Professional :: Images Not Aligning Properly In SWF?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm working on a flash piece with buttons that display images when you rollover them. When I publish the fla the thin lines are blurry and look out of alignment even though they are perfectly aligned when I zoom in on the fla.

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Professional :: Images On Flash Not Working Properly

Sep 14, 2011

Here is the website: [URL]. If you visit the gallery, the images are sliding TOO fast and i have no idea why, They work fine if I test in the Flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Aligning Images In Slideshow?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a slide show in a site I'm building for a friend the slide show can be viewed by going to [URL] and clicking the About Us button

the images are supposed to be centered and 95% of the time they are. I would like to see them centered 100% of the time. here's the code:

import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import flash.display.*;


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Professional :: SWF File Doesn't Load Images Correctly And Buttons Do Not Always Work Properly.

Jan 7, 2011

I have a big problem - I decided to make a website using flash as I am good with photoshop and thought it would be fairly easy to construct in flash using tutorials. All went well except now the website is published, weird things happen. The homepage works fine but when you click on "portfolio" some of the buttons don't appear and when you try the buttons, some images don't appear. Occasionally some of the buttons take you to the wrong place also. When I test the movie in flash, everything works fine so I can't work it out. I am a complete novice so advice will have to be spelt out in black and white.

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Professional :: Aligning Text CS4 - Left And Right

Feb 6, 2010

I just migrated from CS3 to CS4 I have a set of navigation buttons which are in text now. I need the first left word to be at 100 align left and the last text word to be at 800 align right there are 3 other buttons in the middle. How in the world do I align all these with keeping the far left word and far right words where against their lines and keeping the spacing inbetween all the same? I tried this with keeping the text as text and using the align tools, paragraph tools then converting all the text to an mc and still can't get it right. I pic of what I need to do is in the attached.

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IDE :: Xml Images Not Working Properly With Masks?

Sep 8, 2009

I have created an image gallery for a client using actionscript 2 and xml. I have the gallery pulling in the images and text from the xml file and displaying correctly. The problem is the rollover/rollout affect I need to do. The image need an itunes affect flip, so the image looks like it flips to display a description then when you roll out it should flip back to show the image. The flash so far can be seen here [URL]

The flash works by pulling the image in from xml and putting it inside a place holder MC inside another movieclip. This movie clip contains a mask which creates the flip affect and shows a white box containing text over the image. When you rollover this works fine, but when I roll out the image, and title have disappeared when the white box is removed.

At the moment I have left the rollover affect out (as you can see on the link) but for my own sanity I would love to know why I can't get this to work. I probably havent explained this very well so I have attached a demo of how I am trying to get the rollover affect to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Images Not Working Properly With Masks?

Sep 8, 2009

I have created an image gallery for a client using actionscript 2 and xml. I have the gallery pulling in the images and text from the xml file and displaying correctly. The problem is the rollover/rollout affect I need to do. The image need an itunes affect flip, so the image looks like it flips to display a description then when you roll out it should flip back to show the image. The flash so far can be seen here [URL]

The flash works by pulling the image in from xml and putting it inside a place holder MC inside another movieclip. This movie clip contains a mask which creates the flip affect and shows a white box containing text over the image. When you rollover this works fine, but when I roll out the image, and title have disappeared when the white box is removed.

At the moment I have left the rollover affect out (as you can see on the link) but for my own sanity I would love to know why I can't get this to work. I probably havent explained this very well so I have attached a demo of how I am trying to get the rollover affect to work.

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Actionscript 3 :: HtmlText Embedded Images Not Properly Aligned?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a TextField and I am trying to display embedded images using htmlText:

var test:TextField = new TextField();
test.multiline = true;
test.wordWrap = true;[code]....

In this case the raftImg is in the Assets class. The problem is that the image does not align as it should (it always stays in upper left corner). If I load it using "../ blah/ img.gif" it works properly.

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Flex :: Load Multiple Images In Air Not Working Properly?

Apr 4, 2011

So I made a drag and drop app where I can drop in an image, it get's resized and saved automatically on the desktop.

But now I want to do the same when there are multiple images dragged in. This is where I'm stuck...

private function onDrop(e:NativeDragEvent):void
var dropfiles:Array = e.clipboard.getData(ClipboardFormats.FILE_LIST_FORMAT) as Array;


The problem is that I want the completeHandler() to run after every ldr.load() but in my code it only runs once right after the for each loop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: App Doesn't Display Dynamic Images Properly

Jan 31, 2009

I recently created a visual quiz app which asks a question and then gives 4 image answers.

The problem that I'm having is that the images don't shrink the image into their quadrants, but rather, zooms in on the top left corner of the image.

Can anyone tell me what I have to change in the following code to make the images display at a set width (so that they fit in the quadrants proportionally).

Here is what the SWF looks like now. As you can see the images become distorted because they are being stretched. What should happen is that the images be displayed at a fixed width and variable height. [URL]

var dataXML:XML = new XML();
var arrSounds:Array = new Array();
var arrData:Array = new Array();
var rndData:Array = new Array();


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Actionscript :: Dynamically Loaded Images Not Displaying Properly In Flash

Mar 10, 2011

I'm creating a banner advertisement in Flash. It pulls all information from an XML file. Images for each product are also loaded externally. Everything is working fine except for 1 thing.

I have an image separator i'm using as a background for each product container to lend a bit of separation to each product. But when I try to add it using code it's only added to the last item. Doesn't matter if it's 10 items or 2's only being added to the last one and i'm not sure why. Anyways, i've zipped up the associated files and put it on my webserver. I'm using the Tweener class and have included that in the archive as well.

Here's a link to the archive : Project Files

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWF File Doesn't Load Images Correctly And Buttons Do Not Always Work Properly

Jan 7, 2011

I decided to make a website using flash as I am good with photoshop and thought it would be fairly easy to construct in flash using tutorials. All went well except now the website is published, weird things happen. The homepage works fine but when you click on "portfolio" some of the buttons don't appear and when you try the buttons, some images don't appear. Occasionally some of the buttons take you to the wrong place also. When I test the movie in flash, everything works fine so I can't work it out.

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Professional :: Flash CS4 Won't Load Properly

Dec 12, 2009

I boot up Flash CS4 and all I see in the upper left corner are the three dots for Apple's Snow Leopard interface. Flash was working fine yesterday, then last evening, all I got were the three dots. The menus are there. They open,  but they are acting flakey. I can open up a file, but none of the palettes or interface show up. The stage is located under Apple's menu bar at the 0,0 location of the monitor and unmovable.
I deleted the preference files from my user library and also a file called "Flash 10 mru". That didn't do a thing.
The only change I made yesterday was an upgrade Adobe supplied for Premiere.
I also upgraded to Snow Leopard over the old Leopard, rather than a clean install.
But Flash was working fine on it for a month before yesterday's three dots attack.
Flash CS3 works fine.
Flash CS4 works fine on my laptop with Snow Leopard.
This morning, I uninstalled the old and reinstalled a new copy. Really at a loss as to what to do.
I was thinking of doing a clean install of Snow Leopard on a new hd and starting over. Before I do all that, I was hoping there was an easier fix.


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Professional :: Flash Not Loading Properly?

Apr 21, 2011

So I made a flash that uses a preloader, then once finished loading mc1 should be visible and playing along with a couple buttons. It loads properly most of the time, but maybe 10% of the time mc2 loads instead of mc1, no buttons are visible, and mc2 isn't even playing (refreshing the browser makes everything work properly btw). Is there some way I can make it load properly 100% of the time?

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Professional :: Flash Doesn't Run Properly

Apr 21, 2011

I am using a flash template that includes a menu bar. However, after I changed the names of the tabs in the menu bar, none of the words show up. Everything else loads correctly (sound, logo, images), but no words on the menu bar. I see them on the actual project, but not when I debug the movie. Where did my words go?

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Professional :: How To Edit Audio Properly

Nov 19, 2011

how to trim /fade my sounds in Flash CS5 but it is a nightmare. So at frame 800 I want to start to fade the sound from 100% to 0% on frame 850, but whatever I try it just get's mucked up. Those little handles just keep duplicating when I try and drag them. Is there any way to delete the points and how do I get the left and right to be identical.Also, how do I fade the sound? I mean what is the best way to fade the sound so at frame 800 the sound starts to fade from 100% to 0% on frame 850?

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Professional :: Flv With Player Skin Not Working Properly?

Jan 3, 2008

When I place a flv into a flash movie and apply a skin and publish everything, it works fine on my local machine, but when uploaded to a server the player skin will not show up, yet the flv shows up and begins playing. Has anyone encountered this before? Isthere a way to embed the skin in the swf instead of having it be

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Professional :: How To Update Components To Work Properly

Sep 24, 2009

I'm trying to utilize the Learning Interactions in the Library of Flash CS4 included in the Adobe E-Learning Suite.I'm able to change the individual componens' properties (radio button, submit button) etc. using the component inspector, but cannot determine how to change the properties of the movie clip for items such as correct answer, etc.Has anyone used these Learning Interaction library items, and knows how to update the components to work properly?

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Professional :: Why Imported Ai File Won't Scale Properly

Feb 24, 2010

The stroke on one of my symbols(rivet) becomes increasingly thicker for no reason when i import my ai file. .

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Professional :: Properly Linking A Flash Animation To A URL?

Apr 28, 2010

created a new layer with one keyframe in frame 1, which spans the whole animation. In this layer I entered the ActionScript in REFERENCE 1. It works fine in several browsers, including IE8, FF3.6, and Chrome, and works for the customer. Then....
Their webmaster emailed back saying that he "did not see any links in the new banner." I'm not sure what this means, and if he actually tested the code.They sent me an example from a previous developer, which is REFERENCE 2.I compared it to what I published--which was generated by the CS4 "Publish" option. This is REFERENCE 3.Did I do something wrong? Everything works in all my tests, and they work for the customer.
It looks like they're missing a lot of information from the header. It is much smaller than the header that CS4 generates. They also have a link under the <!--url's used in the movie--> comment. Could this affect the performance? To my knowledge, this is obsolete. Perhaps they used an older version of Flash? 
stage.addEventListener(  MouseEvent.CLICK,  function(evt:MouseEvent):void  {   var url:String = "";  var window:String = "_blank";  var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);  try       {      navigateToURL(request,window);      }    catch (e:Error)    {      trace("Page unavailable. Please refresh this page to try again.");    }  }  );
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>148x300_af</title><script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script><script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script></head>


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Professional :: CuePoints Not Working Properly Netstream?

Jul 15, 2010

Im trying to get cuepoints working on an old as2 project.I have a netstream video component and want the cuepoints embedded in the FLV to trigger buttons to appear. I have embedded them as Event Cuepoints. 
ns.onCuePoint = function(infoObject:Object){    trace(;    if( == "CP1") {         trace("yes working");    }}; 

This shows all of the cuepoints within the FLV. I cant figure out how to change the code to trigger actions WHEN the FLV hits a Cuepoint.

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Professional :: Loaded External Swf Does Not Work Properly?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm trying to create universal loader of flash games on one entertainment site. What I want is to make some kind of container (SWF A) which will load another flash to it (SWF B) (by some params).
SWF B could be anything - AS1 / AS2 or AS3 flash. SWF A is programmed with AS3. Problem is that not all SWF games, which I try to load, works fine. Some games lost their click events, some games does not load at all, some games are corrupted. When I run that games separately (not using my loader), games work just fine. Why is this happening? Why some flash games are not working properly after loading by another flash?
I'm using Loader object to handle this, without any special settings - same as on examples on AS3 Bible book...

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Professional :: Alpha Tween Not Working Properly

Jan 5, 2011

If I have this line of code:
var myTween:Tween = new Tween(contHolderMain, "alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 100, 100, true);
contHolderMain's alph value should move from 0 to 100 in 100 seconds, but it only take about 5.

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Professional :: Make A Slideshow Autoplay Properly?

Feb 16, 2011

I've currently made a slideshow. I'm able to switch images in the slideshow with back and next buttons, however, I want it to autoplay properly. I've found a script that seems to work, but it switches images very rapidly.I want each image to stay on screen for 3 seconds before it changes.Here's the script i'm using

function updateFrame (inc) { // send slides to new frame  newFrame = _root._currentFrame + inc;  _root.gotoAndStop(newFrame);


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Professional :: Properly Export Swf To Dreamweaver From Flash 8?

Mar 25, 2011

have a file which only shows up as a black box (correct size) on the posted html page.  The status bar indicates "waiting for the page..." etc., but nothing changes on the page.There is another swf file on the same page and is working perfectly, but the above mentioned file still does nothing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Images Does Not Load Properly In Flash 8 And Firefox - Works Fine In Flash 9 Or IE

Oct 25, 2006

Here's the site: [URL] From feedback I've gotten, it appears that under certain circumstances the first image in a set of images does not load properly, although I haven't seen it myself. I'm told this happens only in Firefox. And I believe only Flash player 8. Works fine with FF and Flash player 9, or IE with 8 or 9 I believe.

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Professional :: Dynamic Text Fields Not Working Properly In CS5?

May 27, 2010

In an attempt to use a dynamic text field on my page, and passing text to it such as..

question.text = "Sample text here"

..where the instance name of the dynamic text field is "question" ..I found that if I add another text box to the page as static text, but using the same font as the dynamic field, the dynamic field populates incorrectly.If I compile using CS4 it works fine, and if I break apart the static text in CS5 it works fine.I also found if I change the font of the static field to something other than that of the dynamic.. it works fine.However in further testing..if I place a second static text field on the page,the dynamic again breaks even if I use the different font as before.

All of these scenarios work fine in CS4, but in CS5 is causing my dynamic field to change to the same as my static text, or simply mixing letters and otherwise not displaying my dynamic text...I've tested on three systems here all with CS5 ...

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Professional :: Var Loader - Event Complete Not Working Properly

Mar 6, 2011

I have confirmed to my satisfaction that the following code never triggers the Event.COMPLETE of var loader:

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(contact_url);
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
[Code] .....

However, it does in fact send the emails it is designed to send! Why doesn't it complete when in fact the work is done?

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Professional :: Text Not Displaying Properly When Button Clicked

Apr 7, 2011

I have a button that when clicked it displays a few lines of text. Some of the text is large, bold and some of it is normal and smaller size. The first time I click the button the text displays properly but if I click on it a second time then the text is messed up. I am new to flash and have tried several different things.

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Professional :: How To Export Flash File Properly (JWPlayer)

Jul 14, 2011

I have a flash file which is 690 x 420 pixels. When I export it and set it up to play on jwplayer it shows with all of the pieces that are off the art board also. This is a test [URL].

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