Professional :: Misalignment Of Text Within Frames?

May 26, 2011

I have created a movie with 8 frames in and each frame uses the same template and buttons of which are in exactly the same place as the movie plays. The problem is some of the text within the buttons is appears to be slightly out of allignment but it only happens when viewing this on different computers - the laptop I have been working on does not should this, everything looks to be in perfect allignment; the movie will be viewable on the web so it needs to look good!

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XML Misalignment In Flash Object?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm an enthusiast trying my hand at web designing, and got stuck at this problem:


Check that link out, and try clicking on any of the topics which are at the right side once the movie loads. It's resulting in a misaligned text. Actually, I got this entire package of the .swf file, index.html file and the supporting .XML files in a zip file as a package from somewhere. When I launch it locally from my desktop, the alignment and all is perfect. But, when I upload all the files onto a web server, following the same hierarchy of files, I'm facing this alignment issue.

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Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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/* Fade Out Movie Clip

Fades out the symbol instance by decreasing its alpha property within an ENTER_FRAME event until it is invisible.

1. To change the speed at which the symbol instance fades out, change the 0.01 value below (valid values are in the range 0.0 - 1.0). Higher values cause faster fade out.

2. The '-=' operator is a shortcut to typing 'Spread1.alpha = Spread1.alpha - 0.1'.

3. Because the animation uses an ENTER_FRAME event, it progresses only when the playhead moves to a new frame, and the speed of the animation is also affected by the frame rate of the FLA file.
Spread1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_FadeSymbolOut);
Spread1.alpha = 1;
function fl_FadeSymbolOut(event:Event)


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var theXML:XML = new XML();
theXML.ignoreWhite = true;
theXML.onLoad = function() {


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Jan 12, 2010

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Feb 1, 2010

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Mar 16, 2010

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Apr 13, 2010

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May 29, 2010

I created a short animation for the first time yesterday, and I ended up drawing a few frames ouside the parameters of the stage. Now I want to adjust the position of the whole composition so that it all fits on the stage. Is there a way, like in photoshop with seperate layers, to select every frame and move them all simultaneously?

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Professional :: Fix Messed Up Timeline-can't View Frames?

Aug 3, 2010

I don't know what I did while working in a CS3 Flash document, but I cannot view the frames up in my timline bar. All I can see is the layers there - they take up the whole area and when I try to grab and drag the timeline to shorten the layers nothing happens. I must have hit something by accident

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Professional :: Add Music Looping Over And Over For 600 Frames, Then Stops?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a music track that I want continusuely playing and looping for until my 600 frames stop, then it stops. (by the way my frames/sec is a 1, not 24 like the default). Also it would be nice if in the last 5 seconds it could somehow fade away. How do I do this?

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Professional :: Resizing Certain Frames And Tweens On 1 Layer?

Nov 8, 2010

I have created a series of classic tweens in one layer starting on frame 30 through frame 60.  How can I shrink just those frames and scale the tweens with them so they are proportionate to what I had originally, without moving those frames over before frame 30?  So I want them to still start on frame 30 but I want to end at 47 now instead with the tweens still there and proportionate distances that I had originally set up?

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Nov 10, 2010

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[x] -100 --> [X] +100 --> [X]
When I copy the frames and paste them into a new document, the piece of paper "jumps" and the tween is not calculated. It's mangled.

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Professional :: Adding Buttons To Multiple Frames?

Nov 23, 2010

In CS5, I want to create a series of buttons that when clicked will linked to other frames in the same timeline. So one button will link to frame 5, one will link to frame 10, one will link to 15, etc. All the buttons will appear across the top of the stage on a layer, and I want them to appear on all of the frames so the user can click back-and-forth to the different frames/screens.
1. Is the best way to do this to just add the buttons to frame 1 and add a keyframe to the last frame in the timeline, frame 15, so they are copied to all the frames in between?

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