Professional :: Resizing Flas That Were Saved For A Cd Rom?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a client who has a Flash project that was used for a cd rom. The flas are 1000 x 1043. I need to know the best way to be able to save the entire presentation for the web. I already tried re saving the flas publishing in percentage that doesn't work. If I make the actual stage smaller the mc's and all dimensions would have to be made smaller manually am I correct.

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May 4, 2010

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Professional :: Freeze Up When Copying And Pasting Between FLAs In CS5.5?

Jun 7, 2011

I am very frequently having Flash CS5.5 freeze up whenever I try to copy and paste Library content between two different FLAs. The object I'm copying is usually a Movie Clip with some child Movie Clips.The larger or more complex the FLA you're pasting into, the worse the problem seems to be.I''ve experienced this on two different systems, Both Macs running 10.6.7.The problem is bad enough that it renders 5.5 unusable.

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Professional :: Last Changes Not Saved?

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running Win7x64,  24 GB Ram,  GTX 580

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Professional :: Signature Preferences (AIR) Are Not Saved In The Fla File?

Jul 17, 2010

- I create a new fla file in Flash CS5 Professional,- I go to publish settings and select AIR2 as the target- I click the Settings button on the rightThese settings are supposed to be saved with the fla file, since all of them are related to the project.Application name, icons, files to include, etc, are all preferences related to the fla file of which you are editing the settings.However, when you go to the "Signature" tab and select a digital certificate to sign the air application with, this setting will NOT be saved into the file.Instead, whenever you publish ANY air application, it will use by default the lastcertificate you have used, even if you used it to publish _another_ application.That is absurd, because this is a tab within the "publish settings" and all publish settings are specific to a fla file.

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1) How do I make an editable form?
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3) How do I make it so my client will be the only one who can edit this?

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Professional :: Make The .psd Or .jpg [as Saved From Photoshop] Be Editable In Flash?

Oct 9, 2011

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Jul 22, 2011

I have a problem with SharedObject. I created SharedObject using AS2.0 it's working fine.... my question is can it possible to store the variable values in an .txt file where the flash file is saved... basically the SharedObject will store the vallues in localdrive with file extention. not only using SharedObject if any other way to store the vaules in .txt file will be helpfull for me... my requirement is to store the the position of the swf file and when the time it reopen, it should start from previous position.

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Professional :: Button File Opens In Saved Location / But Won't Open In New Location

Aug 21, 2011

I created a simple button that displays an error messeage: "error opening 'url" when I test the movie, but does play and opens in browser after publishing. However, it won't open in the browser in a different location. I pasted the html code in a web page but it doesn't work there nor opens in the browser in a differnet location from where it was originally published and saved. Why is that?

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Feb 2, 2012

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Dec 21, 2011

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Using Same Shared Objects Across Multiple FLAs?

May 4, 2010

I am creating a small game for a project im doing it is only ten levels long but I wish to include feature such as saving etc. I have one some research on Shared Objects and it seems to be the best method. The idea I wish to execute is to have at the end of a level after reaching the levels goal have a piece of code that runs and saves that the next level has been unlocked. This seems relatively simple. However i have done things awkwardly i think, instead of creating the whole game within a single fla. each level is a seperate file, eg. level1.fla, level2.fla etc. Is it possible to use the same shared object across multiple .fla's?

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Good Check In/out System For FLAs?

May 22, 2009

We have several people that touch Flash files at my company.oes anyone know a good way to make sure we're not opening the same file at the same time?Sort of like how Word will prompt you with a choice of opening as read only or how Dreamweaver lets you check files in and out.Is there anything like that for Flash?

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Nov 18, 2009

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Mar 29, 2010

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Nov 1, 2010

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Professional :: Resizing A Swf After Its Been Created In Flash?

Feb 8, 2010

Is there anyway of resizing a swf after its been created in flash?
My document size of my animation is 520px width by 680px height... when i resize this as an embedded swf in an html page (through source coding) to 382px width by 400px height.. the animation does not flow properly and there are occasional jerks... its not fluid.
Is there an easy way to do this in flash after its been created? Or am i going to have to start from scratch with the proper document size?

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Professional :: Image Resizing In Flash?

Jun 8, 2010

I was wondering if anyone knew how to scale pictures when doing a website  in FLASH. I am creating a flash based website for a friend. I have done all the  links and it works greatThe only thing is that the images increase as  the web browser is maximised.I would like it to decrease as the web browser is decreased, but to  increase to a certain size 900 x 651, and stay that size no matter how  big the browser is increased by.

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Jul 27, 2010

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Professional :: Resizing Issue Using PageFlip 2.25?

Sep 18, 2010

I am running into an issue using the free version of PageFlip I'm trying to resize the flash file, but when I do, the mouse rollover in the corners appears on the opposite corner of the current page.  I was able to get everything to work OK at one size, but after I resized the stage and all the other elements the problem showed up.  I have examples posted at the links below.  The first the page is sized to 600 pixels (which worked); the second is sized to 720 pixels (with problems).[URL]..

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Aug 2, 2011

I am having a slight issue, i have created a flash file 800 x 600,But i need to split it into half... i already have animations on both halfs which overflow to the off screen,Is there a way of cutting the content in half via width (400x600)? (im uploading the content into a system which requires it in 2 halfs and also if i have any content off screen is messes up...)

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Batch Changing SWF Publish Settings For Hundreds Of FLAs

Jun 17, 2009

I've updated action script for a huge number of .flas to AS3 but forgot to change their Publish Settings to Flash Player 10 and AS3.  "MovieClip(this).stop" for example does not work in their swfs.

Is it possible to change these settings by batch processing all of the .flas at once?  (Through a Mac Automator droplet or text editing the .flas, etc...or ___?)

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Identifying Naming Conflicts When Consolidating .flas?

Jun 27, 2009

Over the past years I have created many different .fla's of aircraft panels( ie. hydraulic panel, electrical panel, pressurization panel, etc.)  Each .fla has only one panel in it.  Each panel is a movieclip and made up of movieclips, graphics, etc.  It has it's own code built in and the idea was to be able to copy the panel from the original .fla to a new .fla, that contained other panels, and together would become part of a training program for the company. No I wasn't smart enough to uniquely name each asset(switch, guage, light, etc.). I did avoid the default names like symbol1, symbol2, etc.
Now I need to take each of the panels from the individual .fla's and put them into one larger .fla to act as a single library for all the panels.  This single .fla will become the master Library that I will link all future .fla's to.  As you would guess I get the "One or more library items already exist in the document:" message when I try to copy and paste a panel(movieclip) into the new .fla.
Question:Is there an easy way to identify specifically which items are in conflict  without having to do a direct comparison between each of the libraries?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load / Unload FLAs - External SWFs

May 12, 2008

I am loading external SWFs on my main flash file. For every External SWFs: They also have multiple levels. There is a base SWF and then 5 levels of other external SWFs there. So- i load an external SWF on my main flash and that external SWF also has its own external SWFs.


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Professional :: Resizing Animation And Tween Movie?

May 27, 2010

ive made a flash banner 1000x500 with lots of objects tweening etc etc photos fading in and out,and ive being told to resize the banner size to 800x300but im having trouble when i do that,is there a way to get the everything that ive done into the 800x300 with out having to move all my objects around again and resizing each pic individualy,or do i have to start it from scratch again??

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Professional :: Resizing A Buttons Clickable Area?

Aug 22, 2010

I am trying to make a brain anatomy game in flash CS3 and I am having some difficulty getting the buttons to respect certain proportions. Allow me to elaborate.


And then I bring it into photoshop and make a different layer for each different structure (in the screenshot I only did it for one structure but you get the point)
Now what I would like to do is import my .psd file into flash and make every layer a different button. But I don't know of a way to view layers of a .psd file in flash. But here's the bigger problem. As you can see, it makes the "clickable" area for the button a rectangle shape.


Whereas I would like for it to be the shape of the specific structure. If the clickable area is a rectangle then there is an overlap onto other structures which is not at all ideal. Especially when I get into smaller structures. What I want is for the button to be exactly like the layer in photoshop.

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Professional :: Resizing Certain Frames And Tweens On 1 Layer?

Nov 8, 2010

I have created a series of classic tweens in one layer starting on frame 30 through frame 60.  How can I shrink just those frames and scale the tweens with them so they are proportionate to what I had originally, without moving those frames over before frame 30?  So I want them to still start on frame 30 but I want to end at 47 now instead with the tweens still there and proportionate distances that I had originally set up?

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Professional :: Resizing Text Messes Up Alignment?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm using the following code to resize user input text when it gets too long for the textfield. The resizing seems to work fine but when it resizes it it becomes left aligned and is outside the textfield. I only see the end of the text. It's as though it's centering to the cursor instead of the text. If I use the arrow keys to back up the text it snaps into the center of the textfield like it should have been from the start.[code]

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