Professional :: Motion Preset XML File Not Found?

Apr 22, 2010

I created a custom Motion Preset, and saved the corresponding swf file to .../adobe/adobe flash cs4/Common/Motion Presets. When I looked for the xml file, nothing. The preset does show within the Motion Preset Panel under Custom, but no preview. I also search for the xml within the .../en/Motion Preset directory as this preset file may be hiding. I'm on a PC and all applications located within my Program Files directory.

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what am I doing wrong with the motion preset?  How can I save something into a preset and apply it to other things and have the animation work the way it was designed? 

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Motion Preset Not Displaying CS4?

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Use Button To Trigger Motion Preset On Movie Clip?

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Professional :: Unable To Preset Effects In Flash CS4?

Jul 15, 2010

while ago I made a created a basic effect in Flash CS4 whereby a selection of logos on my web-page gradually disappeared (in the same spot, not shrinking in size first or any other of the effects displayed in the motion presets) think this was done by some kind of preset but it doesn't seem to be in the motion presets panel. I can not seem to remember how it was done and I can't find the relevant settings. I don't know ActionScript so it was definitely a preset.Enclosed are some screen shots of the effect that I mean (stages every few seconds until they completely disappear).

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Feb 17, 2010

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Does not work. The difference is that the HeaderBackground is a class in the same project as the css file. That does compiel fine if I move the style into my mxml file though.

I wonder if the compiler uses different source paths when compiling the css fiels or something. This is in FlashBuilder 4 build 269271 SDK 13963

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import flash.filesystem.File;[code]....
 Error Message:-
1172: Definition flash.filesystem:File could not be found.1172: Definition flash.filesystem:FileMode could not be found.1172: Definition flash.filesystem:FileStream could not be found.5000: The class 'FileStreamLive' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.
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IDE :: CS4 New Tween - When Animate Or Apply A Preset Animation It Changes The Position Slightly?

Sep 23, 2010

I really like the new tweens and motion panel that Flash added in CS4 but I'm having some problems with them that I cant find a solution to.

1. When I animate or apply a preset animation it changes the position slightly. I do work where I need things positioned exactly where I put them. For example X:70 Y:210 but when I animate it might for example change it to X:70 Y:210.5 and to make it more confusing even if I animate a group of them at the same time it only does this to some things and not all. Also if I try to change the position back manually it doesnt always let me in the properties panel. I have to go to the Motion Editor and change it there frame by frame.

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Dec 19, 2011

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package demo{
import flash.display.*;
public class ABC extends Sprite{[code]............

Then I compile above code like following command,but it raise following error:

Loading configuration file C:sdkframeworksflex-config.xml Error: A file found in a source-path must have the same package structure '', as the definition's package, 'demo'.Where is wrong above command?

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Professional :: StageWebView Could Not Be Found?

Jan 19, 2011

I just put the code on the first frame. I'm getting an error saying could not be found. How do I use this?

using Flash Pro CS5
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Professional :: FontDescription Could Not Be Found?

Feb 5, 2011

I wanted to load an external swf file in to a FLA file i used the code
var my_Loader:Loader = new Loader();
var my_url:URLRequest=new URLRequest("external.swf");

but when it loads I get the error
flash Error #1014: Class flash.text.engine::FontDescription could not be found.
I googled but the only thing I found was to place
var font:FontDescription = new FontDescription();
font.fontName = "Arial";
in the actions (Yes Arial is the font I am using)
The external loads fine and runs with out any errors alone.

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Feb 17, 2010

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GotoAndPlay or loads a different swf, if the file can't be found.

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Feb 22, 2011

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The motion contained color, filter and / or 3D properties that cannot be applied to the selected objects(s). The unsupported properties were removed.

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Flash - Type Not Found In External .as File?

Jan 24, 2012

I have an issue using external as files. I'm working with a Flash Professional project in Flash BuilderHere is some code on the timeline (I got the code like this, don't have the time to abandon this practice because of deadlines):

import com.companyname.AwesomeClass;
include "";
And here's


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IDE :: Error - Trap If A Sound File Has Been Found Or Not

Jul 17, 2009

I need to be able to trap if a sound file has been found or not. At the moment Im using loadSound to load in the file, and onLoad to set the movie running when the sound has been loaded. I have 2 outcomes in the onLoad, one that saves a varaible saying the sound is there and one that says it isnt, if the file cant be found. The probelm is that onLoad doesnt wait to detect that a sound file is defintly there before firing off the failed to load command.

It does this several times while loading in a large mp3 as well. I need to check if the file is there or not as I have a onSoundComplete function that tells the movie to go to the next point when the sound completes. I still need the movie though to push on to the next point even if the file cant be found, which onSoundComplete wont. The outcome variables are my current way of telling the movie to move on if the file cant be found. But with onLoad so quick to jump the gun it reaches the code to move on to the next point before it starts to load the sound. Heres the code im currently using:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Terminate A Loop Once A File Is Not Found?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a loop that is running to display images of all my clients.So, the image names are client0.png, client1.png,client2.png and so forth.I have a movie clip that is duplicated and uses the Loadmovie command to call the images. The code I'm using looks like this.

var position = 0;
for (i=0; i<50; i++) {
emptyMC.duplicateMovieClip("emptyMC"+i, i, {_y:+position});
var position = position +150
loadMovie (""+i+".png", "emptyMC"+i);

It's working great! But I don't have 50 clients, so I was wondering if there was a way to terminate this loop once it was unable to find a file. Does it already terminate once the file isn't found? Every time I test, the output unfortunately tells me "file cannot be found blah blah blah" or whatever. And all I want to do in order to update this page is to upload another image to the server without going back into the .swf and changing the i<50 to the exact number of clients I have.

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Professional :: StageVideoAvailability Event Not Found In 10.2 Player

May 3, 2011

I  am using Flash CS5 to author an app that uses StageVideo. I am able to  successfully compile, but when playing back using Flash Player 10.2, the  following error is thrown:
VerifyError: Error #1014: Class could not be found.
The Player version is:, Debugger The  player is on a Mac mini with a Nvidia 320M chipset. It is able to  succefully produce accelerated stage video, but only when references to  the StageVideoAvailabilityEvent are removed.
Other details:I was able to add flash 10.2 support to CS5 by following these instructions:[URL]In Thibault Impert's comments in his article "Getting Started with Stage Video"[URL]  he seems to imply that this particular error can be avoided by setting  the compiler options -swf-version = 11. As I am authoring in CS5, I  believe that corresponds to the player version attribute of the Flash  10.2 xml file used for the flash player "Publish Settings" (<player  id="FlashPlayer10.2" version="11" asversion="3">). Is this correct?

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Professional :: Can't Always See The Path Of A Motion Tween?

Jan 12, 2010

after I create a motion tween, why is it that I don't always see the path of that tween? It seems that I've got to shuffle stuff around a bit before I actually see the colored path. Is there some trick to this?

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Professional :: Text Rendering With Motion?

Jan 18, 2010

I would like to ask the experts for help.  In a flash movie I want three lines of text where I want line1 to appear with a preset motion, then line2 directly below line1 to appear with a preset motion, then line3 directly below line2 to appear with preset motion.  I want to have the smallest possible fla file. 

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Professional :: Using Ease In The Motion Editor?

Apr 23, 2010

I really like the motion editor in CS4. A lot is easier than before, particularly working with ease. But I wounder how you use the custom curve when having a complicated motion with a lot of keyframes. In programs like AE it's easy to select a key and tell if it's going to be a easy in/out or both, and then I select next key and tell how that key should ease. In Flash CS4 I allways get a easy curve that range the entire tween. Is the workflow to brake everything apart so you tween every single motion, or is it another way doing it?

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Professional :: Where Did My Default Motion Presets Go

May 27, 2010

If I open the motion presets in the menu I get the window but a blank space and no list of presets, did I delete this somehow?

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Professional :: Motion Tracking Software?

Jun 30, 2010

im looking for any full body motion tracking software that is free or free to try. im trying turn my pc into something like microsoft kinect. if anyone knows of this please send me any info or a download link.

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Professional :: Tween Changing Motion On Its Own?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to move the instance in a particular path, but by the time I finish defining the entire path, the first few points all go astray. I then completed only 5 change points, but by then the 2nd, 3rd and 4th point were all astray, as in, not in the position I had originally defined them.

I am very frustrated with this as I have been working on this file for ages now, and nothing of this sort happened before. I have redone the tween atleast five times but it still acts weird by the time i move ahead a few frames.

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