Professional :: Change Response Area Of MOUSE_OVER Event On A Line?

Aug 11, 2010

I have some lines that I am assigning actions to upon MOUSE_OVER    
The problem is that they are relatively small and kind of finicky to get the mouse directly over.  When the mouse_over event occurs, I am changing their color to indicate they've been selected.
Is there a way I can change how sensitive they are to the mouse over event (i.e. detect MOUSE_OVER within 10 pixels of each MC or something)?
Here's the code I am using to asign the listeners and then to create a MOUSE_OVER event.


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Detect MOUSE_OVER On A Line

Aug 9, 2010

I have some trails data that I am adding to an interactive map. The trails were imported from Illustrator and are lines that have been converted to movieclips upon import. I'd like to add effects and some interactivity to the lines upon click and mouse_over.  The difficult piece is that Flash treats movie clip like a box making it dificult to click on just the trail you'd like info for.  For example, if there are two trails next to one another, clicking on the one you want can be difficult.

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first of all sorry for my english. I'll try to be precise. I have few movieclips, lets call their instance names mc1, mc2, mc3.they are not buttons, just movieclips. I also have dynamic text field with instance name "description".

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ActionScript Code:
mc1.relatedText = "This is mc1";
mc1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, displayText);


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PHP Code:
item1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, backover);function backover (e:MouseEvent):void this.item1 .gotoAndStop(2);} 


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//box wip
MainBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, Box_Expand);
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Are there any alternatives to the MOUSE_OVER event? I was thinking about maybe drawing a rectangle that covered the area of the music player but was separate to the music player, so whenever the mouse was within the rectangle's x and y coordinates the MusicPlayer would become visible.

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the code:

ActionScript Code:
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
container.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;


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## Soap Response ##
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<SOAP-ENV:Header/><SOAP-ENV:Body><getUserUserTasksResponse xmlns="">


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public function GlobalSolutions()
Navigation(' Home ', 'index', 235, 0x97F9EC);
Navigation(' Office Supplies ', 'Office_Supplies', 295, 0x97F9EC);

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stage.stageWidth = 200;

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Php :: Dynamically Change An Image From An Admin Area?

Mar 9, 2011

Here's the deal: I am working on a site that provides information for art buyers. Pricing, where to buy and things like that. The page is done in php, mysql, and some jQuery here and there.One of the things they want to implement is a live stream of auctions. What they want is something like this:Where on the left you'd see the stream -instead of the black block- and on the right, the image of the work that is currently being sold, with the artist name, title and price. That's what The image on the left should change as the auction progresses.What I need is to have and option in the admin area on the page, where the administrator can select the image to display. So, to implement this, I would need to:Connect to the database to get the information: pictures, data, etc.

Loop trough the record to get a list. From that list, the user will select the image he wants shown on the webpage.Have the admin area send the image to be displayed to the page, and have the page change it dynamically, without the user having to refresh the page.The first two points are no problem, what I'm not quite sure how to do is the third one. Flash? Some from of Javascript? I leaning towards flash, but anything will do. I'm sure what I'm asking for is nothing that hasn't been done before, but my google-fu has failed me on this one. I don't need copy and paste code, if you could point me to a tutorial on this, or the basics tools I'd need, that's great.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Change A Buttons Hit Area?

Jun 4, 2003

Is there anyway to dynamically change a buttons hit area?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Triggered In A Certain Area By Moving An Object?

May 22, 2010

i am trying to have a change in a property of an object, when this object `touches` the area of another object. Let s say, i have a car; when the car arrives on a ball(bcs i have a path), i want that ball to change the alpha transp. I don t want to use the I cant use the Mouse Event listener....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Transparency Of Background Dynamically Within An Area?

Dec 13, 2011

I have two backgrounds on different layers, and an object that can be dragged around. What I want to happen is that an area around the object should be transparent so you can see the background behind the first background, and when the object is moved, the transparent area should also move. Kind of like a "see-through" effect.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Limit Cursor Change To Stage Area?

Aug 28, 2009

I have a Flash interaction where I exchange the cursor for a hand holding a flashlite mc. The entire stage is black. The cursor drags a mask around that illuminates a small image in another mc on the stage that the user has to find (illuminate).2 problems

1. When the mouse is rolled outside the stage, the custom cursor is still visible.

2. When imported into Captivate 3, and I move outside the stage and over buttons for navigation, the cursor is no longer visible, for the rest of the Captivate movie.

Desired functionality:Custom cursor to be visible only when on the stage area and the normal cursor to be visible outside the stage area. The stage area is 400x330.[code]

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I'm having trouble with a custom mouse cursor. In my script I replace the original mouse with a movie clip called hand like so:

hand.x = stage.mouseX;
hand.y = stage.mouseY;

But when I go to click on something it uses the mouse's pointer still. I'd like to be able to drag with any part of my custom cursor(which is larger than a mouse).I've tried making a hit box that detects when the mouse is near the clip but it doesn't work onsistently(sometimes it just clicks like normal).Is there to make the clicking area of the mouse change?

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Is it possible to change the border color of a text area in as3?Also, in what ways is a textarea different from a multiline text field?

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