Professional :: No Publish Button - AIR For IOS And Android

Jul 12, 2011

I upgrade Web Premium from CS5 to CS5.5. I have a big problem with publishing for mobile devices.When I am in Publishing settings I cany see buttons :OK, Cancel and the most important Publish. For OK I ken press Enter, for Cancel Esc, but it looks there isn't any key, which can be pressed as Publish. I am Mac user. My version of Adobe software is Polish. I tried reinstall all Web Premium, but it ist't working. What else can I do?

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Jul 24, 2010

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Professional :: Publish Android APK Files From CS5?

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1. Air 2.5 or greater (I've downloaded and installed 2.7 beta)

2. Android SDK (I've downloaded and installed)

3. Flash CS5 Android Extension (NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE)

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Professional :: Flash CS4 On Mac OS X - Cannot Publish Movies

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"Error creating SWF movie file. Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long."

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May 20, 2010

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Now, for the workaround I've discovered. To get Flash CS5 to publish an AIR 1.5 file, I first published an AIR 2.0 app. Then I went into the app descriptor xml file and changed the version from 2.0 to 1.5 <application xmlns=""> Then I deleted the xml nodes in that same file that are specific to AIR 2.0 (<visible>, <fullScreen>, <autoOrients>, <aspectRatio>, <renderMode>). I locked the app descriptor file so it couldn't be changed by the next publish. Then I deleted the previously created .air file and the .swf file. I then republished the app from CS5 and it was able to install under the publically available version of AIR (

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Mar 2, 2010

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Professional :: Publish Settings - Flash Player 11 And AS 3.0

Jun 25, 2010

Yes correct I'm talking about Flash Player 11, thats what it says in Flash CS5 software. Whatever I do in Publish Setting, Flash software always returns option to be Flash Player 11, I don't get this. I choose Flash Player 8 and AS 2.0 and re-open Publish Settings it is again back on Flash Player 11 and AS 3.0.
First screenshot
Second screenshot

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Flash :: Professional - Any Version Of (cs3-cs5) Will Not Publish File

Jun 30, 2010

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I am willing to send the file for testing of course, have tried to publish using Flash cs4 and Flash cs5. I thought of going back to Flash 8 by opening the file and saving to a previous version but as soon as i open the file in Flash cs3 (while the file has been saved as cs3) it will not open the file with an error message that i cannot remember right now.

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Professional :: Text Not Displaying Correctly On Publish?

Aug 4, 2010

I recently hired a programmer to design a flash health calculator for my website.  It works great and text shows up correctly when viewing online and standalone. The problem starts when I try to edit the file.  I wanted to change some text in an action layer.  That seems to work out fine but when I try to publish I get garbled text. 

I should also mention that when loading the file I get a Font Mapping dialog box stating "The document 'x' contains one or more fonts not available on your system.  The text will display and publish with the font mapping below:".  I have tried to select various fonts in this dialog box but still get garbled text. 
When I publish I also get this on the Output box: "Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts."

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Professional :: Flash MX, Publish As Quicktime Error?

Aug 10, 2010

I have Flash MX and Quicktime 7. All I want to do is publish my movie as quicktime. But when I do I get the error message, "The installed version of QuickTime does not have a handler for this type of Macromedia Flash movie". So... after a little digging I found out its a issue with flash 6, and changed the flash version to 5! But It still wont work! What on earth am i doing wrong?

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Professional :: Publish Settings With Dynamic File Name?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm having a little trouble with my publish settings setup.Let's say that I have a file called MyFirstAnim.fla under the folder AnimSource.Then, I set the swf publish path to ../AnimFinal/MyFirstAnim.swf, and everything is great.Now, I need another file almost identical the first one, so I copy MyFirstAnim.fla and rename it to MySecondAnim.fla.hen I publish the file my MyFirstAnim.swf (under the folder AnimFinal) got overridden.So, I removed the swf part of the publish setting, leaving just the relative path (../AnimFinal/).
Am I smart or not?

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Feb 13, 2011

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Feb 16, 2011

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Apr 1, 2011

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Professional :: Publish As An SWF File And Uploaded To Webpage?

Apr 13, 2011

I am working on an AS3 file for one of my webpages, in Flash it is 660 x 2800 pixels in size, which is relatively large, and to view the entire file contents i need to have a zoom level of 40%! Once publish as an SWF file and uploaded to my webpage, the file appears very small!! I expand the file to as large as possible on the webpage and the file still appears undersized. Obviously I wish it to fill the whole content area.

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Professional :: Live Stream Lag After Unpublish And Publish?

Aug 9, 2011

I am sending a live stream over the web. I'm testing its performance and reliability, and I've noticed that after unpublishing and publishing the stream again, the video becomes very laggy - about 1-2 fps. It happens when the player has buffer bigger than 0. When buffer is set to 0, everything is ok, and after a short break (the moment when stream is unpublished), video is being played normally, like before the break (fps ~25).

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