in music apps. You select a sample and drag it into the stage.
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Sep 8, 2010
seen a few different as 2.0 code for a drag and drop, doesn't have the smoothness of as 3. Anyone have a link to drag and drop multiple movieclips, no target necessary. Just a smooth drag and drop.
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Oct 10, 2010
Stuck on this big time. Using as2. I have a draggeable record. I want a button on the record that when I hit it, it plays a sound. I've attached the source. I've tried a few different tests and I've figured out that the onpress action of the main mc itself I believe acts for the mc of the speaker. I want the record draggable but need to have the speaker activate if i hit it.[URL]..
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