Professional :: Properly Export Swf To Dreamweaver From Flash 8?
Mar 25, 2011
have a file which only shows up as a black box (correct size) on the posted html page. The status bar indicates "waiting for the page..." etc., but nothing changes on the page.There is another swf file on the same page and is working perfectly, but the above mentioned file still does nothing.
I have a flash file which is 690 x 420 pixels. When I export it and set it up to play on jwplayer it shows with all of the pieces that are off the art board also. This is a test [URL].
Whenever, I create a project in CS4 and publish or export the movie none of the code works! Yet the same code works when I create the project in CS3 and export it.
i am trying to edit a web template with adobe dreamweaver (version CS5). the template has flash in it, and i have flash installed on my computer (i can view flash on any web browser, and java is enabled). when i open the index file in dreamweaver, i get a message saying "Note: Install Flash Player | Enable Javascript".i don't know what to do. flash is installed and java is enabled. what do i do??
I'm trying to edit a flash file embedded in Dreamweaver CS4. I can't open the file the only thing it will do is play. Can FL CS4 open and edit FL CS3 files?
I am looking for a flash solution to insert easily into a dreamweaver html page. I need a small audio player with a start and stop button. It should have a white background (no text). To work like the example in [url]......I would like to have a flash plug in that allows me to insert into another webpage and use an FLV file or other audio format.Dreamweaver's player does not look good inserted into any webpage.
So I'm trying to create this website in which the first page is made in Flash and the rest are made in Dreamweaver. how to actually connect them so that works? I know how to put something made from Flash into a Dreamweaver page; should i just do the same thing?
I have some flash .FLV videos that I've posted to a clients website using the built-in Flash skins (Halo is what I'm using) My client would like to be able to see a moving buffer of how much video has downloaded so the viewers will know when the video is about to clip.Standard stuff but not sure if the built-in flash player for DW has that option Can anyone tell me if it does or not What would be the best way to get a buffer indicator (not pre-loader) into a flash player if not?
I tried all suggestions from the dreamweave forums and none worked.I am placing a CS4 swf movie into dreamweaver CS4 and when I preview in firefox I can't get rid of the 1 pixel white border.Have tried all settings, including setting the wmode parameters to transparentBorder set to 0, frame set to 'top', image set to top.If I change the background of the frame to blue for example, I get a 1 pixel blue line. I believe the problem is in dreamweaver.How do I fix this?
<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" /> <param name="BGCOLOR" value="#FFFFFF" /> <param name="SCALE" value="noborder" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <!-- Next object tag is
I created a short animation using a series of photos stop-motion style, only about 18 frames long (as part of a larger project) Whenever i try to export it into SWF (Either CTRL+ENTER or the FILE>EXPORT method) the time it takes is super-fast, but no file is created. When the export was done with a previous successful export, it simply dissapeared
I boot up Flash CS4 and all I see in the upper left corner are the three dots for Apple's Snow Leopard interface. Flash was working fine yesterday, then last evening, all I got were the three dots. The menus are there. They open, but they are acting flakey. I can open up a file, but none of the palettes or interface show up. The stage is located under Apple's menu bar at the 0,0 location of the monitor and unmovable.
I deleted the preference files from my user library and also a file called "Flash 10 mru". That didn't do a thing.
The only change I made yesterday was an upgrade Adobe supplied for Premiere.
I also upgraded to Snow Leopard over the old Leopard, rather than a clean install. But Flash was working fine on it for a month before yesterday's three dots attack.
Flash CS3 works fine.
Flash CS4 works fine on my laptop with Snow Leopard.
This morning, I uninstalled the old and reinstalled a new copy. Really at a loss as to what to do.
I was thinking of doing a clean install of Snow Leopard on a new hd and starting over. Before I do all that, I was hoping there was an easier fix.
So I made a flash that uses a preloader, then once finished loading mc1 should be visible and playing along with a couple buttons. It loads properly most of the time, but maybe 10% of the time mc2 loads instead of mc1, no buttons are visible, and mc2 isn't even playing (refreshing the browser makes everything work properly btw). Is there some way I can make it load properly 100% of the time?
I am using a flash template that includes a menu bar. However, after I changed the names of the tabs in the menu bar, none of the words show up. Everything else loads correctly (sound, logo, images), but no words on the menu bar. I see them on the actual project, but not when I debug the movie. Where did my words go?
I am unable to export any swiff files from CS5 Flash Pro that contain TLF text. If I apply one text box with TLF text on the stage, with no script on the timeline and nothing in the library, I receive the following compiler error:
MainTimeline, Line 39 1137: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected no more than 1. MainTimeline, Line 42 1137: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected no more than 7.
I do a lot of heavy actionscript coding, and rarely have anything on the timeline or stage in Flash, but this is a pretty big error for a new feature like the TLF engine. I think there is an issue with files missing, or flash not having the correct path to the classes used by the TLF text, but that is only a guess. All I can get out of the Adobe documentation is that there is a SWC file that is supposed to be remotely accessed, downloaded, or embedded into the SWF on export.
I have been completely unable to use this feature of Flash since I purchased CS5. Additionally, when I tried to contact Adobe directly by phone, they referred me to these forums.
export an animation sequence from flash to a video format. Looks like flash has Quicktime and Avi as options. However they both produce poor and jerky results. My animation is 750 by 545 pixels and running at 20fps - I have tried upping it to 25fps to see if it is a frame rate mismatch issue but similar rsults. For the record the anim plays perfectly as a swf. I have tried a third party swf to flv converter as flv is the format I desire but still jerky irregular playback How can I get around this?
Im running Flash CS5 with all current updates. My flash is about 2400 frames long, and is running at 24fps. In the beginning, i had no problem exporting it. Now, when i publish/export/test/preview/ beg to work, the dialogue bar will pop up indicating that its exporting... Only to suddenly stop about 70% of the way through and dissapear. . no swf. and to make matters worse, it devours the swf i exported originally. Im not using any action script (ive been told that could be where the problem is). I have tried copying my frames into a fresh document, just in case the original is corrupt, but still had the same problem. Ive screwed with the publish settings enough to know the problem isnt there. Ive combed through my entire library, looking for corrupt files..still no success. My dilema is almost identical to this user's: [URL]
this flash is to be used as a background projection during a college theater play
Using mac os 10.6.7 and flash pro cs5. Read in adobe flash help that QTpro works better to create .mov file when exporting from flash. I purchased QTpro from apple and installed. It will not open an .swf of .fla. When I try to File>Export>Export Movie it opens and uses QT10 which can with mac. I've looked in System preferences, Flash preferences, and QTpro and QT10 preferences for option to select QT version to use when exporting from from flash. I've tried changing publishing settings to Flash 5, read somewhere QT doesn't support Flash layers after version 5,but didn't help. Am I missing something? My .swf looks good but when I export through the file command, export movie, .mov file is filled with artifacts. On a mac how can I export from Flash and end up an .mov .mpg .wmv or .avi?
created a new layer with one keyframe in frame 1, which spans the whole animation. In this layer I entered the ActionScript in REFERENCE 1. It works fine in several browsers, including IE8, FF3.6, and Chrome, and works for the customer. Then....
Their webmaster emailed back saying that he "did not see any links in the new banner." I'm not sure what this means, and if he actually tested the code.They sent me an example from a previous developer, which is REFERENCE 2.I compared it to what I published--which was generated by the CS4 "Publish" option. This is REFERENCE 3.Did I do something wrong? Everything works in all my tests, and they work for the customer.
It looks like they're missing a lot of information from the header. It is much smaller than the header that CS4 generates. They also have a link under the <!--url's used in the movie--> comment. Could this affect the performance? To my knowledge, this is obsolete. Perhaps they used an older version of Flash?
stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, function(evt:MouseEvent):void { var url:String = ""; var window:String = "_blank"; var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); try { navigateToURL(request,window); } catch (e:Error) { trace("Page unavailable. Please refresh this page to try again."); } } );
Go to this site: [URL]. I got my flash intro onto the site and I got the HTML code from dreamweaver. I use 000webhost for hosting. HTML code is: <script src="Scripts/swfobject_modified.js" type="text/javascript"> </script><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="720" height="480" id="FlashID" title="kevin"> <param name="movie" value="intro done 2011.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="wmode" value="opaque"> [Code] ..... Why doesn't my flash load up? When I upload them to other sites they playback fine.
I have a site designed in dreamweaver. I inserted an swf file into the dreamweaver site to do the following :The swf allows people donate money through paypal and then return to the main site. I need a step somewhere so that I can disable buttons after the paypal process has occurred. Kglad has suggested that I direct to a new swf file when coming back from paypal. This makes sense, however, do I disable the donate button on the new swf file and if so, how will the actionscript recognise the button instances ?
i can't export as Quicktime, it just stops at "Recording Flash Content" - Yes i could export as .avi, but for some reason, i lose some effects there, i could export as .swf as well, but Sony Vegas won't read .swf files, and i can't find a FREE (I don't want some trial with annoying Logos) ...
I am writing an article about CS5 and FXG and I really would like know whether Flash CS5 can export to FXG and read FXG files. It can do both or just export?
I have Flash CS5 and I'm trying to export SWC from it to use as a library with Flex SDK (FlashDevelop). I have "Export SWC" checked in publish settings and for a while it worked. Now, even if it still is checked, SWC isn't created (at least in the same directory as SWF). I even tried creating a completely new FLA and copied everything from the old library in there. Still it doesn't work.
I develop these site in PHP BB BMW Dubai and Porsche Dubai but failed to rotate images in top banner. After lot of dissapointment, i recently converted that baner with 6 small pictures than 2 big pictures (previously). Now im thinking of changing or rotating those 6 pictures in flash. So my question is which flash player is the bestest to export to, i mean level fl5,6,7,8. I dont wanna export at most recent as it might bug users to upgrade their old flash player, when they browse my content.
know if there are known issues anyone knows about PHPbb stuff with flash files. I will be experimenting this for first time. As in Dubai at least i have not seen any one site using flash in PHP BB, as people dont detailing attention to community board.
We have a Flash banner on the home page and each slide has a link to some other page. Everything works fine, exept in IE.
Basically what happens is that if you click on the banner the first time, the link will work fine and bring you to the new page. However, if you go back to the home page again, then the banner does not even present a link anymore (it will still work fine as far as the banner rotation is concerned - just no more links)..