Android :: Created An App With Embedded Flash/.swf Files Such As Animations?

Jan 29, 2011

I understand that flash is quite new to android. Has anyone actually used flash in an android app? How did you do it and what do you recommend. I'm trying to embed flash animation into an app.

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Flash :: Integrating Animations Into Android Games

Jul 2, 2011

I'm developing a game and want to integrate some animations, I've thought about making them in Flash and integrating in Android, is it possible in general? If yes, does it make sense? How will it look in terms of user experience, performance and app size? What are other ways to create game animations in Android?

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Flash :: Android - Playing SWF Files Locally From Android Webview

Feb 21, 2012

What is the right way to view .Swf files that plays .Flv videos in Android? The code that I am using right now to enable Flash support in web view is


For the HTML file, I'm using swfObject. The problem is that I can open up the SWF file just fine from third party apps like SWF Player from the market. In addition, I can load up the HTML page from the browser by calling it directly through file:///. However, when I load it up using my webview, I'm stuck with a blank screen.

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Professional :: Flash AS3 Animations Freeze When Embedded In PowerPoint 2007

Jan 25, 2012

I am developing a product for schools including flash animations - swf files written in AS3 - for insert/embed into PowerPoint slideshows. Hundreds of customers are waiting. It is all working apart from one problem: when inserted/embedded in PowerPoint 2007 slideshows my animations freeze (sometimes) when you leave and return to a PowerPoint slide containing them.

I have found that when you show a PP2007 slide containing a flash movie, move on to the next slide and then return, (sometimes) the time-related Events (ENTER_FRAME, TIMER etc) have stopped being dispatched to AS3 code by Flash Player, freezing animations. Other Events such as MOUSE_MOVE, KEY_DOWN etc are dispatched to AS3 in random bursts. I have created a small flash program and PowerPoint slideshow to demonstrate the problem and put them on the web at: [URL].

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Android :: WebView Won't Play Embedded Flash Video?

Aug 22, 2011

I am testing on a Xoom device, running OS 3.2. The project is built (in Eclipse) using the 3.1 library.

I have the latest version of flash installed, and embedded flash plays fine in my tablet's browser.

If I create an activity like this:

WebView browser = (WebView) findViewById(;
browser .getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true);
browser .getSettings().setPluginsEnabled(true);


Then I hear the sound playing for the flash, but it shows up as a white box.

Similarly, any other page with embedded flash has the same problem. I've also tried making a string containing static HTML content, and loading that into the browser... but it has the same problem.

I've read every solution I could find online, from setting the view to invisible until the onPageFinish event is called, to extending the WebView class, and paining over it. I've tried reflection, to call hidden properties on the WebView's settings for enabling flash, etc. Nothing works.

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Professional :: Copying Animations Between Flash Files?

Mar 25, 2010

In Adobe Flash CS3, is there a way of copying a complex animation from one document to another, differently sized document and have it appear in the same relative position, i.e. bottom left of my stage?I created a growing flower for a 300x250px file, and I want to use it in a 728x90px file. It has many keyframes. I tried pasting in the frames, but it appears off stage. I need to move it upwards. Do I have to move the elements at each individual keyframe, or is there a way of moving it universally at one go?

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C# :: Creating Flash Files And Animations Programatically With Dot Net

Aug 16, 2011

Is there any Actionscript-C# API/Libraries available so that i can create a flash file via my C# program and manipulates the content of that (Ex : Add a motion tween animation to it). I have seen something similar to this in (to create promotions/ads)

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Finding Flash Files Embedded In Office Files

Jun 15, 2010

Can anyone improve on this? Requires Sysinternals Strings

date /T >N:output.txt
net use z: /delete
net use z: \svr-002


Basically it mounts a share as a network drive then runs through the share looking for swf files inside office documents.

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Javascript :: Detect If An Embedded Swf Is Created With Flex Or Flash?

Apr 15, 2011

Is there a way (in javascript) to detect if an embedded .swf was created with Flash Professional or Flex.We have a page with several tabs, each of which can contain an .swf.All tabs are defined within the same HTML file and the javascript framework calls a .rewind() and .play() on the swf when the containing tab becomes active.This works great on regular flash animation, making sure they start playing from the beginning when the tab is opened. On an swf created with Flex however, the rewind and play wreak havoc on the Flex framework and the application doesn't load.

The best way we've come up with to detect Flex is to count the number of frames the .swf has. With flex that's always 2. But this doesn't sound like the best way.We've also tried to add a callback method with ExternalInterface on the Flex application preinitialize event.Unfortunately this event is called quite late in the application startup and the javasctipt code checks the callback before the Flex code has added it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Created A Flash Banner With An Embedded Quicktime?

Jul 10, 2010

I've created a flash banner with an embedded quicktime .mov with Flash MX and published an html of it[URL]... in google chrome it does not work? In the other browsers it seems to load slowly,

My questions are:
1. How may I create a high rez flash that loads quicker?
2. What is up with Google chrome and flash?
3. Is there a better way of embedding flash?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Cs5 - Embedded Fonts Not Appearing In Created Textfields?

Mar 22, 2012

I would like to preface this wall of text by saying, I am very new at this. I may be missing something obvious. I'm working in Flash CS5 with Actionscript 3. I'm trying to use actionscript to create a textfield, and populate it with text. I've embedded my font in my project using the "Font Embedding" window. However, when the code to create the textfield is run, if "embedFont = true;", the font is invisible. The cursor still changes when hovering over it, so I know it's there. Or at least its text box is, I guess. Dynamic textfields with embedded text which are already on the stage seem to be unaffected.

I've tried changing the embedded fonts outline format, neither work. I've tried directly embedding the font with the "embed" tag via actionscript, but it doesn't seem to work with CS5, or I don't know what I'm doing. As you can see in the code provided, I've tried "registering" the font, with no success. I've tried using:


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Flash :: Embedding Swf File As Raw Files In Android

Nov 22, 2010

how to embed a file like this [URL] and play it in android. I m a beginner. So dont even know how to play video files.

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Android :: Can't Export Apk Files In Flash Builder

May 12, 2011

I'm developping a mobile application in Flash builder. So in Flash Builder Burrito , I was using the Flex Hero SDK 4.5.0 but they currently realesed the Flex4.5.0.20967.

I downloaded the zip file [URL]

I extracted it into a map on my C: drive. Then I opened my flash builder burrito. Added him by (Window>Flash Builder>Installed Flex SDK's. I his add and added my location.

This went very well. I changed my code with the new commands.

Next I wanted to test on my android phone but now my problem: I can't make any apk files anymore.

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Android :: Flash - Keep The .apk Files On Phone For App To Continue Working?

Jan 28, 2011

A considerable amount of space is used up by .apk files on my phone with apps which cannot be moved to the sdcard (Adobe Flash and Google Maps). In those directories, there are .apk files. Can I delete these to save space and have the application work as it did before?

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Flash :: Exporting Embedded Video Files?

Sep 4, 2009

I am new to Flash and this may sound, well dumb but here it goes.  I have taken some video files from Final Cut Pro converted them to FLV's imported them and embedded them into flash to create some banners for the web.  I need to know what settings I should use to get these out of Flash for the web. 
Also I need to send them to someone to look at before publishing.  What would be the best format to do that in and how to do it.
Also has anyone has any experience creating banners in or online ads in a Video format like FCP and embedding them into a flash file to export them in flash for we publishing.  Sorry again for the dumb question, just new to Flash.

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Flash :: Protect Images Embedded In Swf Files?

Jan 19, 2011

I need to protect images embedded in a swf file. I've noticed Swf Encrypt scrambles the images, like so:

How is something like this achieved ? How does image scrambling work ? I've noticed the image is stored a bitmap. Not sure how information is stored.I imagine it would be possible to use something like AS3SWF to access the content of a swf, but what would I need to change for the image swf tags ? I don't know much about security/obfuscation/encryption, so any tips will be handy. The programming language for this shouldn't matter much.

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Actionscript :: Flash Builder And Swc - Add Swc Files After The Project Is Created?

Dec 9, 2011

I just wanted to ask:

1) Is there a way to add swc files after the project is created

2) And is there a way to link some of assets in those swc to classes (for example link a ball asset to a class the implements its functionality. You can do that directly from flash pro CS5.5, but is there a way to do it in flash builder)

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JavaScript :: Embedded Flash MP3 Player Slow On Some Files

Jan 19, 2010

I am using a embeddable Flash based MP3 player (The standalone Version of Wordpress Audio Player, to be exact) to play audio on the web page of a client. Given the nature of Flash based players - AFAIK they all use Flash's audio/video decoding libraries - the exact player product might not matter, though. She complains that some specific audio files sometimes tend to play slowly, as if on a tape deck that doesn't run at full speed. Her machine is a 5 year old Sony Vaio with a 1.5 GhZ Pentium M Processor.

So it's not top of the line anymore but it should not have trouble decoding anything, let alone a MP3 audio stream. I can't verify the problem because we can't set up an audio connection (slow Internet on a remote island), nor can I reproduce it on my 3.3 GhZ dual-code Workstation, but this is a person whose error reports have seldom turned out unfounded in the past, so I tend to take them seriously. I see differences between the encodings of the MP3 files (see below). Any pointers towards which setting(s) to change?

This is what Winamp tells me about a file that is sometimes slow:
MPEG-1 Layer 3
128 Kbit, approx. 966 frames
48000Hz Stereo
CRC: Yes, Copyright: No

This is what Winamp tells me about a file that is never slow:
Encoder delay: 576, Zero Padding: 1584
MPEG-1 Layer 3
151 Kbit (VBR), 12405 Frames
44100Hz Joint Stereo
CRC: No, Copyright: No

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Flash :: Find Which Embedded Files Take Large Size In A Swf

May 5, 2011

How do I find which all embedded files are taking up sizes in a specific swf file. I am looking for something like Windirstat for swf files.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create External Files From A SWF/exe/app File Created In Flash?

May 16, 2011

I'm currently trying to find out how to create external files from a SWF/exe/app file created in Flash. Essentially I'm building a program to create templates for levels in a game. The SWF will be run locally (e.g. not online) and will allow the user to add/remove objects to a level of their design. They then need to be able to save the level template (ideally I need to be able to save as a JSON* file, but I'm sure I could get away with just a simple txt file) somewhere on their computer. These templates will them be imported by the game itself (not written in Flash, hence why I need to save the data as a json or txt file), which will then re-create the levels from the data contained in the save file.
I had assumed this would be something that was really simple to do, but I cannot seem to find any tutorials or information on how to create external files. I can find plenty on reading from existing external files, but nothing about actually writing a new file entirely. I have read a few people complaining that non-local Flash SWFs cannot access the user's hard drive for security reasons, but cannot find any information on local SWFs.
If anyone could tell me even roughly what I'm looking for, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm a bit stuck just now haha *I have downloaded the corelib files which allow me to work with JSON files

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Flash :: SWC Files Be Created In DEBUG Version By Using Conditional Compilation Constants?

Nov 8, 2011

Is there a way to compile SWC files in different targets (Debug vs. Release) similarly how you can compile a SWF file with the AS3 Conditional Compiler constants?

This link shows how SWF files can be compiled with predefined compiler constants:[URL]..

But I need to know how to achieve this with SWC files instead.

Note: I'm using FlashDevelop (Windows 7) to create the SWC (if that's any help to refine the answer).

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Flash 9 :: Detecting Modified/created Files In Windows (specifically Due To CS4 Installer)?

Nov 15, 2008

I am wanting to install flash CS4, but I want to know exactly which files and registry keys it creates and changes. Spybot informs me of all registry changes, but that is it.Is there any antivirus software or something that will tell exactly which files get changed, created, or deleted during a set period of time or by a specific program? Otherwise I could just search for all files that have been created or modified within the last 45 minutes,

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Actionscript 3 :: Load Multiple Nested Animations As A Separate Files?

Jan 28, 2011

In my project I used main document file, which could load multiple nested animations as a separate files. In the main document I had a global function, for example:


and in animations (could be nested) I just called it like:


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Professional :: Publish Android APK Files From CS5?

Apr 6, 2011

As far as I can understand you need three things to be able to publish Android APK files from CS5:

1. Air 2.5 or greater (I've downloaded and installed 2.7 beta)

2. Android SDK (I've downloaded and installed)

3. Flash CS5 Android Extension (NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE)

That's right, the last thing you need is no longer available because Adobe is rolling it into the next Flash version. So because I didn't get in on the prerelease with the extension...I'm just out of luck? That can't be right. How do you create APK files from CS5 when you can't get the extension? All of the tutorials out there for creating Android content from CS5 use this simple extension that seems to make everything so easy. What is Adobe's answer for creating APKs out of CS5 if you weren't part of the prerelease? They don't have the extension available anymore so there must be a way.

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Android :: Load Swf Files Without Using Webview?

Jan 30, 2012

Is there any way to load the swf files directly without use of webview..

Now i am trying to run swf files using webview but the swf file is very slow on device.

In short according to my procedure the flash file running on android device and tablet is very slow as compared to if i view this on my desktop pc.

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Flash :: Air Android App Always Launches In Portrait Mode Irrespective Of The Way The Android Device Is Held?

Jan 25, 2011

i have an AIR android app which i am running on an android device ( samsung TAB ). i want the app to get laid out in landscape mode when the user starts the app holding the device in landscape ( same goes with portrait ).

but the AIR app always gets started in portrait mode irrespective of the way the device is held.

i tried the following ways use stage.deviceorientation (but when the app starts (after the applicationComplete notification ) the value is UNKNOWN) use stage resize event. (this gets triggered at start itself, a manual resize is not required - the values are based on portrait mode though - the width is 600 and height is 1024 (should have been otherway) )

i get correct values when i try changing the orientation of device, only at the startup i see problem with the required values.

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Android :: Android Tablet Browser Flash Movie To Landscape When In Fullscreen Mode?

Oct 28, 2011

I have an as3 built osmf video player swf that we embed on a standard HTML page. When you touch the image the video automatically goes fullscreen and begins playing. Droid and Flash often break after changing back and forth between landscape and portrait while in fullscreen.(by break I mean freeze, where you can hear the video and use the controls, but everything is just a still frozen image, the redrawing fails).Can you lock the fullscreen orientation in html, javascript, or do you have to try to handle it inside the swf?

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Android :: Capture Video And Stream It To Flash Server On Realtime In Android?

Mar 14, 2012

I working on a project where the client side need to capture video and audio from the camera, use some library (proberly ffmpeg) to convert from mp4 to flv and send it to flash server on realtime,in the other side the client need to get flv and convert it to video type of android on real time. Is it possible to do?

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Android :: Frame Rate Is Very Low For Android Game Developed By Flash CS5?

Dec 29, 2010

I am porting my flash games on android. I have ported 3 successfully. But the problem with all of them is they are giving very low frame rate near about 7-8. And I have observed 1 thing that frame rate always varies. Sometimes it goes upto 45 and again in next frame it comes to 3-4 and again goes to 15-16.

I am quite confused. Please let me know if anyone is having any idea about this.

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Android :: Flash Inside Android WebView - How To Set Fullscreen Automatically

Apr 14, 2011

I am loading flash SWFs into an android WebView.I want the SWF to be instantly fullscreen and focused.The class name that handles flash is com.adobe.flashplayer.FlashPaintSurface .

Watching the log, when I fullscreen the flash manually, it calls com.adobe.flashplayer.FlashPaintSurface.toggleFullScreen()The first part of my question is, How can i call that method manually for my flash swf? Note that with a webview with a flash embedded, the only way i seem to be able to fullscreen it properly (to have flash's surfaceview fullscreen instead of the flash being displayed over top of the webview view) is by touching the screen with two fingers until an interface pops up at the top of the screen, and doesnt happen reliably.For focus, inside my webview class I call

protected boolean drawChild (Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) {
if (child.getClass().getName().equals("com.adobe.flashplayer.FlashPaintSurface")) {


This doesnt set the focus as I thought it would. Although i assume, if fullscreened properly, the flashpaintsurface should give itself focus. But if if the first part is not doable, i would wonder at least to not have to give focus to the SWF by clicking on it on startup.

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