Professional :: Volume And Seek Bar Handles Missing From Video Player?

Dec 13, 2010

I am creating a custom flash video player for my friend's wife's surprise 40th birthday party. I was progressing through and everything was working fine, but now the seekbar and volume bar handles are completely gone. I was working on doing some buttons to load each video segment when I realized the missing handles. My actionscript is below:

var flvPlayer:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();addChild(flvPlayer);
flvPlayer.playButton = playbtn;  flvPlayer.pauseButton = pausebtn; flvPlayer.seekBar =


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(pseudo streaming)
Server side is ready. I can call videos like videourl.flv?start=xxx but cant play them in player cuz video comes without metadata
To sum up:
1."vidurl.flv"); works, video plays
2. user clicks to seek bar. on unloaded part. I get the position and convert it to seconds"vidurl.flv?start=10");
Doesn't work! No metadata what I should do after?

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Professional :: Bezier Handles In CS4 For Motion Editing?

Jan 5, 2010

I have watched movies of people using the motion editor, I have read books, I have even consulted the cursory help that Adobe offers. Nothing I do generates Bezier handles that i can see, although the motion lines show evidence of bezier-liek modification. What happens seems largely random.

Just as random is the scatter of keyframes. Put a symbol on the stage. Add a motion tween, Move it to a new location: fine, it works. Bend the path, and look in motion editor: suddeenly, dozens fo keyframes. Prod them with the mouse and they distrot, but with no obvios controls. Shift moves them, Cntl deletes them, Alt does god knows what, but evokes the path edit tool from Photoshop.

The documentation on this package is extremely poor. However, self-teaching is impossible as the system is not at all intuitive. If you don't know that you are supposed to toss salt over your left shoulder whilst pushing Alt-Scroll Lock, you don't see what tehbooks describe. But they always leave out that little detail. Adobe's videos are of the same style - too smallto seeproperly, all done at a tremendous pace by a laconic individual with the teaching capabilities of a firing squad.

So: please, ayone, how doo you get the Bezier handles to appear? Where does one find a decent set of documentation? Why does Flash help keep referring to Illustrator?

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Flex :: HSlider As Player Seek Time

Nov 15, 2010

How can I convert the hslider data format from decimal into an H:M:S?

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Professional :: Video Doesn't Play In Authoring Player, Does Play In Debug Player

Nov 8, 2010

I just updated to CS5 - I'm working on a custom video player. It works fine embedded in a web page both locally and on the network. It works fine in the debug player. However, when I test it in the authoring player I get a NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound error and no video. I have tried setting the Local Playback Security publish settings to both local and network - doesn't find the video either way.
It used to run fine in CS4 in the authoring environment.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Flv Video Seek Bar Control?

Aug 3, 2009

i am working in Flash AS2. still now i want one flv video play back with seek bar control animation script (not a Flvplayback component).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Seek Bar For An Embedded Video?

Nov 19, 2010

Does anyone know of any tutorials that explain how to make a seek bar with a handle that will be linked to the main timeline, so that when you move the handle the animation will move too, e.g. if you drag the handle to the centre of the bar then it will skip to the middle of the animation?

I currently have a handle that move on the x axis with in a set boundary, but not sure how to link it to the main timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Scrubber/Seek Bar?

May 11, 2009

I'm looking for a tutorial on the interwebs to create a scrubber for the length of a movie clip.For example:If a movieclip is 300 frames long, the beginning of the scrubber would be Frame 1 and the end would be Frame 300 with Frames 2-299 in the middle.I'd like the user to be able to scroll through the movie much like a Quicktime VR

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Seek To A Not-yet-loaded Second In

May 11, 2009

I'm using and I'd like to be able to seek arbitrarily within the video. seek() works unless the given time isn't yet loaded, in which case the video hiccups and continues playing normally. I'd like it to seek to the specified second even if it's not yet loaded, loading/buffering as necessary. I've tried seek() and play() and haven't been able to make this work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Incredible, Ridiculous Video Lag When Using Seek()?

Oct 5, 2010

I'm working on development of a medical training app and have come across a stumbling block I can't work out. I'm using FlashCS5, and AS3.Basic setup is this:

- 1 flvplayback with an H.264 MP4 loaded into it, stock controller

- 1 standard UILoader with a jpeg put into it

The jpeg still image is a sideview of a medical image, and the idea is that the user can move their mouse over this image and move the corresponding movie to a certain timecode. The full width of the image maps directly to the length of the movie clip, i.e. if you put your mouse on the very left of the still image, you are at 0 seconds of the movie, all the way on the right will be 49 seconds.

So, attached to my UILoader I added a simple routine that gets the mouseX, does some basic math to determine how far into the movie we should go, and sets the movie to that time.The problem is that using playheadTime, seek(), or seekSeconds() gives me incredible lag. You can move the mouse on the still image and the output window shows instantaneous reporting of the proper calculated time, but the movie itself might take 5-10 seconds to actually move to that time.

The movie has been rendered out using the CS5 Media Encoder and has a keyframe every 1 sec.Here is a link to a screen capture I did to show the problem. As you can see, using the standard controller is pretty responsive, but my other method is unusable. This happens locally as well, with the movie being fully loaded instantly.

h t t p:// (1MB, quicktime)

Partial code, very basic:

ActionScript Code:
screenImageView.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, pullbackJump);
public function pullbackJump(e:MouseEvent):void {


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Professional :: Bug In Adobe MAX Video Player?

Oct 26, 2010

fix bug in your MAX video player. Visit[URL] have error dialog at Adobe MAX online page (flash player).I have FlashPlayer debugger. It show error when all loadings is done (only one time). I just click "Dismiss all" and error dialog is never appearing.


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