Professional :: Reduce Mp3 File Size?
Dec 24, 2011
So I have this .fla file that a freelancer made for me before. I noticed that the mp3's he imported have really low size of about 800kb only for each sound. When I sent this songs to him, they were in WMA files and have 3MB size each. I noticed that the file location says "program files/total video converter/...", so I assume that he used the Total Video Converter software to convert the WMA to MP3. But how was he able to make the size to only 800KB? Because I tried other converters and the size doesn't change significantly. Lastly, I noticed that it says in the properties "50.0% of original" and the use imported mp3 quality is checked! Also, since the above situation has a WMA file. How about if I already have the mp3 file? How can I reduce the size?
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Jan 25, 2010
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