Professional :: Asp Code Form To Flash

Jul 19, 2010

I have an asp form code, that i need to recriate in flash.knowing that the languiage has a few differences (I am unfortunatly not a coder), is there any trasnlator i can use? can enyone give me a hand trasnlating the code bellow to flash code?[code]

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Creating The Form And Coding The Flash Code?

Sep 21, 2009

I have recently created a flash website and on the contact page i wanted to put a form that would send the information the put in directly to email. After creating the form and coding the flash code which is below i coded the php file and loaded it to my webserver to see if it worked (the webserver supports php scripts) I am not recieving any emails from the form can any one look over my code and tell me my problem.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code For A Contact Form In Flash?

Oct 7, 2010

I am working on the code for a contact form in flash. I don't get any errors, but, I can't get the code to do certain things. The code shows the "thank you for inquiry" within the "status" box but it will not show when an e-mail, name or comments" are not input. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here's the code.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code For Making A Contact Form On Flash CS4?

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I want to make a contact form on my website so that when the user types info into the input textboxes I have and presses the SEND button, the message will automatically send, instead of opening up their mail service and having them manually send it.[url]...

And it worked, but when I tested it, it just when to my Outlook and had already entered everything in the subject and message, but I had to manually send it.[code]...

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Jan 31, 2010

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Mar 3, 2010

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Jan 10, 2011

I'm basically trying to create a subscription form where the user types in their email address in a text field which logs the information and pulls up a URL when the submit button is clicked.Right now,I only know how to create a button which links to a URL. I'd like it a little more interactive. How can I do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Contact Form Code Error?

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I was surprised to see the following message when opening a flash CS3 fla in CS5
Slides and Forms documents are not supported in this version of Flash. open in a previous version.
Is there any known work around to be able to maintain a Forms flash project in CS5?
How long will CS3 or CS4 be supported?

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I love Flash CS5 and working with the AS3 package yet I have done everything and now I am stuck at the most frustrating part - I want to add contact forms to  my site and its now allowing me to add another form, brings up errors as follows:

Scene 1, Layer 'Action Script', Frame 291, Line 3 1021: Duplicate function definition. 1st Code that works fine send_details.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendData); function sendData(evtObj:MouseEvent):void{ trace (fullnames_txt.text); trace (email_txt.text); trace (contact_numbers_txt.text); trace (postage_details_txt.text); trace (message_txt.text); var [code]....

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Feb 9, 2012

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code Verification Form - Random Text Generator

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I want to make a code verification form. Those forms that generate an image which you have to read and type down the code in it. I want to have AS generate a random set of letters and numbers in an unselectable textField. That will be the generated bitmap (not a bitmap actually, but... ). I also want that randomly generated set of letters and numbers to be written down in a variable so that I can compare the variable with the input field of the user to test if it is ok. How to randomly generate that?

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Apr 18, 2007

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Form Inputs - Form Doesn't Function?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a super involved and somewhat silly site I've been working on for a long time piecing together fragments of AS2 code and modifying them to the best of my limited ability.The site is here:http:[url]....I am finally adding the last steps, a series of contact forms with a PHP script in the back end. Anyway, I implemented a form script and have it triggered by clicking the "CONTACT" button you can see on the lower bar. So, click contact and once the form opens (an external SWF loaded into an MC), type away and everything works fine unless you use the letter "f" in either upper or lowercase. It causes the screen to flash and for the form input to lose focus.It works (in that you can enter everything normally -- the form doesn't function, but that's just the PHP which I have yet to edit.)

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PS: I don't want to use flash's ExternalInterface

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Flash :: Professional - Import PDF In Cs5 Via AS 2 Or 3 Code

Sep 25, 2011

1) How to import the pdf in flash page by page through AS code ( i have done google alot and find totally irelevent stuffs) i am not intrested to use any software to create the magazine because none of the software is 100% fulfills my requirment

2) I have done the code with the images and xml but i was stuck on zoom in and zoom out function

3) I need to create the bottom bar functionality

i have checked out the [URL] but it is for generating the PDF that i did not need

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Jan 15, 2010

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Flash :: Professional - Add Tracking Code To A Website?

Aug 7, 2010

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Note, in my template a part of each page is found in different symbols. For example, the first column of every page is located in a symbol called PAGES1 and the second column of every page is located in a symbol called PAGES2, and the third column located in PAGES3. Different layers within each symbol correspond to the different pages. So I'm at a loss of how I could get this tracking code to be able to track each page visit, since each page shares a symbol with another page.

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Professional :: Code A File Upload For In Flash?

Jul 30, 2011

The title says it all. Anyone know how I would code a file/pic upload form in flash. I have seen examples that you can use php. However I have tried the php/java I designed for my dreamweaver sites. I think It's time I get with the real designers and us flash for my websites.

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Nov 1, 2011

would like to display an image in flash.can i do sth like this in flash<img src="" border="1" />

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Media Server :: (.asc) Enable Code Hinting And Highlighting In Either Flash Professional Or Flash Builder

Oct 26, 2011

Problem: I would like to enable code hinting and highlighting in either Flash Professional or Flash Builder when developing an Actionscript Communications File (.asc). Steps Taken: Searched Google with limited success, most signs all pointed to [URL] where one may obtain an Eclipse Plugin, but:It was created in 2007 (likely out dated)It has known bugs that haven't been addressedSearched this forum / adobe's web site to find a solution, to no avail.Posted this, now, in an attempt to put this to rest Request: how I can enable FP or FB to give code hints / syntax highlighting

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Apr 21, 2010

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Professional :: Make Code Hinting Work In Flash CS5?

May 1, 2010

I would like to use code hinting in the flash CS5 IDE.But the IDE is constantly building the code hinting cache, so i cant use it?

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Professional :: Flash CS5 - Unable To Get AS3 Code Hinting To Work

May 24, 2010

I have a trial version of the Adobe Flash CS5 installed on my machine and I am unable to get code hinting to work when I'm working on AS3 files. I've tried doing the reg fix from Lee's blog but still can't get it to work. I've also tried deleting the Flash regkey and the configuration folder but still can't get it to work.

Specs:Windows 7 64
Intel Core 2 Duo E7200

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