Professional :: Best Practices For Loading Swf's

Oct 27, 2010

Using CS5 AS2.I'm creating a website in flash (all the files will be in one directory/folder on SharePoint) and want to make sure that what seems to be working fine is best practice.I have an index.swf with many buttons which will take the user to landing pages/content/other swfs. On these different buttons I have the script [code]The movie transitions nicely to name.swf and on this page I have a button that returns the user to the index.swf on (release) {loadMovieNum("index.swf", 0);}Things move back to index.swf nicely and user can chose to go to another landing page.It looks like I'm on the right track, bc nothing is going awry? but want to check. Am I following best practices for moving from one swf to another within a website?

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stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, downHandler);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, downHandler);
// traces 'true'


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TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.  at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChildAt()  at fl.controls::BaseButton/drawBackground()  at fl.controls::LabelButton/draw()  at


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Nov 13, 2010

this.stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal; with that line of codedoes stage mean the loading of the entire swf is monitored or the loading of objects which are used on the stage are monitored? can specific objects (say a specific movie clip) be targeted?can externally used AS scrips be targeted? and what does "this" doe

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Professional :: Loading SWF And Disappearing FLV?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm having trouble loading a SWF that contains a FLV movie into another SWF.
Here on its own is the SWF that I want to load:
You'll see that the movie and the controls appear and work properly.
Here is the SWF in to which I want to load it:
If you click the white rectangle at the bottom, it will load comback.swf into Level 1 but the FLV and the controls are missing. (Somtimes the FLV appears w/o the controls.)

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Apr 6, 2010

I am facing a problem while loading an swf into an mxml application. I have loaded a swf file into my flex application using SWFLoader as below<mx:SWFLoader id="s1" source="dummy.swf" /> This SWF is created using Macromedia Flash 8 instead of Flex. I want to control this externally loaded swf.I am exposing an interface created to control this swf! What i am doing is using System Manager class as follows: public var mySWF:SystemManager;private function initApp():void {mySWF = SystemManager(myLoader.content);} However i am getting the following error: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::AVM1Movie@206ed41 to mx.managers.SystemManager.
Is there any solution to this?

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Apr 10, 2010

I want to import an external swf file into my page, ive used the standard loadMovieNum as an action on the frame, however when I run the program i found that it interferes with the rest of the page, meaning it goes over the rest of the page. I have a drop down menu, and it means that the text loaded into the counter overlaps the drop down menu, is there any way of making it so that the movie being loaded into the counter does not overlap the rest of the page?

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May 3, 2010

I have the following code:


In another function I have the following:

myText.htmlText = pageDetails.text;

Now, if I uncomment the above (and pull out the previous definition of pageDetails), everything works just fine. However, if I leave the comment, it throws the following error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at DeltaMain/Text()    at DeltaMain()

Now, the file pageDetails.xml does exist in the appropriate folder with the following, essentially identical to the above comment:

<PAGE name='index'>  <DETAILS>This is the home page.</DETAILS></PAGE>

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May 11, 2010

I have six buttons, and I want each one to display a corresponding externally loaded swf, 01.swf, 02.swf.
It works fine, except that sometimes swfs load up, and sometimes they don't.  For example, if I hit button 6, the 06.swf loads.  but if I hit button 6 after hitting 3 other buttons, SOMETIMES 06.swf loads, other times it doens't and I get an error that relates to the removeChild
var loader2:Loader = new Loader();
function showVid (evt): void {
if ( == true) {this.removeChild(loader2);};


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May 26, 2011

I have built a website that contains two flash galleries on two separate pages.Each .swf galllery is meant to call a separate xml, loading the relevant text and images.The galleries work perfect when using Firefox-windows, Firefox-mac and Safari and on my local machine(macbook)The galleries do not work using IE-windows, the problem being it loads both galleries with the same xml. [URL]

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Oct 9, 2011

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Professional :: Regarding Loading A Number Into Fla?

Nov 3, 2011

Have not been here for year. Things have changed.I am strating a little research on a little project I am interested in doing.It seems like a totally easy task, and I am already finding a lot of info.I also hope I am posting in the right place... please direct me if I don't.Bottom line of my question:I need to load to flash a number from an external txt file that gets update every 20 seconds and show the change (in the swf). That's pretty much it.
I havnt played with actionscript in years, but since it seems as an easy task I though it won't hurt to ask for directions here while looking and searching.

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