Professional :: Loop FLV Video For Web?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an fla file exported from After Effects that I am trying to get ready for a website so it loops continuously and is web ready.
- Clip needs to be rasterized and not vectorized (hence the flv format)

- Dimensions are 1400 by 514

- No Interactivity, just a simple looping 4 second clip

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Professional :: Interactive Video Presentation Starts With A Video In A Loop

Aug 11, 2010

I have created animated presentations (since now, I have just videos) for my seminars at the university with cinema 4D and I added some effects with After Effects (CS5). Now, I want to build an interactive presentation. That means:

- The (video projector) presentation starts with a video in a loop.

- When I click a button on the mouse/keyboard, the video finishes the loop until the end and

- show a transition video and

- start the next loop and so on...


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Professional :: How To Loop FLV Video

Mar 15, 2010


- I imported an AVI video clip to Flash converting it to FLV

- I published the project

- I put the files on my web server

- It automatically starts playing when you go to the web page

Question:How do I make the clip loop?


But I can't find their download sample And, they say click on Frame-1 and press F9 then put code snippit in after line 7 But, I see no Action Script when I click on Frame 1 and press F9... a window opens but no code appears...just a long menu on the left.

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Professional :: Loop A Video - Plays Only Once

Mar 20, 2011

I have tried to loop a video. Though in the SWF, the video plays only once. Can someone see something wrong in the AS3 code below (relevant info tagged like this --->) (FLV instance is called "Film_mc")


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Professional :: Loop An Embedded Flv Video File?

May 19, 2010

I have CS3.I encode my video with the Encoder, then I import it into Flash. From there, I cannot figure out how to make the embedded flv file to loop.

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Professional :: User Can Loop Any Part Of The Video

Jan 20, 2011

I am working on an interactive guitar tutorial. Lets say that the person is watching the video and doesnt understand part of the guitar line that I am showing them. Lets say that they do not understand what happens between 3 seconds and 11 seconds (this can be any point during the video). Is there any way that the user can loop any part of the video that they are having trouble with?

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Professional :: Loop To A Certain Frame With An Embedded Video Flv?

Apr 1, 2012

I have an flv video file that I've imported into Flash CS5 project as an embedded movie, because graphic and movie clip both produced still images. I want to embed the final product onto my website, and have the video autostart in the beginning, play all the way through, and then go back to frame 40 or so and loop continuosly from there. I've tried selecting the final frame and applying the instancename.gotoandplay (40); code but it isn't working. I read that this only works on keyframes, so I tried making the final frame a keyframe but because it is an flv file for some reason it isn't allowing me to do that.

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Professional :: Loop A Video That Embedded Into A Flash Project?

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I have a video that I've embedded into a project by means of linking it from my server, where it lives (not embedding it into the actual project) and I cant for the life of me find a way to get the video to continually loop when it finishes. Any looping meathod I've found so far using AS3 only loops the basic animations in the movie, not the video.

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Professional :: Get The Video To Loop Back And Start Playing Again Automatically?

Oct 13, 2010

I am putting together a small slideshow of pictures and it's only about 350 frames. I haven't worked with Flash since version 4.0, so I'm still trying to figure out Adobe's setup. 4.0's setup was so easy when it came to replaying a video once it hit the last keyframe, but I'm so lost in this ActionScript stuff.
How do I get the video to loop back and start playing again automatically?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Loop - Made A Video In After Effect And Export It To Flash As A FLV Video

Dec 18, 2010

I made a video in After Effect and export it to flash as a FLV video.. and write de code to load it into flash.. but I need it to loop.. Here is the code


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Add Loop To Video?

Sep 29, 2011

how to write after finish the video active play button ? when i click play button movie playing from first.and how to looping video?

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Ios :: Loop A Video On Flash For Air?

Apr 1, 2012

I am making a video based application.In this application a 720p is need to be play loop wise.I have 5 Sec video that should play automatically after 5 Sec i mean loop.I am making this application for Android and IOS.I had tried the looping thing use timer of 5 sec but there is a jerk after each clip.I need a smoothly looping without any jerk after the clip

The following is the i am using.If you know any other code better than this

import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: AR With Video That Needs To Loop?

May 21, 2011

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which is triggered as soon as the NET_STATUS event gives the NetStream.Buffer.Empty or NetStream.Play.Stop code.

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IDE :: FLVPlayback Loop The Video?

Jun 14, 2006

We have a major project on here at the moment to do with flash menu designs and videos etc. Basicly we have a menu where u click a button and it jumps to a frame. On that frame is the information etc, and a video for that particular subject. What im asking is this: We have put the video in using FLVPlayback and was wondering if it is possbile to have the FLV loop the video.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop A FLV Video?

May 18, 2009

I'm trying to loop a FLV video. The start and end frame are identical, but in flash there is a slight pause on the repeat.... I've tried a couple of different methods... listening for the COMPLETE Event via AS and embedding the FLV into the timeline, with a goto on the last frame... both methods have the same effect.

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Flash :: Professional - Create A Video That Will Incorporate Powerpoint-like Slides Along With Video Footage

Jan 22, 2010

I'm trying to create a flash video that will incorporate powerpoint-like slides along with video footage. So for instance I will have slide 1 (graphic) - slide 2 (video clip) - slide 3 (text). I have used CS4 before for one of my classes but that was a little while ago, and I feel like I'm starting over again. When I import the first graphic (.png), is there an option to have it resize to fit the stage?

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Professional :: Internet Explorer  Will Not Display Flash Video In Stand Alone Video Players

Feb 27, 2010

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Professional :: Video Exporting - View The Video In Work Space While Animating Symbols Over It?

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Dec 10, 2010

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Professional :: Playing An External Video File And Upon Video Being Played, Move Onto Next Frame?

Dec 16, 2011

I suppose the title says it all.  I can load an external video file (FLV) and I can have it play.  I also have the custom buttons made to control the clip.  The only thing I have left to do is to have the main timeline move onto frame 2 once the external video reaches its end.  I am using actionscript 3 and flash cs 5.5. 

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Professional :: Video Plays In .SWF But Flash Template Video Controls Don't Show Up

Sep 9, 2010

I'm porting in an .flv to Flash for the first time. I created the .flv from an .MP4 using Media Encoder CS5, and then opened a new Actionscript 3 .fla in Flash Professional CS5, clicked File > Import > Import Video. Then selected 'Load external video with playback component'. Everything seems to have imported fine, but when I publish the SWF and import it via Dreamweaver CS5 and preview the page, the video is there, but the controls are not. There's just a white box where the controls should be. Also, the video is out of sync with the audio, which I believe is a problem with Media Encoder, not Flash.
Here are some links:
The page that I'm working on (video at the bottom of the page)
The .FLA 
The .FLV 
The .SWF

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Flash :: Professional - Maximum Video Size To Keep The Video Running Correct?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm currently working on a website design. The idea is a big chromakeyed interactive video in Flash. The size of the video is 1080 (width) x 1500 (height) pixels.I've exported the video in After Effects with the standard settings for flash (File>Export>Adobe Flash Player(SWF)). Now when I import the video in Flash and preview the file, the video plays in a slower speed and it's not playing smooth at all...Is the video too big? Is there a maximum video-size to keep the video running correct in Flash? Is it something else that causes this problem..?

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Professional :: Position Flash Video Player At Bottom Of Video ?

Mar 6, 2010

With the Flash Player that comes with CS3 and on my PC XP Pro laptop.I want the player controls to appear at the _bottom_ of the video not on top of the video and not under (behind) the video.

- my video is 640 x 480
- so I modified the "properties" tab at the bottom of the screen to 640x480... (it was 550x400)
- but that just makes everything larger when I click File > Publish
- and then look at the video in Internet Explorer... the Player Controls are still _On Top_ of the video.

I guess I need to learn how to

- Make the stage bigger
- Position the Player controls below the actual video

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Professional :: Seamless Interactive Video-game-video Project?

Aug 13, 2010

we are doing a seamless interactive video-game-video project, but are having optimization problems. Because the client wants a full-screen option for both the video and game segments, our file size is too big. Any advice on how to minimize load time yet retain a relatively high-quality image standard? The h.264 codec would help with image quality, but there are licensing issues, and we need the  transperent alpha channel for the video segments.

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Professional :: Trigger The Video To Pause When Clicked Anywhere On The Video Screen?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a flash video that is set to autoplay when the page loads. We've just implemented thickbox/lightbox system on it now so when you click on the video it enlarges into that new frame. Problem is, when that's done the video/audio is still playing while the video in the thichbox is playing too. This leading to ineffective listening. Does anyone know a code that would trigger the video to pause when clicked anywhere on the video screen?

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Make A Video To Loop Endlessly?

Feb 8, 2008

I have a little video that is supposed to be an endless loop. I embeded it into a web site as a swf, it streams and than stops at the end. I just read there is a action script to make it loop.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Loop A Video Clip

Mar 8, 2010

Just working to a very small budget on this one; clients got a video clip of a waterfall, wants it as part of a banner effect. Problem, how can I get this to loop without the "shutter" effect upon replaying?When I took on this work, I told the client "Yes, no problems! ;( Then Bang "shutter effect".I am using onComplete and works great, except the beginning of the clip is not matching the end, thus it shutters, flickers.What I was thinking was, is there a way, using AS3 code to help me out here, as in start playing at a certain point and have onComplete start at that given point.

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Html :: How To Loop A Video In Flash

Jun 10, 2010

So i had a video that was in quicktime format, threw it into flash, encoded it without a problem and here is the result i got:I would like the video to "loop" or "autorewind" as soon as it ends but i am having the hardest time trying to figure how to do this. Here is my code,

if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {
alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");
} else {


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May 13, 2009

I've pieced together an XML driven playlist for videos. how to play the playlist continuously. When the last video ends, I want it to start with the first video and run through the playlist again and infinite number of times. I can only get the last video to restart when it finishes instead of going back to the first video. [code]...

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IDE :: F4V Video On Key Frame - Loop SWF Automatically

Jan 22, 2010

This should be an easy one for you pros AND novice alike. Im creating a single flash page with one F4V video on one key frame. simple. From what Ive read the SWF should loop automatically. But it doesnt. Is there AS3 code I can add to make it loop seamlessly? I made the F4V a movieclip in order to add some filters. eventually I'll add one button and thats it. This will be a splash page for a website.

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