Professional :: Publish Android APK Files From CS5?

Apr 6, 2011

As far as I can understand you need three things to be able to publish Android APK files from CS5:

1. Air 2.5 or greater (I've downloaded and installed 2.7 beta)

2. Android SDK (I've downloaded and installed)

3. Flash CS5 Android Extension (NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE)

That's right, the last thing you need is no longer available because Adobe is rolling it into the next Flash version. So because I didn't get in on the prerelease with the extension...I'm just out of luck? That can't be right. How do you create APK files from CS5 when you can't get the extension? All of the tutorials out there for creating Android content from CS5 use this simple extension that seems to make everything so easy. What is Adobe's answer for creating APKs out of CS5 if you weren't part of the prerelease? They don't have the extension available anymore so there must be a way.

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"Error creating SWF movie file. Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long."

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May 20, 2010

For the record, I just want to say that I think it is totally absurd that Adobe shipped Flash CS5 with the ability to ONLY publish AIR 2.0 apps...which hasn't been publicly released yet. I've been working on an AIR app for several weeks and needed to upgrade from Flash CS3 to CS5 to take advantage of the new Text Layout Framework. Now, my app can't be installed by my customers because I can't publish for a version of AIR they can access!! How this decision got made baffles me. Adobe needs to be on top of their game these days and this blunder makes it that much more difficult to defend the Flash/AIR platform that I love so much. Flame over.
Now, for the workaround I've discovered. To get Flash CS5 to publish an AIR 1.5 file, I first published an AIR 2.0 app. Then I went into the app descriptor xml file and changed the version from 2.0 to 1.5 <application xmlns=""> Then I deleted the xml nodes in that same file that are specific to AIR 2.0 (<visible>, <fullScreen>, <autoOrients>, <aspectRatio>, <renderMode>). I locked the app descriptor file so it couldn't be changed by the next publish. Then I deleted the previously created .air file and the .swf file. I then republished the app from CS5 and it was able to install under the publically available version of AIR (

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